"Don't bluff me, old man. We are not afraid of you. He, yes, he, is a Taoist priest who can kill Yaksha!"

Although he has been in this strange world for some time, Meng Fei has never seen such a strange scene of an old man with human skin.

He was so scared that he even blocked Gu Liu in front of him. Gu Liu leaned back crazily and said to Meng Fei with his head tilted, "Hey, don't bring me with you when you brag!"


Seeing this scene, the two black hole eyes of the old man with human skin seemed to see it clearly, and he laughed boldly at the two of them.

The laughter sounded very powerful, not like an old man with only human skin left, but like the laughter of a young and strong man.

This inevitably made the two doubt the identity of the old man with human skin before his death, and his current strange state of being neither alive nor dead made the two even more curious.

But after the human-skinned old man smiled, the two of them vaguely realized that he did not seem to be hostile.

"Don't be nervous, I am already a human skin that can only talk. I can't even stand when the wind blows. Why should you be afraid of me?" The human-skinned old man's voice was very calm. Although this guy looked scary, he made people feel very comfortable when he spoke.

At this point, the two of them also let go of some of their guard and began to try to talk to the human-skinned old man.

Before either of the two spoke, the human-skinned old man took the lead and said, "Please sit down."

The human-skinned old man pointed to the wooden chair, and the two sat down immediately.

Then, the human-skinned old man wandered around the two of them, while speaking confidently, saying:

"The first question, why did you come to this ghost cave?"

"Of course, it is to find the person who came here first, Taoist Master Bai Xiao, that is, my third senior brother." Gu Liu replied.

"Oh, so the Taoist who is proficient in the art of Qimen is your senior brother."

"Have you seen my senior brother? Where is he now?!" Gu Liu was a little excited when he heard the whereabouts of his senior brother.

Meng Fei on the side gestured for him to calm down.

The old man in human skin also slowly stroked his long goat beard. He didn't seem to want to answer this question at this time.

Meng Fei saw his thoughts and said, "Please continue, old man."

The old man in human skin nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to ask the two people, "Since you said that person is your senior brother, it means that you are also an exorcist Taoist priest, then who is the other one?"

The old man in human skin looked at Meng Fei.

Meng Fei quickly replied, "He kills demons and eliminates evil spirits, but he is not a Taoist priest."

"That is an exorcist, well, not bad, almost the same as when I was alive."


Hearing his words, Meng Fei felt a little uncomfortable all over. What does it mean to be almost the same as when he was young? Looking at the old man in human skin now, Meng Fei's face became a little ugly.

"In this case, although we have different identities, we are all demon slayers, and we are also fellows. Then I will ask you one last question, that is, when facing an enemy that you can't eliminate, what should you do?"


The two of them were stunned almost at the same time. Regarding the question of the human-skinned old man, perhaps Meng Fei has the best say.

And Gu Liu on the side also cast his eyes on Meng Fei, after all, this guy seems to be immortal!

At least during the time that Gu Liu got along with him, this was his greatest understanding of Gu Liu.

For Meng Fei, he also thought about this question carefully, but finally shook his head in denial.

The enemy that cannot be defeated is the most terrifying!

"Hahahaha..." Seeing their reaction, the human-skinned old man laughed again.

Then, he tilted his body and stretched out an arm like a dead tree to point to the exit of the house.

"Please follow me."

That exit, whether he led it or not, the two would go, after all, they certainly couldn't just stay here and waste time.

So, the two followed him, wanting to see what the old man in human skin was up to.

They arrived at an open area, and the same weak light as before was trying to illuminate the land, and everything here was dim.

Indistinctly, they could see a tall, loose noodle figure standing quietly in front of them.

The whole person was motionless, forming a cross.

When they got closer, they found that it was a scarecrow.

"Old man, did you ask us to come here just to see this?"

The two were definitely not naive enough to think that things were so simple.

The old man in human skin squeezed out a far-fetched smile on his wrinkled face, and then he took out a piece of yellow paper.

On the yellow paper, there was a painting of a hideous and terrifying evil ghost with two huge bones sticking out from behind. Even though it was only a painting on the yellow paper, it made people who saw the evil ghost feel terrified.

"What is that?"

For the painting on the yellow paper, Gu Liu boldly guessed that it was an extremely powerful Yaksha, but he was very confused about the paper, and before he could finish his words.

The old man with human skin suddenly wrote words on the yellow paper with his fingers.

The word seemed to be - move.

After the old man with human skin stopped moving, a sound directly startled Meng Fei and Gu Liu.

When the two came to their senses, they saw that the scarecrow that had been motionless actually moved, and even made a creepy creaking sound.

The scarecrow moved slowly, its shrunken body swayed, its loose head swayed constantly with the movement, and finally came to the front of the human-skinned old man.

Facing the two people.

"If you want to know the answer to a question, then the best way is to get stuck in the problem and find the answer."

The human-skinned old man spoke again, the wrinkles on his face squeezed together again, and his face squeezed out that special smile again.

And he stretched out his finger again and wrote a word on the yellow paper - war.

As soon as this word came out.

The scarecrow rushed towards Meng Fei and Gu Liu like crazy, at a very fast speed.

"Not good!"

The two reacted at the same time, but the scarecrow was too close to them, and even if they reacted, it would be dangerous.

In a hurry, Meng Fei pushed Gu Liu away, but he was pierced directly by the scarecrow's claws.

Meng Fei died with his eyes blank.

Gu Liu stood aside waiting for Meng Fei's resurrection, but this time Meng Fei did not appear behind him.

"Meng Fei?" Gu Liu's voice trembled a little.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, a roar sounded behind the scarecrow.

"Meng Fei!" Gu Liu looked at Meng Fei who appeared there excitedly.

At this time, Meng Fei jumped high, and while the scarecrow didn't notice him behind him, Meng Fei clenched his fist and hit out with a powerful force.

The scarecrow's head was knocked off by a blow, and his body fell to the ground.

"Success!" Gu Liu shouted excitedly.

On the other side, the old man with human skin, his two white eyebrows were connected together at this time, like a whisk.

Facing everything that happened just now, he was very confused, "Did both of them dodge just now? I clearly felt that a breath of life disappeared for a moment, could it be an illusion? No matter, let's continue..."

After saying that, his fingers moved again, and this time he wrote two words first-recovery.

After writing, the scarecrow with its head and body separated became intact again.

Both of them saw this scene, and they immediately prepared for battle again.

The old man with human skin took action and wrote another word on the yellow paper with his finger - war.

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