I don't know why.

Meng Fei was frightened by the little guy's stare.

Not for anything else, just because the crow was staring at him, and that look was like a person staring at you.

"What's wrong with you?"

Gu Liu and the others just glanced at it. After all, since there were crows here, it was normal to meet them, but Meng Fei seemed to look a little strange.

Meng Fei came back to his senses and shook his head to show that he was fine.

"Yeah." Gu Liu frowned and nodded, always feeling that something was wrong.

But it seemed that nothing happened, so he walked first, and Meng Fei followed them, his steps were a little slow.

He looked back from time to time, but found that every time he turned his head, the little guy was staring at him as if waiting for him.

Meng Fei couldn't help but frowned, always feeling that things were not that simple.

There were few inns in the town, and they walked for a while before they could barely find one.

Although it was not large, it was enough, and they couldn't say that they were asking for anything now.

Arriving at the inn, the waiter went to prepare the dishes. The boss was probably free, and seeing that Meng Fei and his friends were outsiders, he actually walked up to them and started chatting.

"Where are you from?"

The boss was a tall and thin man who looked listless, but when he saw Meng Fei and his friends, his face actually became lively.

It felt like a person had been repeating the same days, and these days were extremely depressing.

Speaking of this, Meng Fei and his friends suddenly remembered that since they came in, this town seemed very boring, without that kind of lively atmosphere, and it was completely incomparable to the places they had been to before.

As for this question, Gu Liu simply replied, "We don't come from anywhere, the world is our home!"

However, after hearing Gu Liu's reply, the boss' eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said with a little excitement but sadness: "The world is our home? That's great! I really envy you for being so free."

Speaking of this, his chatterbox suddenly opened up, and he directly told Meng Fei and others about his situation of having old parents and young children, and he couldn't leave them, and said that he also had the ideal of traveling around the world.

However, he also mentioned a sentence that Meng Fei and others noticed, that is, "If possible, who would like to live in this rotten place?"

"Excuse me, what do you mean by this?"

Undoubtedly, Meng Fei asked him the reason for his words.

What is a "rotten place"?

Why did he suddenly say this? This is a question that Meng Fei and others are extremely interested in and want to know.

The boss paused, as if he had been talking for too long, and even forgot that they were from outside.

So, he posed and began to talk leisurely as if recalling something:

"I don't know if you know that in our town, we raise crows, and they come in turns. This year, it is estimated that they went to the home of Old Zhao in the north. Our town is often in trouble, sometimes it is natural disasters, sometimes it is man-made disasters, and sometimes it is even evil spirits. All of this is because of the bad luck brought by the crows, but we still have to raise them..."


Meng Fei and the others were all confused.

This is not doubt, but confusion. They don't understand why they still raise crows even though the crows brought them bad luck.

"It's a long story."

The boss adjusted his posture again, this time it was a storytelling gesture.

It is said that two hundred years ago in Heiyun Town, there were often wars in this area.

Under the war, it was naturally the ordinary people who suffered, so under the influence of the war, the people in Heiyun Town were displaced, not to mention Heiyun Town, which was already located between the outbreak of the war between the two countries.

Moreover, only a few wealthy families could escape, and the poor families could only wait to be quietly destroyed by the war.

At this critical moment, a passing black warrior appeared. He had messy hair, a thin knife on his waist, and even a little crow standing on his shoulder. He saw the suffering of the people under the war, so he felt pity and rescued these suffering people one by one.

He was powerful, and he could solve all the red-eyed soldiers who bullied the weak people with just one knife.

Because of his appearance, most people were able to survive.

It was also because of his sudden appearance that the war became one-sided.

He helped the weak country and injected them with powerful power, although the power provided was only because he joined.

And just like that, the wind of the war was one-sided, and the weak country that the warrior joined quickly defeated the enemy country.

The war also stopped, but the hero was not treated well.

Since the war ended, the originally weak country Huiguo occupied the enemy's territory and established a perfect ruling system. However, after the establishment of the country, the samurai was envied by the civil and military officials in the court because he was too powerful.

They were jealous of his strength, but also coveted his strength, so they said bad things about him in front of the king many times.

Fortunately, the king was not a foolish person, and always deliberately ignored those who said bad things about the samurai.

But if this goes on for a long time, it will never end.

And those words also began to reach the ears of the parties involved, that is, the samurai, and the samurai felt chilled when they heard it.

He had been away from his hometown, which did not accept him very much, and hoped to settle down in the outside world. He felt heartbroken again.

It turned out that the warrior came from a country that highly respected literature, but he was a person who loved martial arts and swordsmanship since he was a child, and he had always persisted in working hard, and his talent was really suitable for becoming an extremely powerful warrior.

However, people like him were destined not to be welcomed and understood in his hometown. Even except for his mother, his father and the rest of his family had cut off contact with him.

After his mother passed away, the warrior's last love for his hometown was finally extinguished, and he resolutely left his hometown.

The purpose of his journey was to go to a place that really needed him.

However, to his disappointment, Huiguo, who was originally thought to treat him well, failed him after all.

He was disappointed again and left Huiguo spontaneously, so he and the crow started the journey again.

However, the matter was still not over here. Those high-ranking officials in Huiguo who had coveted it actually united to eliminate it.

There was a king before, and they didn't dare to do it, but now it's different. Without the king's protection, and taking advantage of the warrior's desire to be needed, they deceived the warrior.

And they will bury him alive when he only has one breath left. When the warrior died, his eyes were even open, which was extremely desperate and disappointed.

And I thought it was over, but later, a terrible thing happened.

It is said that the whole Huiguo was killed by a ragged man, and blood flowed like a river.

Some people said it was the revenge of the remnants of Huiguo's enemy at that time, and some people said it was the ghost of the warrior who came to claim his life...

For a time, it was impossible to argue.

There were not many people who really paid attention, but Heiyun Town, which was caught in the middle, really couldn't be like this.

After the warrior died, the crow that had been following him flew to Heiyun Town. The people of Heiyun Town were not ungrateful like Huiguo. They were very grateful to this lifesaver.

Even after seeing the crow left behind, they adopted it regardless of its taboos.

Now all the crows in Black Cloud Town are descendants of that crow.

They can't do anything for the hero, but this will give them a little comfort.

After all, if the warriors hadn't saved them, Black Cloud Town would not be a town now. It might become a forest, or a wasteland, or even a cemetery...

After listening to all the stories.

Everyone looked enlightened, except Meng Fei, who was a little puzzled.

So, he asked seriously:

"What's the matter with the crow that looks like a human on the city wall?"

Who knew that when this was said, the boss' eyes widened, and he slammed the table and said anxiously:

"How could I forget this! By the way, the best fighter among you didn't look at that thing?!"

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