Tian Yaksha will also enter the super-limit state.

This sounds like a dream, but since it is a ghost of this level, it is reasonable to think that it can have such ability.

Tian Yaksha, whose strength was dispersed, has now recovered to about two-thirds of the level, plus the super-limit state.

Its current strength is probably at the peak of the Yaksha, infinitely close to the strength of the complete Tian Yaksha.

And this time, if Meng Fei does not hold on, then he will face the last black fog man being absorbed by it, and he will have no chance to defeat this guy again.

Meng Fei's strength, with various blessings, is probably at the level that can fight with it, but it is really hard to say whether it can be determined.

But the only good news is that at least it can still fight, and there is no problem of too big a gap in strength.

Meng Fei.

Tian Yaksha.

The current scene can be said to be extremely weird and symmetrical.

Because the body of one person and one ghost is steaming, like boiling water.

Their respective states at this time can be said to have reached the current extreme.

Meng Fei attacked, and he had always used simple fists and feet to attack. Of course, this was naturally because of the special nature of his ability.

The mystery of the flesh should not be underestimated. Meng Fei stepped on the ground quickly.

And he kept stepping on it as if he was accumulating power. The frequency of his steps was so fast that he could not see clearly. He could only see the shadow of his feet like raindrops.

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Tian Yasha was a little caught off guard, but taking advantage of this gap, he grinned, and then ignored everything else and walked straight towards the last black fog man.

However, as soon as it took a step, it felt a huge punch on its face like a mountain hitting it, which made it retreat repeatedly, and even its body was a little unstable.

"What's going on?!"

Even it didn't see clearly when it entered the super limit state. No, it didn't see clearly, and it didn't even see a shadow.

Meng Fei was like a person who had evaporated from the world at this time.

"Invisible? No... it's too fast!"

After being hit by another punch, Tian Yasha's entire face became a sunken bun, and at this time it finally understood.

Meng Fei used extremely fast stomping to create explosive power, so that it could move non-stop at a speed that could not be captured by the eyes.

So he was not invisible, and not only that, he could even be said to be everywhere, because he was always in a state of explosive movement.

After understanding this, Tian Yasha knew that he could be hit by Meng Fei whether he moved or not.

At this time, he was almost attacking indiscriminately, and this directly affected Tian Yasha's actions.

This was exactly his purpose, not to let Tian Yasha get close to his own black fog man. After the last lesson, Meng Fei naturally knew to target it.

Just like Tian Yasha's targeting of him before, Meng Fei also learned some essence from it.

And Tian Yasha was really restricted. In order to solve the urgent task, it had to think of a way.

After another violent blow, the face that had just recovered was turned into a meat pie again.

The blurred facial features could not tell whether it was angry or what, so it could only stay where it was, waiting for the whole face to recover.

The sunken flesh gradually swelled, and the broken places continued to regenerate.

Soon, its face recovered, and its eyeballs finally returned to normal. After this, it was more certain that it could not act rashly.

So it stood where it was, listening carefully to the sounds around it, constantly judging Meng Fei's position.

And Meng Fei's position was more like he had split into countless people, and everywhere he heard the sound of him stepping on the ground.

So in addition to listening to the sound, Tian Yasha even had to judge how long the sound was made at the same time, so that he could roughly judge Meng Fei's position.

"I caught you! It's here!"

Tian Yasha suddenly tilted his body with great confidence, and stretched out one hand with great confidence, spreading five fingers, as if he could really grab Meng Fei.


However, it misjudged, and the corresponding price was that its back of the head was hit and the brain juice flowed all over the floor.

It lost its ability to move instantly after its back of the head was blown up, but how could Tian Yasha, who also had an extremely abnormal recovery ability, be destroyed like this?

Its back of the head was smashed to pieces, but it was still regenerating. The only difference was that it could not move this time.

Meng Fei took the opportunity to stop and saw that it did not move, but its brain was half healed, so Meng Fei was quick-witted and went against his thoughts.

He came directly to the side of the black fog man. After confirming that it seemed to be able to blow it up, Meng Fei waved his fists frantically.

The spiritual body was no longer ineffective under various bonuses, and those punches were like solid bombs bombarding the black fog man.

The strength of a single black fog man is what Meng Fei has broken so far, but the strength law of Tian Yasha level on him is difficult to break.

So this took Meng Fei a lot of energy, but hard work paid off. Meng Fei finally solved the last black fog man after Tian Yasha fully recovered, and eliminated the trouble forever.

In this way, Meng Fei had nothing to worry about.

Those operations just now also took him a lot of effort. He even had beads of sweat on his forehead. What's worse is that the heat from his body became more terrifying, and his body temperature has reached a very scary range.

If he drags on like this, he doesn't know when he will get out of this state directly.

After seeing Meng Fei smash his black fog man, Tian Yasha was a little bit extreme.

Although his power will not disappear, the dissipation of the black fog man by Meng Fei is only temporary. As long as it is still there, the black fog man is still there, but the problem is that the black fog man can no longer be counted in this current battle.

Now it will not have the opportunity to increase its strength for a while, that is to say, it really has to fight Meng Fei to the end with this strength.

But it is not completely without good news. It has been in a passive state just now, so although it was hit several times, it did not affect its life or even its physical state.

And looking at Meng Fei again, although it seemed to have the upper hand before, his state is not very good at this time.

But Meng Fei had no regrets or fear.

After all, the purpose of everything he had done before had been achieved, which was to solve the problem of the black fog man first.

Then he would continue to solve the problem of Tian Yasha!

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