Claw attack, dragon breath, turbid air.

Under the attack from all sides, Meng Fei's actions became extremely difficult.

With the white tiger approaching him little by little, Meng Fei felt a little bit cornered.

However, Meng Fei looked relieved, as if he wanted to release everything. He even opened his arms, which made the zombie warriors puzzled.

"What do you mean? Are you going to give up?"

The tone of the zombie warrior was full of undisguised doubts and a hint of disappointment.

He had long regarded Meng Fei as a respectable opponent, but this sudden scene really confused him.

In the face of his doubts, Meng Fei just smiled and did not respond to him specifically.

Instead, he chose to use actions to explain everything. Meng Fei opened his arms and stood there very casually, allowing all kinds of attacks to hit him.

Facing such a Meng Fei, the zombie warrior stopped directly. Perhaps the man in front of him was going to use some tricks. He chose to trust Meng Fei one last time and wanted to see what he was up to.

So, the zombie warrior stopped where he was and watched Meng Fei's actions silently.

First, in the sky, the Azure Dragon breathed towards Meng Fei again. The blue breath carrying hot air was the first power of the four beasts to attack Meng Fei recently.

The blue breath was like a pool of green water, carrying steaming hot air, and wherever it passed, it would be directly corroded into a pool of green and black waste water.


This whole group of blue breath completely eroded almost the entire body of Meng Fei.

Along with its erosion, a huge white mist instantly burst out from the group of blue thick liquid, which continued to evaporate upwards.

Seeing this scene, the zombie warrior shook his head in great disappointment. Obviously, this was not the result he wanted at all.

But his strong sixth sense made him still hold the knife tightly. He always felt that things should not be so simple.

At this moment, the half-man-high viscous liquid was getting higher and higher, and the viscous green liquid was still falling off.

Slowly, it even had a rough outline, and at a glance, it was naturally a person.

"I knew... you guys, it's not so easy to die!"

The zombie warrior was excited again, and watched Meng Fei recover little by little.

This actually happened very quickly. Meng Fei almost recovered from it in the time it took to blink a few times.

"Death? I'm looking forward to it!"

To put it in a heavyweight way, Meng Fei can be said to want to kill himself more than the zombie warrior.

"Do your best." Faced with such a question, the zombie warrior did not expect that he would still reply very politely, without an extremely arrogant attitude, let alone arrogant behavior.

At this time, the white tiger attacked again. Its method has always been to suppress the flesh. Its huge body covered the sky and the sun. Looking up from below, you can only see its majestic chin.

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably be suppressed by the strong sense of oppression and be unable to breathe.

But Meng Fei had a calm face, and the zombie warrior also frowned his broken brows. He must have known that Meng Fei had an extremely powerful and abnormal self-healing ability.

Although he was almost the same, he was a small witch compared to Meng Fei, and more importantly, in his own memory, he still had a trace of subconsciousness when he was a human, so he thought he would definitely die when he was hit by a fatal blow.

Meng Fei stared at the white tiger at this time, "The next one is you."

His tone was indifferent, and the huge claws slashed towards his left side. Meng Fei also faced it directly, and his left hand directly resisted it. The two huge forces connected, and immediately made a deafening sound, stirring up dust all over the sky.

At this time, Xuanwu on the side also intervened, and even the zombie warriors attacked.

Xuanwu sprayed turbid air, aiming to affect Meng Fei's self-healing ability again, and sprayed a large amount of turbid air directly at Meng Fei.

The zombie warrior, holding a knife, took ghostly steps, making it impossible for Meng Fei to catch his movements.

It is estimated that this is also to be able to hit Meng Fei as quickly as possible after Meng Fei escaped these attacks.

However, Meng Fei's choice this time was not to escape. From the dragon breath just now, Meng Fei almost showed his thoughts.

That is to use their hands to achieve another breakthrough in strength.

So, facing the turbid air invading his body, Meng Fei did not resist at all.

And if it was any other time, the zombie warrior would definitely not go up, because he would feel that this was not positive enough, but Meng Fei also deliberately avoided this problem in the previous attack, so he deliberately showed him a strong self-healing ability.

The zombie warrior raised his knife and really did not stop this time.

The foul air invaded Meng Fei's body, and once again, it kept gnawing at every part of his body, making his self-healing ability seem ineffective.

The blue dragon in the sky was naturally not a vegetarian, and once again, the dragon's breath became more violent, as if trying to save face.

Meng Fei let it hit him, and the zombie warrior used ghostly steps to not only hit Meng Fei without any warning, but Meng Fei could also feel its powerful strength, which was far beyond its normal state.


Several forces intertwined, and Meng Fei's body was instantly torn into pieces.

He seemed to have died because of this.

"It's over, my opponent...?"

After saying this, the zombie warrior paused for a long time and asked a question.

Somehow, he always felt that it was not completely over, so even his moves had not been lifted.

"It seems that the goal has been achieved!"

Suddenly, Meng Fei's voice appeared again, and his tone was full of satisfaction and relief.

"It's really interesting." The zombie warrior's face also showed an extremely excited taste, and even a little nervous. For so many years, he has never met such a powerful and mysterious opponent.

"Haha, I won't play with you anymore, your mission has been completed."

Who knew that Meng Fei actually said this, everything before was just him wanting to see if he could complete a post-death resurrection here to become stronger. After all, his death has become very difficult, so he began to discover and cherish every opportunity.

At this time, Meng Fei did not know when he appeared directly on the back of the white tiger.

"I told you, the next one is you!"

After saying that, with just one punch, Meng Fei's strength after becoming stronger again was beyond doubt.

One punch pierced through the entire huge body of the white tiger, the terrifying power was outrageous, and the white tiger was directly beaten to pieces.

Meng Fei then landed on the ground, and then pointed at Xuanwu, "The next one is you."

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