
This is an absolute crush.

With just one punch, the white tiger was pierced. The white tiger was the strongest physically, but it was defeated so hastily.

This made the zombie warriors think.

Did he become stronger?

Or was he originally so strong, but he had been testing it before?

Or, was it both reasons?

After thinking about it, he finally gave up thinking, exerted force on his hands, and clenched the handle of the knife. Thinking about things cannot become strength. If you want to speak, just use the knife in your hand to speak.

The black-body long sword rang as if it felt the fighting spirit of its master. With the flickering moonlight, the black-body long sword was like a hunter eager for the blood of its prey.

And Meng Fei on this side, his strength has become stronger again. He has already known very well that he is not someone that can be killed by the zombie warriors with all their strength.

That's why he is like this, as if he has changed a lot.

Now only Xuanwu and Qinglong are left.

Meng Fei was attacking Xuanwu at this time, and Xuanwu fought back, with groups of turbid air that were enough to engulf Meng Fei attacking him continuously, as if there were no restrictions.

It was almost like rain, but the "raindrops" were special and very large, and if you were not careful, you would be drenched by them.

But Meng Fei's speed was so fast that it left a series of afterimages. The "raindrops" seemed to hit Meng Fei, and then the figure of "Meng Fei" disappeared immediately the next second.

That was the afterimage left by Meng Fei. At this speed, it was too difficult for the zombie warrior to capture Meng Fei's trajectory.

So, the zombie warrior could only wait. After he solved Xuanwu, when he attacked the Azure Dragon in the sky, he would move upwards after all, which would definitely be different from the land. Only then would he have a chance to capture Meng Fei's trajectory.

Now, all he could see were the afterimages left by Meng Fei. He could not find the real Meng Fei at all.

Because Meng Fei's steps were still chaotic, so that the zombie warriors could not catch their tracks.

Xuanwu, and even all other mythical beasts, were born from swordsmanship, so they only knew how to attack and would not have independent thoughts.

Meng Fei also grasped this problem and solved the first Suzaku in one go.

That is, they don't know anything at all, they only know how to attack. If there are a few small details, they will be confused and watch Meng Fei kill them.

So, after a few steps, Meng Fei's figure came in front of Xuanwu.

This time, Xuanwu did not choose to spit out the turbid air, but directly opened his mouth and bit Meng Fei's body.


The zombie warriors sighed when they saw this scene.

I saw that Meng Fei's figure disappeared again, and Xuanwu bit nothing directly, and the collision of the upper and lower jaws made a huge sound.

"Break it for me!"

Meng Fei appeared again, but he went directly to the back of Xuanwu's head. However, Meng Fei frowned twice, and then dodged to Xuanwu's shell.

"No way?" The zombie warrior naturally saw this scene, but he could only watch.

Meng Fei clenched his fist, then raised it to the sky, and finally hit Xuanwu's thick shell like a meteor.

Xuanwu's shell was like a steel wall, and Meng Fei's fist was like thunder from the sky.

The two met, just like the sea suddenly hitting the mountains and rivers, and the thunder from the sky suddenly descended on the world.

However, although the mountains and rivers are solid, they seem weak under the fierce attack of the sea. Although the dust is thick, thunder can also open the surface.

Meng Fei's palm and five fingers are already wrapped in blood. His hand is directly bitten and eaten by the reverse force. This force is still spreading on his arm like a venomous snake. One by one, terrifying cracks spread from his palm to his body like a river.

The powerful self-healing ability was repairing his body quickly. At this time, Meng Fei was like a piece of ice that was constantly melting and condensing, constantly breaking and repairing.

Although Meng Fei was not in a good situation, Xuanwu's situation was also not optimistic.

Its head was roaring towards the sky, and that was a painful roar.

Although the four beasts would only attack the enemy, they were still clear about one thing, that is, they would not kill each other.

Therefore, although Meng Fei's body was frozen now, Qinglong did not attack him.

But the zombie warrior would not think so. After understanding Meng Fei's mysterious series of abilities, he only wanted to defeat Meng Fei.

So he jumped high, the ribbon on his waist swayed in the wind, he held the long knife tightly, and killed Meng Fei.

This knife was wiped towards Meng Fei's neck.

Meng Fei caught a glimpse of him from the corner of his eye, and the zombie warrior quickly came to Meng Fei with a confident look.

The horizontal knife swept across Meng Fei's body.

However, Meng Fei only stretched out two fingers and intercepted the black sword directly. The powerful force made it difficult for the zombie warrior to move.

Meng Fei's other fist was still pressing hard against the shell of Xuanwu.

On the back of Xuanwu, the shell began to have terrifying cracks, which spread to all parts of the body and finally spread all over the body.


With Meng Fei's roar, the entire Xuanwu body began to disintegrate from the position of Meng Fei's fist on the back, and finally turned into fragments on the ground and began to dissipate one by one.

Then, Meng Fei wanted to break the zombie samurai's sword, but this long black sword turned out to be a bloodthirsty monster.

Only then did Meng Fei realize that the knife had been sucking his own blood through his fingers, but due to its self-healing ability, Meng Fei had not been able to feel it.

So, without knowing how much blood he had sucked, Meng Fei took off his hand, first grinned, and then jumped up high with the help of the mad force under his feet.

At this time, Meng Fei seemed to be flying. Qinglong's body was getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision, which meant that he was extremely close to it.

Qinglong's attacks were blocked by Meng Fei's punches without affecting his progress.

So, he grabbed the dragon's beard and jumped on Qinglong's head.

"it's over."

Meng Fei uttered three words coldly, and the result was naturally self-evident.

After finally getting rid of all the guys, Meng Fei landed, only to find that the zombie warrior was floating in the air again.

"This is it?" Meng Fei looked confused.

He saw the zombie warrior rising in the air, with the round and big moon behind him. Meng Fei saw that there was blood flowing on his sword.

"The final blow, my opponent!"

After saying that, the zombie warrior lowered the long black sword that seemed to have blood flow to one side, and his body also leaned up.

"Bloodthirsty, draw your sword and kill."

These five words sounded from the warrior's throat like a death sentence. Under the moonlight, that body looked extremely majestic.

"It seems like this is the last resort, so I'll use a trick."

After saying this, Meng Fei just stepped back with one foot and put his fist behind his body to gather strength.

"Punch with all your strength!"

These four words were ordinary and simple, but when they came out of Meng Fei's mouth, they were extremely lethal.

At this time.

The evil sword light struck with brutal force, and the punch struck with power that seemed to tear the space apart.

The two forces connected, and the surrounding scenery began to collapse.

Mountain temples were shattered, trees fell, and animals died or fled.


After a powerful explosion.

The dust in the sky was moved by the wind, but at this time, only one figure appeared and was still standing.

"Did you know, my friend? Standing on the top of the mountain temple, you often feel the wind coming from the east."

"Are you still conscious? It seems you are really strong."

Meng Fei came to the zombie warrior. All that was left of the zombie warrior's body was a festering head. Although the long black sword on the side was still intact, it had lost its luster.

The zombie warrior ignored Meng Fei's words and continued: "There is a country in the east that highly values ​​literature, did you know? That is my hometown, but unfortunately, my hometown doesn't seem to welcome me, so I had to leave far away."

"I hope you can go to the right place in the next life." Meng Fei's words were just words of comfort. People like zombie warriors might not be reincarnated, and they might go to the eighteenth level of hell.

"No, friend, actually I also miss my hometown... Well, well, actually there is nothing to miss about my hometown. It's just that the wind brings longing and reminds me of the people I can't forget..."

The wind blew, and the warrior's eyes were closed, but the corners of his mouth were still moving.

The voice was very subtle, but Meng Fei still tried hard to capture it. It seemed to be saying,

"If you can, please let it go home for me."

That made Meng Fei ponder for a long time. Finally, he stopped at the long sword with a black body and smiled slightly.

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