As the glass ball shattered, the blessing talisman immediately lit up with bits of light attached to it.

That is the proof of its activation.

Then, the blessing talisman turned into several rays of light and immediately merged with him.

Meng Fei's body was flashing with a strange light. At this moment, his whole person looked full of mystery, like a fighter incarnated by light.

But this is not enough, although this has greatly increased the strength.

But after all, the gap between heaven and earth is not just talk. The distance between the strength of Tian Yaksha and Di Yaksha is really the same as that between heaven and earth.

Therefore, even with such blessing, Meng Fei is still far away from Tianyaksha.

"not enough!"

Therefore, Meng Fei forced himself into an over-limit state.

However, the more he forced himself to do this, the further and further away he felt from that state, and even became more and more blurred.

No matter how he tried to get himself back to the state he was in that day in Wugong City, even the picture of that day was becoming blurry little by little, and he even gradually felt a little hot.

"not good!"

Meng Fei felt bad changes in his body. It seemed that because of his force, he suffered some backlash.

In desperation, he had to quickly get out of that state.

“I don’t know if it’s possible now.”

Meng Fei also compromised. After all, that thing cannot be forced. It is a state that can only appear by chance. How can it be that he can enter it just by saying it?

Therefore, Meng Fei decided to leave everything to his own efforts and use his current strength to fight against Tianyaksha.

At the same time, he was also praying in his heart, hoping that Gu Liu could hold on for a little longer.

He hoped that everyone could hold on for a little longer. He knew that the power flowing into his body was not only the ability of the blessing talisman, but also the power of all of them that Gu Liu had specially poured into him.

Everyone worked so hard, how could Meng Fei let them down?

"Damn it!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but curse, he was currently stepping on the flames with one foot.

Although it was much better this time, the burning sensation no longer tortured him, but the moment he stepped in, Meng Fei could clearly feel that the temperature was rising at a rapid rate.

And the most annoying thing was that he didn't know what Yasha had done that day. The fire always only made him feel an extremely strong burning sensation.

However, it will not cause any harm to him. It is really aimed at him.

In this way, he would not be harmed, so even Meng Fei had to give up the idea of ​​rushing into the flames and committing suicide.

There was only a painful burning sensation, but no harm to him!

It's like a seriously ill person who is in great pain goes to see a doctor, but after repeated examinations, the doctor says he is normal.

It is really the most painful torture to be tortured but to have no end.

Meng Fei couldn't help shouting angrily.

Yasha is really difficult to deal with today. He is not like the villains in novels who don't have brains. This guy is so shrewd and scary.

It can be said that the mind is frighteningly clear. Unless Meng Fei is equal in strength now, there is really no way to pass this level.

It was too targeted at him, and this special "control" could not trigger his ability at all. Seeing the unknown movement outside the flames, Meng Fei felt extremely anxious.

After all, he had seen and heard that he had discovered Gu Liu and the others before, so Meng Fei panicked a little and had to think of a solution quickly.

"It's not an option to continue like this."

Meng Fei knew that he could not delay it any longer, so he thought of various ways in his mind.


Just when he was desperate, Meng Fei took out the yellow paper.

If not for this moment, Meng Fei almost forgot about this thing again.

"I wonder if it's useful?"

He didn't know if the invisible guy could be useful, and whether this thing could be useful to Tianyaksha.

After all, if this thing is useful to Tianyaksha, then how did the previous Diyaksha let the thing get into the hands of Tianyaksha?

This was obviously a problem, so in order to ensure that this thing was useful, Meng Fei had to change his thinking.

He first put the yellow paper into the flame a little bit, and found that it was just like him, but it would not burn when it became hot. Meng Fei grinned, and then directly pulled off one of the two yellow papers, and then removed the whole piece from the flame. Throw it there.

Outside the flame group, Tianyaksha, who was about to deal with the others, felt the strange fluctuations behind him.

It turned around in surprise, thinking that Meng Fei had escaped from it, but it saw no one.

"That is?"

With its eyes locked, it quickly discovered the piece of yellow paper thrown out by Meng Fei.

It immediately came to the front, grabbed the yellow paper, and when it saw the thing, it couldn't hide the shock on its face, and shouted directly into the flames: "You actually have such a thing?!"

After hearing its voice, Meng Fei was overjoyed. After suppressing his emotions, he confronted it and said, "Not only do I have one, I even have more than one!"

He said this deliberately, obviously to seduce Tianyaksha.

"It's really interesting. Should I believe or not believe a mysterious person like you?" Tianyaksha was also extremely confused at this time.

But after thinking about it carefully, Meng Fei couldn't escape its grasp, so there was nothing to worry about. The yellow paper was also an extremely important thing to it, and it was better to believe that it existed than to believe that it didn't exist.

If he really still has it, then he has earned it.

"Okay, as you wish, come out and let me see."

So, Tian Yasha waved his finger lightly, and the flame ball in front of him immediately opened a passage.

As soon as this passage opened, a ray of light flashed out from it in an instant.

Needless to say, it was Meng Fei, and his escape from it did not cause any emotional fluctuations in Tian Yasha, and it was even within its expectations.

What's more, Meng Fei suddenly appeared behind Tian Yasha, took out another piece of yellow paper and gave orders directly to Tian Yasha.

"It's ridiculous. Although this thing is powerful and magical, it wants to control me... How... Back..."

Tian Yasha didn't finish his words, but the incomplete words Meng Fei heard put together, which probably meant that the yellow paper should not be able to control it.

However, a strange thing happened. Tian Yasha's body seemed to stop all of a sudden, but it didn't stop completely.

Its eyeballs were still turning, and its lips were trembling slightly. It seemed that it could speak but it was extremely difficult. Its eyes were full of disbelief, and even a little panic.

Meng Fei accidentally caught the panic. He came to Tian Yasha with some doubt and sarcasm and said, "What? Are you scared?"

Tian Yasha's lips were trembling wildly at this time, as if trying hard to speak.

Just when Meng Fei thought it couldn't speak, it actually spoke after just a short while.

It said to Meng Fei arrogantly with some sarcasm: "What you don't know is that this thing really couldn't control me, because at that time my strength reached the peak of this world, but now it's different. I have been greatly affected, which means that a more powerful existence has appeared!"

"What did you say?!"

Meng Fei couldn't believe his ears.

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