Hearing the word "warrior", the figure above seemed to move slightly, and then froze.

He seemed to be thinking about something, and seemed to be reminiscing about something.

This moment was like time standing still. If the crow had not suddenly flown up and landed on the shoulder of the figure, perhaps all this tranquility would not have been broken.

The crow fell, which made Meng Fei sure that this was the warrior.

As for whether it was a ghost or a zombie, further confirmation was needed.

The warrior turned his head and looked at the crow on his shoulder. He first showed a suspicious expression, and then nodded as if he remembered something.

He turned his head to one side, and Meng Fei saw that under the moonlight, only the warrior's teeth were completely exposed.

This also means that the warrior has already become a zombie, and has harmed many people.

There is no way, Meng Fei must eliminate him on this trip.

Seeing that there was no movement, Meng Fei entered the mountain temple by himself. It was said to be a temple of gods, but it was full of skeletons, which made it difficult for people to move.

Yes, it has been two hundred years. When the warrior was still alive, it was two hundred years ago. In these two hundred years, the number of people who died because of him should have been countless.

Although the zombie warrior seemed to be very principled in killing people, his sins were so serious that there was no other way except to kill him.

At this time, Meng Fei, who was in the mountain temple, suddenly felt a cold wind coming from behind him.

Meng Fei couldn't help but take a deep breath. He encountered a lot of such situations, so he accumulated strength in his right hand, and his muscles were fully presented, and the power seemed to be about to explode.

He turned around, and the movements of his hands followed, but when he turned around, it was a shocking scene.

The zombie warrior did appear behind him in an extremely gloomy way, but he looked very strange.

He stood upright, as if quietly waiting for Meng Fei to turn around, but his mouth was restless, because his face was shriveled into a mummy state, and his whole mouth of teeth were exposed, and he was still chewing, as if he was trembling.

It seemed that he was trying his best to restrain something. Meng Fei boldly guessed that he might be restraining his desire to eat people.

This scene made Meng Fei a little overwhelmed. He couldn't help but glance at the skeleton near his feet again. After careful observation, he found that this man actually died of a cut throat, not being eaten.

So Meng Fei had a different view of the guy in front of him.

Then inadvertently glanced at the other skeletons, those didn't seem to be eaten to death, almost all of them were fatally hit, and then the corpse stayed for too long, and turned into bones under the ravages of time.

Does this mean that the zombie warrior in front of him has never eaten people?

The zombie warrior suddenly saluted Meng Fei, and then said with his rotten mouth: "My opponent, please tell me your name."

"Meng Fei, what about you?" Meng Fei responded politely. Although the opponent was a zombie, he was able to restrain his desire to eat people, which made him admire him a little.

Moreover, from his behavior just now, it can be seen that he still retains the habits of being a human. Meng Fei even suspected that he still retains a trace of his original consciousness, but it is still vague and needs some stimulation to make it recover temporarily.

"Long Shankong, this is my name." He also responded very politely.

Long surname? Hearing this surname, Meng Fei couldn't help but think of Long Fu, the man who once beat him.

Although it is not certain who will win or lose if they compete again now, Meng Fei still admires and recognizes Long Fu in his heart.

It was also the first time that Long Fu stimulated Meng Fei's super limit state, which greatly increased Meng Fei's strength.

"The last person with the surname Long gave me a lot of gains." Meng Fei said so.

Hearing his words, the zombie warrior smiled. It was not meant to be sarcastic, but he said with some expectation: "I hope you can also gain a lot from me this time."

This is obviously a sentence full of expectation. After all, Meng Fei and the zombie warrior both understand that the battle with each other is a battle of life and death. Either the other party dies or he dies.

If Meng Fei has gained a lot from this time, the meaning of his words is self-evident.

Meng Fei's mouth corners slightly raised, and he said with some confidence: "Try it!"


As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the zombie warrior drawing the sword could be heard. The sound was like a spirit snake coming out of the cave, with a hint of chill. The blade reflected the bright moonlight, and even the moonlight became bloodthirsty.

Accompanied by bursts of knife sounds, it was like a vampire thirsting for blood seeing its prey. The zombie warrior held the knife with very experienced movements, and the ghostly movements made Meng Fei feel a little tricky.

Meng Fei couldn't even see his movements clearly, so he could only dodge at a very fast speed.

The zombie warrior pulled the sword out of the ground, and actually brought up gusts of strong wind, which made the wind hiss, and rushed directly to Meng Fei.

Meng Fei no longer dodged and decided to face this attack directly.

He turned his body to one side, and then punched the air with power, and a terrifying explosion sounded around him.

Meng Fei's punch created an extremely terrifying fist wind, which swept across the ground and directly lifted a layer of the ground.

The strong wind just came here, and it was directly dissolved by the fist wind, and even the fist wind still had some dust on the ground.

The zombie warrior attacked again, and this time he came directly to Meng Fei.

He swung the knife several times extremely quickly, and it could be said that he drew the word "righteous" on Meng Fei almost in an instant.

This doesn't seem like much, but if there is no quick reaction, then these knives can be said to directly dismember the person.

Fortunately, this was Meng Fei, and his ghostly speed allowed him to dodge these swords in an instant.

"You are strong."

The zombie warrior paused, and finally said these three words to Meng Fei.

Meng Fei just snorted and didn't answer. He turned his eyes and immediately became cold.

This is his signal to start taking the initiative to attack.

Meng Fei's figure disappeared instantly. This was exactly the step he had learned before, which he called the Lost Step.

The zombie warrior also noticed that Meng Fei had disappeared.

But his long-term combat experience made him extremely calm. He stood quietly on the spot, feeling the plants and trees around him.

Any disturbance is extremely clear to him.

The wind blew through his hair like withered grass.

His empty eye sockets suddenly became larger, and he knew clearly that it was not Feng, but Meng Fei!

So he immediately drew his sword and withstood the sudden blow at an instant's speed.

"You are very strong too!"

Seeing that the zombie warrior had perfectly withstood such a sudden blow from him, Meng Fei had to praise him.

What surprised Meng Fei even more was that his proud fists and strength were forcibly resisted by the zombie warrior.

It was just that the zombie warrior's body kept retreating, but in the end he stood still.

At this time, both Meng Fei and the zombie warrior stopped moving. The skin on the zombie warrior's brow was wrinkled together, and Meng Fei's eyes were full of seriousness.

"Do your best!"

The two said almost in unison.

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