So, Tian Yasha moved his fingers slightly, and saw the black fog attacking Meng Fei directly swallowed his body.

Meng Fei's skin was being eaten clean by the black fog bit by bit, followed by flesh, bones, and heart...

The black fog dissipated.

Meng Fei's figure also disappeared, and Tian Yasha's expression did not fluctuate at all. It was like killing a relatively stubborn mosquito, and he was not excited.

It was not worthy of changing its emotions. The only thing that made it feel annoyed was probably seeing the hole that Meng Fei had made before.

And the only question that made it worth thinking about was that there were intruders like him before, but the others were basically unintentional, and Meng Fei's posture seemed to be coming for it.

Tian Yasha seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he mobilized his strength and spread his consciousness outside the chaotic world.

Soon, it saw several sneaky figures in the passage.

That was the figure of Gu Liu and the others, who were deliberately guarding the passage. This made Tian Yasha think that the people who came to find him must have some relationship with these people, and they all seemed to be coming directly for him.

This is strange. It almost never comes out, and there should be no rumors about it in the world. As for people or ghosts and monsters who have had any contact with it, they have almost all been dealt with by it in the best way.

So, in the mortal world, there should be no one or other things who will take the initiative to provoke it.

Tian Yasha suddenly felt a little regretful. He didn't ask Meng Fei why he came, which made him feel very entangled.

He also wanted to know what he had done to be deliberately targeted by someone.

"By the way, since those guys are in the same group as him, I will ask them, the same!"

Thinking of this, Tian Yasha stopped entangled, and immediately stood up and pinched his fingers. He was preparing to go to the chaotic world to ask what was going on.

Judging from Meng Fei's posture when he came, it was estimated that the visitor had no good intentions, so it felt that it might have to use some coercive means later.

However, just after it stood up and said that sentence.

"Wait? You said you wanted to find Gu Liu and the others?"

At this moment, a scene that surprised Tian Yasha appeared.

The man who was killed by him and turned into ashes suddenly stood in front of him.

"You are not dead?" Even Tian Yasha was a little anxious in his words, after all, it was the first time it had seen such a thing.

It didn't even understand what this person had done to be able to come back to life. He turned into ashes in front of him. This was beyond its cognition. After all, it had dealt with many enemies, and it had also encountered such extremely powerful self-healing abilities. That is, it could be resurrected even after being chopped into pieces, but this kind of person could be resurrected even without ashes.

This was beyond its understanding, but there was no way out. Since it had already happened, there was no way back. Besides, the strength of the person in front of it was still far from enough to fight it.


Tian Yasha seemed to have discovered something wrong. After carefully checking Meng Fei's whole body again, it whispered in surprise: "Is it my illusion? He seems to have become stronger after resurrection?"

It confirmed it several times again. With its strength, it could not be said that it could not see the change in Meng Fei's physical strength.

After confirming this, Tian Yasha, who had been through many battles, immediately had an idea in his mind through his rich experience and all the strange things he had seen before.

It was a little afraid to think about this idea, but it still said to Meng Fei with some majesty with great confidence: "Become stronger after resurrection? It seems that it is better not to kill you."


Meng Fei was numbed by its words. He only used resurrection once in front of it, but he was almost seen through by others.

Tian Yasha is indeed extraordinary.

Similarly, Meng Fei really can't think of resurrecting and becoming stronger in front of it, and this is Tian Yasha's home ground, where it can be played freely. If it fabricates a small world and exiles Meng Fei, Meng Fei will have no chance to play.

Although he has the ability he has always trusted, it is not uncommon for his ability to fail since he met this guy.

So it is really more difficult than expected to beat this guy.


A snap of fingers.

Tian Yasha seems to want to control Meng Fei, but what it didn't expect is.

His fingers are rubbed to smoke, but Meng Fei has no reaction at all, and still faces it with an extremely high attitude.

"What's the matter? Ignore control?"

Tian Yasha was shocked again, but this didn't bother it. How could it, a veteran of the battlefield, be trapped by such a small problem.

Since it ignores control, ordinary control methods can naturally no longer be used, so it can only be trapped by some special methods.

"Earth Fire!"

Suddenly, the Sky Demon roared, and then the black fog surrounded Meng Fei in a big circle, and finally a circle of fire was left to trap Meng Fei.

Faced with this move, Meng Fei smiled.

"Do you think you can trap me like this?"

Meng Fei even thought that this was a joke, so he walked towards the place where the fire circle was burning.

His performance did not cause any fluctuations in Tian Yaksha, it just stood there, quietly watching Meng Fei's "performance".

Seeing Meng Fei come to the fire circle, the fire was burning several feet high, and the space here was originally relatively small, so Meng Fei understood that if he wanted to jump here, he had to use his body to support the fire.

The worst thing would be death, which was what he was less afraid of.

So, Meng Fei stepped over the flames, but this time he directly retracted his legs instantly.

"Damn! It's so hot! Wait... Why don't I even have a red mark on my leg?"

Compared to the surprising burning pain, Meng Fei was surprised that his legs did not react at all after this.

This is not normal. Although he has an extremely abnormal self-healing ability, Meng Fei can still observe it during the short time when he was injured.

His legs, from the looks of it, didn't seem to be injured, but the piercing pain kept telling him that he was suffering.

So, in such a predicament, Meng Fei took out the glass ball he had prepared in advance and crushed it with a squeeze.

And he kept forcing himself to enter the over-limit state.

Meng Fei was firing at full power.

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