Meng Fei sorted it out in his head. This probably means that being dragged into the water by a water ghost has triggering conditions, and here, as long as you don't look at it, you won't be dragged into the water.

Just now, I was curious about the strange feeling under my feet, which caused me to look down.

And this is just the beginning. I don't know whether the water ghosts behind will use some special methods to make them do strange actions of looking at it.

To walk on this strange water, water ghosts must be relied on, and they must be careful.

Although, because the water surface space is much larger than the previous sarcophagus space, the light from the light hole here is relatively weak, but this does not mean that the light is so weak that you can't see the situation underwater.

Otherwise, Meng Fei would not have looked directly at the water ghost just now.

"I don't know what's going on ahead, or how long it will take. I'll go there first. If there are any problems, I will tell you."

In this case, Meng Fei had to take the risk.

"Okay, but in order to save time and effort, I will cast two talismans. These are strange talismans that allow us to communicate with our spiritual consciousness."

After saying that, Gu Liu took out two talisman papers that were not very similar to the previous ones. These talisman papers were not like the various yellow talisman papers before, but two black and white talisman papers that were like the two poles of yin and yang.

The black and white talisman papers were pasted on the foreheads of the two people. In an instant, Meng Fei's mind seemed to have opened up a magical road. At the end of the road stood a figure, which was Gu Liu's appearance.

As long as they thought in their hearts, the two would know each other.

So, Meng Fei stepped forward silently, raised his head, and kept looking forward, even ready to close his eyes quickly at any time.

Stepping into the water with a plop, Meng Fei's foot was undoubtedly supported, and it was still the same strange touch, but this time Meng Fei would not lower his head to look at anything.

Then, the other foot entered the water and was also held up, and Meng Fei stood on the water like this.

Although the strange touch of the water ghost's bumpy palm made Meng Fei feel uncomfortable and his feet itchy, he had to hold back and abandon any weird behavior.

After all, not being able to look at it was just a guess. If there were other triggering conditions, it would be even more difficult to move forward.

He could still make mistakes, but Gu Liu couldn't.

Meng Fei knew this very well, so he began to get nervous.

The second water ghost!

Meng Fei took the first step on the water, and another water ghost greeted him.

The palm of this water ghost was different from the previous one. Its palm was very rough and heavy. Meng Fei stepped on it, just like stepping on thick sandpaper.

But this feeling did not attract his attention and had little effect on his movement.

The subsequent water ghosts made Meng Fei experience various sensations on the soles of his feet.

Wet rag.


Blunt blade.

Meat ball.

Hot pad.

Fluff ball.

Gravel road.


Meng Fei endured all the strange feelings. For some reason, many of them were actually quite unbearable, but his soles seemed to become very hard, and those feelings were not as strong as he thought.

Perhaps this was the effect of resurrection and strength, Meng Fei thought.

However, his progress was not over yet. The last water ghost was holding him up, and the flat ground was visible in front of him.

Although the light was not very good, the flat ground in front of him could be seen clearly, and even the wall in front could be seen clearly.

And the strange thing was that there was no strange touch this time, and Meng Fei felt as comfortable as if he was stepping on the flat ground.

But he would not observe the situation underwater because of this, and then he stepped onto the long-lost flat ground with a big step.

On the flat ground, the real feeling made Meng Fei feel comfortable.

So, he turned around and wanted to communicate with Gu Liu.

Meng Fei was dragged into the water again by a pair of big hands in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, now we don't even need to use the talisman."

Meng Fei appeared behind Gu Liu again, and tore off the black and white talisman paper on his head and threw it into the water.

"What happened?"

Due to the distance, Gu Liu did not see clearly what happened behind Meng Fei.

So, Meng Fei explained everything that happened to Gu Liu in detail,

"That is to say, you can't look back at the last moment."

Meng Fei nodded.

Since there was nothing else worth noting, the two decided to go together this time.

So, Meng Fei was in front and Gu Liu was behind.

The two stepped into the water together.

Because he was stronger after resurrection and had previous experience, Meng Fei walked in front with almost no expression.

Gu Liu behind him was not so lucky. The uncomfortable feeling made his patience approach the limit. The sweat on his forehead fell into the water, making a dripping sound. His hands clenched into fists, and his nails were even embedded in the flesh.

It has been like this, walking forward without looking back or bowing, and the two finally reached the flat ground.

Looking ahead, Meng Fei frowned and suddenly said, "You go ahead this time."

Gu Liu didn't quite understand what he meant, but in this case, Meng Fei must have his own ideas, so Gu Liu didn't ask much and walked straight forward.

Walking to the straight road, there seemed to be a corner at the end, and walking there should lead to the next place.

"Meng Fei, why are you walking so fast? Mom can't keep up."

Suddenly, a familiar woman's voice came from behind Meng Fei. He knew it clearly, it was his mother's voice.

But what did this voice want him to do?

The result is predictable, of course, it wanted him to turn back!

This trick is okay to fool others, but for a time traveler like Meng Fei, this trick is almost useless.

After all, Meng Fei knew that his mother would never appear in this world, so why would he turn back.

"Xiao Wu, it's dangerous! Don't go forward!"

"Third Brother?"

Suddenly, Gu Liu stopped because he heard the warning of the third brother in his ears. He was so excited that he was about to turn around.

However, before his head turned halfway, he was stopped by Meng Fei's hand.

"Don't look back, did you hear the voice of your third brother? That's the voice of a ghost. Don't look back, just keep walking."

Gu Liu finally reacted. After all, the first person he trusted was always Meng Fei. He listened to Meng Fei's words and kept walking forward.

The sound continued, but the two were not affected at all and kept walking forward.

Until the corner.

The two walked into the corner, the strange sound disappeared, and what came into view again was a dark room.

When the two walked in, several candles were immediately lit in the room, barely lighting up the whole room.

The room was not big, and the things inside looked as if they were all made of wood.

Wooden tables, wooden chairs, and even wooden beds, which inevitably made people worry whether the candles would set the place on fire.

What caught the two people's attention the most was the things on the wooden bed.

"What is this? A human skin?!"

The two took a closer look and were so shocked that they took two steps back, and even exclaimed in unison.

And at this moment, the human skin swelled up as if it was inflated, and finally formed a hollow old man.

The facial features were like five black holes, with long and dense wool beards, and two white eyebrows that drooped to the cheeks, and the whole person looked like a blown-up balloon.

"Welcome here, both of you."

As the two looked shocked, the old man who seemed like an empty shell actually spoke.

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