Meng Fei was dumbfounded.

From Tianyaksha's words, he probably understood.

The so-called yellow paper actually has limits on the power of ghosts it can control.

And that limit is based on the strongest ghost strength.

Tianyaksha was uncontrollable before, which means that at that time, or even during that entire period, the most powerful ghost in the world was Tianyaksha.

However, today, Huang Paper suddenly exerted a control effect on them. Although the ability is not that obvious, it is enough to affect their actions.

And this situation also reflects an extremely shocking reality, that is, existence beyond the level of Tianyaksha has appeared.

Maybe for some unknown reasons, it hasn't fully appeared yet, and maybe its strength hasn't been fully determined yet.

So even though Tianyaksha in front of Meng Fei was controlled at this time, he was not completely controlled.

It could even be said that the guy seemed to be breaking free from control a little bit.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to break free from the control, right?!"

Meng Fei looked at its extremely hard-working expression, so he deliberately said this in order to make it give up the idea and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although Tianyaksha was temporarily controlled at this time, Meng Fei was still unable to eliminate him. The gap in strength prevented him from delivering a devastating blow to Tianyaksha.

So he could only watch Tianyaksha struggling hard, but Meng Fei was not in a hurry. After all, he was extremely confident and believed in the power of yellow paper.

However, that day, Yasha's face showed an extremely confident and full of meaning expression.

"What do you mean?" Meng Fei didn't understand why it still showed such a confident expression when it was clearly at the end of its rope.

It was like having a plan in mind, without any worries.

Tianyaksha once again said to Meng Fei with great ridicule: "There is another secret that you don't know. I might as well tell you, because you will accept my sanction soon!"

"You guy...are you talking nonsense?" Meng Fei was even a little unconfident because of it, and his voice became a little weaker because of it.

"What you don't know is that people who own yellow paper are different from ordinary people. What I mean is that this kind of control is a negative impact that can be overcome for me!"

Tianyaksha then shouted loudly, and the surrounding airflow instantly condensed like ice crystals, and the powerful aura lowered the entire air pressure.

The strong pressure made Meng Fei feel a little uncomfortable, and in front of him, those so-called restraints were like visible hemp ropes that violently bound Tianyaksha's body, but they suddenly collapsed at this moment.

It was like the thick ropes tied to his body were suddenly broken by the shock, and the originally tense body suddenly relaxed, and Tianyaksha's face showed an expression of great joy.

It held its head high and breathed the free air through its nostrils.

You know, this is the first time it has been controlled by someone. The feeling is indeed extremely uncomfortable, but after breaking free, it feels that the air in the world is so fresh, and breathing it really makes it feel refreshed. .

Therefore, it hated Meng Fei even more. After all, it was him who made him feel extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed for a long time.

"It's really a headache not being able to kill you!"

Obviously, not being able to kill Meng Fei gave Tianyaksha a headache.

But just using the "control" technique just now to make it tortured will not be able to eliminate the hatred in its heart.

"That's all, let me teach you a lesson!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tianyaksha's whole body suddenly became strange, as if some gas was leaking from his body.

Meng Fei couldn't help but take two steps back, because he didn't know what trouble it was going to cause.

And this guy also knew that he couldn't kill himself, so he would only choose a more cruel method, which was to torture Meng Fei all the time, making his life worse than death.

I don't know how long it had been, but Meng Fei didn't feel the feeling of fear. However, today, Meng Fei once again felt that weak and helpless feeling, and even the fear that came from his heart.

At this time, Tianyaksha finally set off, but it did not take action himself. Two people made of black mist suddenly appeared next to it.

The Black Mist Man has the same height as itself, and even the figure is almost the same. It is obvious that this is the Black Mist Man made from itself.

"Want to fight?"

Meng Fei put up a posture and would not flinch no matter how scared he was. He would definitely continue to fight.

However, the black mist man did not move. Tianyaksha, who was standing in the middle, spoke up and mocked Meng Fei: "Didn't I say it? I will personally punish you!"

After saying this, Meng Fei was a little confused, but he remembered the feeling that something was pouring out of Tianyaksha before, so Meng Fei suddenly understood a little bit.

"This guy has suppressed his strength to a level similar to mine. The purpose is to teach me a lesson without killing me!"

After suddenly realizing it, Meng Fei couldn't help but swallow his saliva, saying that his strength was about the same as his own, but in fact Tianyaksha was still stronger.

After all, it's not stupid, and it can't be so low that it can't defeat Meng Fei.

So, Tianyaksha came to Meng Fei in a blink of an eye, and Meng Fei reacted very quickly and punched him directly.

I didn't expect that this punch would penetrate Tian Yasha's entire body.

Meng Fei was shocked and asked, "What's going on?!"

However, when he saw that Tian Yasha's appearance in front of him suddenly became blurred, Meng Fei suddenly understood, "This is actually an afterimage!"

After realizing that all this was not good, Meng Fei quickly turned over, but it was too late.

By the time he reacted, the huge fist with stripes had reached his abdomen.

Meng Fei was directly knocked away, and his entire abdomen was sunken into a hole, and his internal organs were squeezed into pieces.

Because Tian Yasha controlled his strength, Meng Fei's self-healing ability was automatically repairing his body from the damage of this punch.

The broken internal organs were reorganizing, and the sunken abdomen was also swelling up like a balloon.

"Well... Not bad, it seems that the next attack can be carried out!"

When Tian Yasha saw that Meng Fei had returned to normal, he couldn't help looking at Meng Fei with a greedy expression, and even rubbed his fist.

Then, it flashed in front of Meng Fei again, and Meng Fei happened to be half-crouching at this time.

Tian Yasha took advantage of the situation and kicked him up.

Again and again, Meng Fei's body was broken and reassembled...

This was repeated over and over again.

Meng Fei was even gradually numb, and his eyes were tightly closed. He was alive, but he was as dead as death.

In this moment of real despair, Meng Fei's heart seemed to fall into the abyss.

He seemed to feel that he was in a dark place, without light or a way out.

Meng Fei stretched out his hand towards what he thought was ahead. Between the light and darkness, Meng Fei seemed to catch a trace of heat.

That kind of heat seemed to bring him strength.

He stretched out his palm hard, trying to touch that heat.

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