"You can't hold on for too long!"

Looking at the changes in Meng Fei's body, Tian Yasha, who was in a similar state, naturally felt it deeply.

But it was much better, by comparison.

Meng Fei was not so good. Facing Tian Yasha's provocation, he had nothing to respond to, and could only reluctantly say: "Kill me if you have the guts!"


Tian Yasha was speechless for a while. There was another point that Meng Fei had to pay attention to, that is, he couldn't kill him, because once he killed this guy, he would almost immediately have the ability to defeat himself in his current state.

In this case, its situation suddenly became extremely difficult, and it was not much better than Meng Fei.

With Meng Fei's weird and perverted ability, Tian Yasha really couldn't do anything with him now.

He had to let him be arrogant. It would take a long time to wait for the black fog man to recover, so he naturally couldn't wait. After all, he couldn't be resurrected. If Meng Fei really solved it at this time, it would be finished.

"Mist Poison Array!"

So, it shouted loudly.

Then, strange bulges appeared around it, like stone spikes rising from the ground, and those stone spikes were half a person tall.

Moreover, there were drops of sticky liquid flowing on the top of the stone spikes.

Along the top, it gradually flowed down slowly.

At this time, the top of the stone spike was abnormal again.

I saw that the liquid on the top turned into black gas and rose up, and it was still spreading everywhere.

And the person who was in it at this time was none other than Meng Fei!

Meng Fei looked around with a confused face at this time, and the thorn-like stones surrounded him tightly like a fence.

Those rising black thick gases occupied his entire field of vision little by little.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly noticed something unusual.

What was in front of him should have been a dark patch, but in his eyes, all this suddenly disappeared little by little.

What replaced it was a void, and the feeling of nothingness did not last long, and it became black again.

This repeated, sometimes nothingness, sometimes black, Meng Fei suddenly couldn't tell the difference between reality and illusion.

Then, he continued to make doubtful sounds, but found that the sounds he heard were intermittent.

Like a stuck tape, even his speech was stuck.

What's going on?

What happened?

All kinds of doubts kept emerging in his mind, and they could only emerge completely in his mind.

Because now he seemed to understand that all his senses were destroyed by the black and sticky gas.

Those are poisons!

Poisons that can make him lose all senses!

And because of its strong self-healing ability, it recovers and is destroyed at the same time, which will cause this intermittent feeling.

Fortunately, Meng Fei has encountered such a situation before, and he has a good idea in his mind. He didn't say that he was extremely panicked and had no clue.

So, Meng Fei instantly adjusted his mentality and began to feel the four directions.

Because of the previous influence, Meng Fei now lost his direction and didn't know where he was.

Not to mention finding out the location of Tian Yasha directly, or that guy is not in this formation at all.

If it is really about what it is doing now, then Meng Fei estimates that it is probably speeding up the recovery of the black fog man.

Once Meng Fei delays too much time here, he will completely lose the opportunity!

At that time, he will be completely trapped, and Gu Liu and the others will face a situation of certain death.

So Meng Fei must solve the problem in front of him quickly!

He first tried to move out a little bit, but every step he took, he would lose his senses almost once, and then he would lose his direction.

Sometimes he was walking, and suddenly felt lost. When he recovered, he didn't know where he was.

This is not an ordinary formation. This formation can not only affect Meng Fei's senses, but even his position is constantly changing.

If Meng Fei cannot avoid the influence of fog poison, he will not be able to find the trajectory of the position moving in the formation.

The word "hateful" appeared in Meng Fei's mind at once, and he even missed the big yellow dog a little bit.

After all, if that guy is here, then he can use Tengu to absorb these damn gases.



Meng Fei suddenly had an idea, can he absorb it?

So, with a try attitude, Meng Fei wanted to absorb the gases in front of him with his extremely powerful lung capacity.

He opened his mouth wide and sucked the gas into his stomach frantically.

Even though the taste was disgusting, Meng Fei had no choice but to show an extremely painful expression while absorbing the gas with all his strength.

Meng Fei's stomach was swollen from being sucked, and he didn't know when it would be burst directly.

He was like a balloon at this moment, sucking non-stop. He didn't have the ability of Tengu, so he could only absorb it with his own body, there was no other way.

The scene at this time was really strange. Meng Fei was like a tube, with gas coming in from this side and coming out from that side...

But this also played a big role. At least now in front of Meng Fei, there was almost no such thing affecting him.

And he was also sober for a while, and he could probably use his ability to judge the position of Tian Yasha.

"found it!"

After searching for a while, Meng Fei finally found the direction of Tianyaksha's location.

And after finding the pattern of movement of his feet, Meng Fei felt angry. His head was so dizzy from inhaling the gas, but now he just wanted to rush to Tianyaksha and solve it.

After rushing out of the mist and poison formation, Meng Fei was just trying to take a breath, but everything in front of him made his hair stand on end.

I saw Tianyaksha not far away, and above its head, black mist was gathering little by little, and it had even roughly formed the shape of a person.

"not good!"

Without any time to think, Meng Fei ran away, rushing towards Tianyaksha.

Faced with Meng Fei's sudden appearance, Tianyaksha was not surprised. Their strength was close at that time, and it was reasonable for Meng Fei to break the formation. Moreover, such a close match was about to end.

The Black Mist Man is basically complete. It only needs to wait a moment and reach out a little and it will immediately return to the powerful Tianyaksha. By then, Meng Fei will completely lose any chance of winning.

And looking at the distance between them, it can be seen that with Meng Fei's current speed, it is impossible to prevent Tianyaksha from regaining his strength!

Tianyaksha just turned his head and showed him an extremely mocking expression.

"You've done a great job." Tianyaksha's words didn't sound like much, but they were actually quite insulting.

"It's not over yet!"

Meng Fei even stretched out his hands with great effort, he wanted to go faster.

He was so fast that his voice couldn't catch up with him.

So fast that the wind can't catch up with me.

He's so fast that even light can't catch up with him!

He ran as hard as he could, and his body seemed to be half-floating.

The distance that was obviously not far away seemed so far away at this moment.

His body immediately turned red, like a furnace about to explode. The terrifying white steam directly enveloped his whole body and was dragged into a white line following him as he ran.

Right now.

Meng Fei's movements slowed down, but he saw everything around him.

It seemed to have stopped.

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