After hearing each other's words, Meng Fei and the zombie warrior couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

It turns out that the two of them were almost testing each other just now, and their true abilities have not been revealed yet.

After all, both of them thought the other was someone who could solve the problem in an instant.

After knowing each other's thoughts, the two of them laughed. From a certain perspective, the two had an inexplicable tacit understanding.

But then, it’s time to get serious.

They all became extremely serious.

The zombie warrior held the sword in both hands, slowly drew a circle in front of him, and moved the sword from one side to the other, making a charging shape.

Power suddenly burst out from his hand, and he struck one blow after another, and several waves of Gangfeng were brought out. However, they did not attack Meng Fei crazily, but gathered together one by one.

The strong wind continued to gather, even merged and changed, and finally turned into a huge white tiger. The white tiger opened its mouth towards Meng Fei as if it had independent consciousness, and its violent roar was like a storm hitting him. Come.

"Transformation Slash?"

It was Meng Fei who said this adjective. He had seen similar tricks like this before.

According to what Gu Liu once said about Xu Zhengyi's Elemental Breathing Sword Technique, he said that the Elemental Breathing Sword Technique is a type of Shapeshifting Slash, and the Elemental Breathing Sword Technique can be said to be the most enhanced Formation Slash.

As the most powerful form-cutting elemental breathing swordsmanship, Meng Fei has seen it many times, and naturally he is very clear about its characteristics.

Not to mention the Transformation Slash, which was no better than him. Warrior, Meng Fei first avoided the huge claw falling towards him.

The huge claws tore past and produced several flashes of light. After Meng Fei avoided the blow, the white tiger launched another attack.

"What kind of sword technique is this?" Although Meng Fei knew that it was the Transformation Slash, it was just a general term, and the specifics were not clear yet.

As for the power just released, Meng Fei suddenly felt that it was not that simple.

"The Four Divine Beasts Transformation Sword Technique!"

The zombie warrior immediately answered Meng Fei's question, and then continued to wave his sword.

Driven by the strong wind, another Suzaku appeared in the air.

"It's actually one of the four divine beasts, no wonder it's so powerful!"

Meng Fei realized that he had underestimated this guy before, but thinking about it again, after all, this was once a being who could destroy a country by himself. It was a bit unreasonable to think that he could have such a powerful and widespread destructive ability.

"What a pity." Meng Fei suddenly said these three words. He felt that it was a pity because Xu Zhengyi was not here, otherwise he could have taken this opportunity to learn powerful things.

At this moment, he couldn't think any more, because the Suzaku in mid-air was making a long neighing sound, with sparks all over its body, and it raised its head high.

Finally, he spat out a huge ball of sparks towards Meng Fei like a shooting star.

The huge spark was like a huge falling meteorite, wrapped in blazing fire, and it also fell at the same speed as a meteor.

Meng Fei still did not choose to escape from this attack. Instead, he squatted half-crouched to accumulate strength, and then his legs erupted with a huge force that was enough to send him to the sky.

I saw his body ejecting high, rising straight and continuously as if flying, and his target was very clear, there was no doubt that it was the meteor-like fireball.

He and the fireball were flying opposite each other, and if this continued, they would meet almost instantly.

So Meng Fei clenched his fists early in the flight.

He believes that with great force, miracles can happen!

And since he was in the air, he would not be affected by the white tiger on the ground, so it was quite smooth.

Meng Fei's punch was like a volcano erupting from the ground, and in the end, only Meng Fei's body was seen passing through the huge fireball.

Then he quickly used his strength to step on the fireball, and when he jumped up again, his next target was Suzaku!

Suzaku also noticed Meng Fei's movements and began to move. The white tiger on the ground was still roaring.

Meng Fei was extremely fast and arrived near Suzaku's body in almost an instant. Before Suzaku could dodge, Meng Fei grabbed its paw, then used his hand to move his whole body and jumped directly onto Suzaku's back.

"Got you!"

Meng Fei showed an extremely evil smile and punched Suzaku violently directly. The huge force directly scattered the entire Suzaku figure, and the Suzaku immediately dispersed like smoke.

"Xuanwu! Qinglong!"

Seeing this scene, the zombie warrior became a little anxious, so he immediately unleashed all his abilities.

Xuanwu was also below, forming a mirror with Bai Hu. Meng Fei, who had just come down from the air, had to face them first.

First, Xuanwu spurted out a mouthful of weird turbid gas. Baihu pushed it with great force, and the turbid gas came to Meng Fei as if it spread instantly.

Even though Meng Fei dodged as fast as he could, he was still too late, and in the end, half of his body was still affected by the turbid air.

After being affected by the turbid air, Meng Fei's half of his body immediately seemed to be paralyzed, and a numb feeling kept eroding half of his body.

Even as soon as he moved around, the feeling rushed straight from the soles of his feet to his Tianling Cap.

All non-death moves are meaningless to Meng Fei, and this move is obviously the same, but it is even more annoying, because it always makes him feel quite bad.

"Fortunately, I have the ability to heal myself..."

Before Meng Fei finished speaking, he discovered why his self-healing ability was not responding?

So, he had to dodge the attacks from the beasts in a panic.

The Azure Dragon also kept spurting out shock waves at him, and the speed and quantity were not to be underestimated, but it made Meng Fei suffer.

But what made him more confused and angry was where his self-healing ability went?

So he could only check his body constantly in that little gap.

"So that's it!"

After some effort, Meng Fei finally found out.

There was always that turbid air in his body. He finally understood that it was not that the self-healing ability had failed, but that the turbid air of that guy had been hiding in his body and persecuting him.

So, Meng Fei began to think of ways to expel the turbid air.

"Don't be careless in battle."

Just as Meng Fei was thinking, a familiar voice appeared behind him again.

He turned around in a hurry, but found that the zombie warrior was holding a knife, but did not approach Meng Fei, but was waiting for Meng Fei to turn around.

"Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself." Meng Fei said coldly.

However, the zombie warrior did not take it seriously and said with certainty: "I will not kill an enemy with his back to me. This is not mercy, but my principle."

Afterwards, under the influence of the remaining three beasts, Meng Fei not only had to deal with them, but also had to resist the zombie warrior's knife attack.

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