"The best fighter?"

"Eye to eye?"

Anyway, Gu Liu and the others were completely stunned after hearing this.

But what he said caught Meng Fei's attention.

Not for anything else, because he was the one who experienced these things, but he also complained in confusion: "What the hell is this strange setting?"

Yeah, what does the best fighter mean? Pick an opponent?

What does eye to eye mean? Determine the target?

This made Meng Fei feel like he accidentally triggered a copy in the game, which was really weird.

"That, it seems to be me."

Meng Fei raised his hand and said a little embarrassedly.

"The strongest? Eye to eye?"

The boss saw Meng Fei raising his hand and asked him again and again for confirmation.

Meng Fei nodded very honestly, and asked incomprehensibly: "Is there any problem? Logically speaking, it's just one of the offspring of the crow, right? There shouldn't be anything strange, right?"

"Although that's what he said, that guy is different!" The boss replied hurriedly, his expression full of seriousness.

"Different, what's different?" Gu Liu was also confused.

The boss seemed to see that the incident had already happened and was irreversible, just like spilled water, so he sighed and said:

"We also call that crow a night crow, not because of its habits, but because of its weirdness. We found that it always stood on the wall when outsiders broke in, observing them, and would stare at the most powerful person in the group. Later, we always found the corpses of those people in the mountain temple not far outside the town. The coroner saw that they all died the night before..."

"In other words, the person who looked at that guy was actually stared at by it, and anyone who looked at it would die?" Meng Fei said, and there was a hint of excitement on his face.

But the boss didn't notice him, and the boss nodded with regret at this moment.

He even blamed himself a little, no one expected that he shouldn't blame himself, but his sad expression really seemed like he owed Meng Fei something.

Meng Fei also said frankly that he didn't need to do so.

People in Heiyun Town are probably like this. After living in this depressing atmosphere for a long time, when a guest comes, it's like a benefactor. The enthusiasm is unimaginable.

Although they are numb and won't take the initiative to do anything for you, once you ask them for something, they will be extremely enthusiastic to help you.

At this point, Meng Fei thinks that it's better to be active than passive. Since anyone who looks at him will die in the mountain temple outside the town, it's better to let him go and see for himself.

"What? Can't go! They can say it, but if you go, you're just going to die? Or take advantage of this time to find a way to find a way. If you can't, I'll say it's not nice. I'll save you money. You can eat whatever you want..."

The boss's words were extremely sincere, which also made Meng Fei laugh.

He laughed, of course, not to say that the boss was ignorant, but just to think that the boss was honest.

"Don't worry, shopkeeper, the person who can kill me hasn't been born yet!" Meng Fei was full of confidence.

The boss seemed to be numb, and kept mumbling: "I will die, I will die..."

He tried his best to stop Meng Fei, but he couldn't get him to stop him. After all, there was no relationship between him and Meng Fei, and it would be bad if he said more.

So, he used all kinds of words to make the shopkeeper tell him the location of the mountain temple outside the town.

The boss still had no choice, and finally told him, and even tried to deceive Meng Fei in the middle, but he was undoubtedly seen through by him, and finally he could only tell him the real location.

This time, as usual, others still chose to rest here, and let Meng Fei solve the problem himself.

And this time it was really special, because this time the "enemy" seemed to only target Meng Fei, and it seemed that they had nothing to do, and no matter how strong this time, it would not be stronger than Tian Yasha, right?

So this time it was still Meng Fei acting alone, and this time it was indeed an action that belonged to him alone.

However, just after walking out of the inn, Meng Fei suddenly had all kinds of memories flashing in his mind, and then he was a little vague about the location that the boss had told him before.

So he turned around, although he was a little embarrassed, he still hesitated for a while and decided to go back and ask.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly felt an itchy feeling on his shoulder, as if something sharp was scratching him.

Meng Fei turned his head and was shocked to see that the crow on the top of the wall had landed on his shoulder without knowing when.

Moreover, Meng Fei found something wrong. The head of this guy turned 360 degrees with its body and faced backwards. It felt like its head was pointing in one direction.

"What are you doing?"

Meng Fei seemed to realize that the little guy seemed to want to tell him something, so he moved his body in the direction where the crow's head was pointing.


Unexpectedly, after he turned around, the crow's head did not move, but its body followed Meng Fei's rotation, and now its body was also upright.

The direction Meng Fei was facing at this time was exactly the direction it was pointing.

"It should be related to that." Meng Fei thought that this must be related to the mountain temple. After all, this guy himself is related to it.

So, he didn't ask the innkeeper again, but chose to follow the direction of the crow.

Anyway, he had nothing to fear.

Following the direction of the crow, Meng Fei didn't know why, as if he had taken a detour. He could only see time passing by little by little, but he didn't see the mountain temple for a long time.

Meng Fei shook his head and said to the guy on his shoulder with a confused look: "I say, is this Black Cloud Town made of a maze or something? It's endless, right?"

Then, when he saw a tavern again, Meng Fei's eyes widened, and then he said excitedly: "Look at that tavern! I've seen it for the third time!"

"I warn you, if I see this tavern again next time, I will skin you alive!" Meng Fei was so confused that he couldn't suppress his anger.

However, the crow didn't seem to care. Seeing that it was getting dark, Meng Fei was also anxious and wanted to lie down on the bed to sleep.

Before I knew it, the moon came out. The moonlight tonight was also unusually dazzling. Even without turning on the lights, pedestrians could see the road conditions very well.

Just when Meng Fei was about to get angry again and even wanted to attack the crow, a dilapidated mountain temple finally appeared in front of him.

"What is that?!" Meng Fei looked at the mountain temple and was surprised.

I saw a very lonely back standing quietly on the roof of the mountain temple under the moonlight.

It seemed to be a very thin person, the whole person was like a skeleton, but the posture was extremely upright, and a long black thin knife was worn on the waist.

The upper body seemed to be naked, and the lower body was extremely wide trouser legs, just like a lantern. In addition to the sword, the waist was also wrapped with several circles of gray and white wrinkled ribbons.

He quietly faced the round moon, like a painting pasted on the moon.

Meng Fei was lost in thought as he watched this scene, and recalled many stories in his mind, so he murmured in his mouth:

"Warrior? Is it you?"

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