When the leaves fell halfway, the pebbles falling into the water caused ripples and stopped, and the birds flying in the air spread their wings but remained motionless...

At this moment, the world stopped.

Everything stopped their movements, even the wind stopped.

And the only person in this world who can still move is Meng Fei in this different world.

"This is?"

He also felt extremely confused about everything that happened at this time, and the world seemed to have stopped.

"No, no, it's time. Time has stopped flowing."

Meng Fei probably realized what happened, and made a guess very quickly in his mind.

"When the speed reaches a certain level, time will stand relatively still."

After understanding this, Meng Fei looked at his red palm that was steaming and even heating up.

His state was approaching its limit. Perhaps Meng Fei could enter this realm where time stood still for only a moment.

So, he stopped being in a daze and rushed directly towards the still Tianyaksha.

For the same reason, Tianyaksha's body can only be destroyed by completely destroying it, so now Meng Fei can only repeat his old trick and punch the Black Mist Man.

Since time stands still, everything Meng Fei does now will only show results if time continues to flow.

Therefore, Meng Fei's previous fists were more violent, so there should be no problem and it can be solved.

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly felt dizzy. He understood that entering the time-still realm would take a huge toll on his body.

He couldn't stand firmly and squatted on the ground. "Time is flowing again."

Meng Fei released his extreme speed state and began to leave the realm of time stasis.

Everything around them continued their original actions, as if nothing happened.

Tianyaksha still had a confident smile on his face, but it solidified in the next second.

Its hand had just touched the Black Mist Man, but the Black Mist Man looked like it was falling apart. In front of it, it instantly turned into a puff of scattered smoke.

This scene is not unfamiliar to it. It was a scene like this when Meng Fei defeated the Black Mist Man.

"When? You obviously didn't see anything!"

Tianyaksha was shocked. This time he was really surprised. He didn't see anything, but he saw the black mist man dissipate again.

And the scene was exactly the same as before when Meng Fei dispersed the black mist, and it couldn't help but cast its fierce gaze on Meng Fei.

Meng Fei seemed very tired at this time, his whole body was struggling to be supported by one hand, and he was even breathing heavily.

Like a crumbling dangerous house, Meng Fei looked weak, as if his energy had been sucked dry.

"I don't know what you did, but looking at you like this, you probably won't last long, right?"

Seeing this scene, Tianyaksha, who was still a little panicked, instantly felt relieved.

It slowly came to Meng Fei's side, looking down at Meng Fei with a superior attitude. It could be said that it was still energetic, and even the damage to it in the over-limit state was still very small. At this time, Meng Fei was Like fish on a chopping board.

"You look very weak now. It seems that I can make you go to heaven with just one punch, but I can't kill you. However, this is not a problem. It is not difficult to deal with people like you. Welcome to the trial. Bar!"

Even after finishing his taunting words, Meng Fei did not make any counterattack against Tianyaksha.

This made Tianyaksha even more certain that Meng Fei had no strength left, and even his whole body was in an embarrassing situation.

That's because the over-limit state loads itself, but its own powerful self-healing ability forces itself to withstand the damage.

At this time, its body, especially its internal organs, should be constantly being broken and reorganized, broken and reorganized.

And Tianyaksha also saw Meng Fei's illness and wanted his "life".

I saw it making the secret in its hand, and the black mist on its body began to sweep through everything around it, and even continued to spread. The entire world was shaking at this time.

Even the gloomy sky was shrinking little by little, and the entire world seemed to be collapsing. Meng Fei tried hard to observe his surroundings.

Seeing such changes around him, Meng Fei was a little panicked. He didn't expect that the time-stopping realm would be so cruel to his body. However, it didn't kill him yet, which was what he hated the most.

Looking at Tianyaksha again, at this time it has shrunk the world of error. The current world of error may be only one-tenth the size of the beginning.

Meng Fei even felt that this area was only as big as two martial arts arenas, and it goes without saying why it wanted to do this.

It seems to have turned the world into a cage, and it most likely wants to lock Meng Fei's entire body into the cage. However, it is still unknown what kind of power and influence this cage will have.

And now Meng Fei has no time to think about those problems, what he has been doing now.

Just seize an opportunity and give Tianyaksha a devastating blow.

If he guessed correctly, he also had an idea of ​​how to kill Tianyaksha.

It can be determined from the previous words of Gu Liu and various information obtained from his battle with him.

The way to kill Tianyaksha is to destroy his heart all at once, and there is another extremely important issue, that is, Tianyaksha most likely has more than one heart.

Through the spiritual eyes that sometimes worked and sometimes failed, Meng Fei roughly saw that there seemed to be hearts on its neck and left chest.

So, these two places must not be ignored.

At this time, Tian Yasha was floating in the air, and the compressed world seemed a little weird.

It was floating in the air, and waves of black mist came from all directions, rushing towards Tian Yasha's body like a river converging.

Meng Fei finally understood that Tian Yasha compressed the world not to create a cage, but to quickly absorb the power it put in the world, so as to restore its original strength.

So, this is an extremely dangerous signal, and it also gives Meng Fei an extremely great opportunity.

It is in the process of absorbing power and cannot move, and in this case, if it moves a little, it may backfire on its own power.

This is a crisis, but also an opportunity!

And opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and Meng Fei happens to be that person.

So Meng Fei speeded up and used his strength forcibly, although this caused terrifying bloody cracks to appear on his skin little by little.

Bloody cracks began to spread all over his body and even his face as he moved.

Tian Yasha, who was in the state of absorption, saw Meng Fei, who forced him to fight, rushing towards him, and he was a little panicked.

Meng Fei rushed towards him with an extremely powerful momentum, and he was a little entangled at this time, wondering whether he should remove the state to fight Meng Fei.

He wanted to take a gamble, betting that Meng Fei could not guess how many hearts it had, and betting that Meng Fei did not know where they were hiding.

If all its hearts could not be destroyed at the same time, then everything would be in vain.

Meng Fei also knew this truth, so he widened his eyes, and even his eyelids were squeezed into the gap between his eye sockets by his eyeballs.

The two eyeballs were like two blood cells, and the thick blood directly eroded Meng Fei's eyeballs bit by bit, and his vision also turned into a red background.

But this was nothing, because in Meng Fei's eyes, there were only the five hearts distributed throughout Tian Yasha's body.

So, in order to prevent him from not seeing them later, Meng Fei memorized the five positions in advance and made the movements in the air.

"Come on, even if you find all the hearts, I don't believe you can destroy them at the same time!"

In the end, Tian Yasha still chose to gamble.

After all, even if Meng Fei can find its five hearts, it is not easy to destroy them at the same time.

Its heart is not something that can be solved with one punch, so it chose to gamble.

Indeed, in Meng Fei's eyes, the five hearts are on the neck, left chest, right abdomen, top of the head, and left thigh. It is naturally a problem to destroy them at the same time.

After all, Tian Yasha's heart is naturally not an ordinary thing, and it is unlikely to explode instantly.

And Tian Yasha dared to let Meng Fei attack so boldly because of this.

However, Meng Fei showed a confident expression and said: "What if, I can stop time?"


Tian Yasha just showed an expression of disbelief, and the next second it was about to move immediately, but everything was too late.

Meng Fei entered the time stillness field again. At this time, Tian Yasha was a fish on the chopping board, letting him slaughter.

After time stopped, Meng Fei slowly came to the front of Tian Yasha. After mastering its fatal weakness, Meng Fei finally chose to kill it directly.

So, Meng Fei twisted his neck, pointed at Tian Yasha, and said with a truly confident expression:

"It's time to say goodbye."

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