what to do?

These were the same three words that came to their minds at this time.

If you can't get the key out, how can you open the door?

"Hey! I still don't believe it!"

Gu Liu took out his sword, holding the scabbard in one hand and the sword in the other.

"It's a good idea to use a sword, but I don't know if the flames are so exaggerated that they can melt the sword instantly."

Meng Fei saw Gu Liu's movements from behind and naturally understood his intentions.

"No, no, no, how can I bear to use a sword? Use this thing."

Gu Liu changed the scabbard to his dominant right hand.

This is also a safe way. After all, the materials used by Gu Liu's sword and scabbard are actually very similar, so if the scabbard can't hold it, then the sword won't either.

If you use the sword directly, it will be difficult to deal with monsters and monsters later.

So Gu Liu started to move, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead, and he was a little nervous.

It must be done at once!

This is what he is thinking at the moment.

So, it is too late to say it, but it will be soon.

Gu Liu seized the opportunity and stretched out the scabbard in a blink of an eye.

He saw the scabbard pass through the flames first, and a sudden feeling of lightness in his hand was transmitted from Gu Liu's palm to his mind, and he quickly took back the scabbard.

The transparent bowl hadn't caused any waves yet, but Gu Liu's scabbard was missing just because of that one blow.

Gu Liu put his exorcism sword back into the scabbard with a distressed look on his face. This strange look, in Meng Fei's eyes, was like a person who was originally wearing trousers and then suddenly turned into Wearing shorts makes people look weird.

"Oh, this won't work either." Gu Liu's face even showed a hint of despair.

I didn't expect that they would be trapped here.

They had just entered here not long ago, but they were already trapped in place and unable to move forward. It was hard for them to imagine what kind of position Master Baixiao had gone to.


In desperation, Meng Fei said a curse word that Gu Liu couldn't understand.

Then, he motioned for Gu Liu to switch positions with him, with him in front and Gu Liu behind.

Then, when Gu Liu was wondering about the meaning of the two words he just said, he saw Meng Fei in front of him unbuttoning his trousers with his hands.

"Brother Meng Fei, don't you think so?" Gu Liu's lips trembled slightly. Looking at Meng Fei's crazy behavior, Gu Liu could only watch silently.

"I've never seen fire that's not afraid of water!" Meng Fei shouted angrily, and then continued to shoot towards the transparent bowl.

"Hey~Brother Meng Fei, your color doesn't seem right..."

"Shut up!"


Gu Liu didn't dare to say anything more.

After Meng Fei's battle, his face looked as ugly as if he had eaten a dead mouse.

"It still doesn't work!"

Meng Fei was desperate.

He was still too young, and he didn't expect that the fire in front of him was really no ordinary fire. It was really not afraid of water!

In this situation, the two of them slumped down in the light hole almost at the same time, looking like two lonely tramps who had lost their souls.

Meng Fei tilted his head and stared quietly at the wooden door in front of him and the transparent bowl with strange flames in front of him that would not have affected their passage if there was no door.

Things in the fire are ultimately out of reach.


Meng Fei suddenly thought of something, and it might be a bit subversive, but he still said it, "I said, why don't we just break down the door and try? As for what this wooden door can do, it seems that this bowl can't affect us. ?”

These words seemed to wake up two people directly.

Gu Liu's two brows were almost squeezed together. He said to Meng Fei: "Yes, isn't this just a wooden door? Why don't we try to break it open?!"

Just do it.

Gu Liu immediately handed the sword to Meng Fei. After Meng Fei took it, Gu Liu also used two talismans, saying that it would cause a small explosion directly after the sword hits the wooden door, which would be more secure.

After all, in this weird space, even this wooden door cannot be said to be 100% ordinary.

The sword flashed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blast of sound coming from the wooden door. It was not powerful, but it was enough to break it open.

The wooden door was successfully broken open, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the wooden door was not a weird thing.

As the wooden door opened, a gust of cool breeze blew in. The feeling reminded Meng Fei of the feeling he had when he was by the river at night.

The two looked at each other and then continued to move forward.

The small transparent bowl was nothing at this moment, it could no longer block the progress of the two of them.

But when you look straight ahead, it's pitch black again, but occasionally you can see bursts of white scale-like light.

"what happened?"

Both of them were cautious and did not move forward rashly.

Meng Fei was still the vanguard, walking in front.

Nestling at the exit of the light cave, Meng Fei stretched out one foot first.

A feeling of being eroded by water came instantly.

"It's water!"

"Can you tell how deep it is?"

"let me try."

After that, Meng Fei tried to put his feet deeper into the water little by little.

However, just as he stretched down a little bit, the water covered his entire foot, and suddenly a big hand held his foot.

Although he was wearing shoes, the uneven fleshy texture of the big hand underneath made Meng Fei feel uncomfortable for a while.

This discomfort made Meng Fei couldn't help but look under his head to see what was underneath.

At a glance, Meng Fei was shocked to find that a ferocious face was showing terrifying fangs covered with moss and water plants. After seeing Meng Fei look at him, it actually stared excitedly at the deep rotten teeth. The hole-like round eyes and the whole face are like rotten meat squeezed together, which is disgusting, but that seems to be the way it looks when it is excited.

A huge force then came from the foot that was lifting Meng Fei. The monster had changed from lifting to grabbing Meng Fei's foot, and then dragged Meng Fei into the water.

"No! Meng Fei!"

Later, Gu Liu shouted Meng Fei's name.

"Don't worry about me, don't act rashly!" Meng Fei warned Gu Liu. After all, he could be resurrected after death, but Gu Liu couldn't get ahead of him.

And just after saying this, Meng Fei was completely dragged into the water.

Although the light from the light hole was not obvious at this moment, the smell of blood still reached Gu Liu's nose.

Gu Liu clenched his fists and stared nervously at the not-so-bright water.


Gu Liu felt a tap on his shoulder, but he didn't feel any nervousness or fear. Even his eyebrows that were almost connected because of nervousness stopped tangled at this moment.

A familiar voice came from behind, "Gu Liu, what's going on?"

That was naturally Meng Fei's voice, and as expected, he was resurrected again.

And through that moment, he also felt and remembered the monster's aura, which was the same as the ghost he had encountered before.

Gu Liu also roughly understood everything through Meng Fei's narration. After some thinking, he came to the conclusion that,

"It's a water ghost. This thing is very evil. Generally speaking, it won't take the initiative to pull people. It's the person who does something that will be pulled into the water. And in this ghost world, I guess these water ghosts are also It’s under control, and based on what you just experienced, I think as long as you don’t look down and see them, it should be fine!”

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