"Hey~ why did you bring this guy back?"

It's the second day.

Meng Fei, who came back quietly last night, didn't tell them what happened and didn't want to disturb them, so he went to sleep directly.

This morning, everyone was stunned when they saw Meng Fei coming back with a knife.

"Bah! It stinks so damn much! It smells like blood!"

Unexpectedly, the big yellow dog guy secretly took a lick, but he immediately regretted it.

So, Meng Fei gave them an overview of last night's situation.

At this time, after listening to the story, the big yellow dog didn't know why he was so crazy, and he started crying directly.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on with you?" Gu Liu looked speechless.

"It's so damn touching! Samurai! Meng Fei! You must deliver this sword to him!"

The big yellow dog cried and cried, which made everyone confused.

"I didn't expect you to have such a bad temper?" Meng Fei also had a look of disbelief on his face.

Then he said: "Don't worry, since I picked up the knife, it means I agreed to his request, and I will deliver the knife to him."


Unexpectedly, the big yellow dog's face changed in one second and returned to normal in an instant.

"You guys, why are you just making trouble?" Gu Liu's eyes almost bulged out.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Zhengyi, who was watching silently, couldn't help but laugh at this time.

"That's enough."

Meng Fei shook his head on the side, his face full of helplessness.

"That means we have to change our itinerary first?" Gu Liu asked.

Meng Fei thought about it carefully and realized that this was indeed a noteworthy issue. Then he said, "Go ahead. There may be yellow paper wherever you go, so it's not a big delay."


Gu Liu nodded.

After all, yellow paper can be found anywhere, and the direction they are standing in is just the one closest to them.

And even though it's said to be the closest, that's just talk. The real location may be far away from them.

So, after they left Heiyun Town, they changed their itinerary.

With Wanling Sinan here, you don't even need to inquire about any information about the Chongwen country. You only need to touch things with Wanling Sinan to know the direction.

Under the guidance of Wanling Sinan, they quickly arrived at a place that seemed to be the seaside.

"Are you going to take the sea route? Look at this attitude?"

The group of people stopped here.

They are sure that there is a sea in front of them, and they don't know where they are going to stop, at least not yet.

Along the way, there are relatively few people living on the beach, but definitely not none.

"Hey, old man over there!"

Meng Fei called loudly to the lonely boat on the sea, where there was a white-haired old man.

The figure heard Meng Fei's call, so he twisted his body and used one hand to cover the dazzling sunlight. It seemed that he was still breaking things in his mouth.

"Huh? You can't hear me! Come here!"

However, the old man's voice seemed a bit soft, and Meng Fei and the others couldn't hear what he was saying.

So, they saw that the man was rowing the boat very irritably, as if someone owed him money.

Then they quickly came to Meng Fei and the others. Only then did Meng Fei and the others see clearly that this guy was not an old man. Although his face was dark and rough, he could tell that he was not very old.

And having a head full of white hair is not a problem of reflection. White hair is indeed white hair. Meng Fei and the others finally understood that this guy seemed to have less white hair.

Naturally, he was not happy about this problem and the bald head, so he walked up to Meng Fei with a few menacing steps, like a debtor, and then held Meng Fei's head in both hands.

"Come, take a good look, am I an old man?!"

He was gritting his teeth. He was obviously very concerned about this issue. Moreover, it looked like he was often talked about, so as soon as it was mentioned, it immediately ignited his fire.

"Um...Sorry, sorry, I didn't see clearly..."

Meng Fei was also helpless. This situation was really embarrassing. He also expressed his apology. After all, it was not good to poke someone's sore spot.

Seeing that they were angry, the white-haired young man put down his hands after calming down, and asked with a bit of expectation in confusion: "Are you going to take a boat?"

"Eh~ Your transformation is too fast, isn't it?" Gu Liu on the side couldn't help but complain.

"There is no other way. We have to make money to eat." He looked helpless.

Meng Fei just pointed in the direction and said at the same time: "What is in this direction? Let's go there."

"This direction?"

He looked in the direction of Meng Fei's finger and couldn't help but touch his chin, "In this direction, it should be... the island, right?"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

Meng Fei was speechless. Isn't it normal to have islands on the sea? What he wants must be specific content. For example, there are differences between islands. Of course, the biggest difference for them is whether there are people living there.

"Uh... I'm sorry, let me think about it, oh, by the way! There is a small island that I remember is occupied by people. It seems that they are all refugees. If you want to go, I will call you right away. It’s not too far to take you there, you can get there in half a day!” The boatman finally thought about it.

"Okay." Without too much nonsense, since they are there, go directly.

"Hehe, that one."

The boatman kept rubbing two fingers and blinking at them, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Money, it's a small matter."

"Okay! I feel relieved with your words."

The scene was also weird. The boatman who was angry at Meng Fei just now was now full of kindness.

This is probably life. In this situation, Meng Fei only had such a sentence in his mind.

Without saying anything more, under the guidance of the boatman, they finally came to an island with few trees.

The reason for the scarcity of trees is not because of the land, but because of people.

They can see the houses built by people with trees, and they can also see people fishing and foraging on the edge of the island.

They can also see some fields that were forcibly reclaimed, with some things planted sparsely on them, but not many have grown.

And right where they landed, there were many men in tattered clothes looking for prey everywhere.

"Someone is coming!"

Seeing Meng Fei and his group coming, those people rushed over like crazy as if they had seen something strange.

The boatman left here early because he seemed to be afraid to come here, which made sense. After all, not only could he not make any money here, but he was also very likely to be plundered by the refugees on the island.

If it weren't for the high money Meng Fei gave him, he wouldn't even want to come.

And Meng Fei and his group were now surrounded, and it was hard to imagine such a scene. Meng Fei even had a feeling of being lost in the primitive.

At this time, someone stood up first, holding a wooden spear that had changed color and asked Meng Fei: "Is there any food?"

"No." Meng Fei shook his head.

Then, the man poked Meng Fei directly with the wooden spear, but this trick was no different from a child's impotent rage in front of Meng Fei.

He moved his fingers lightly, and the wooden spear broke directly. The man wanted to continue to punch Meng Fei, but Meng Fei stood still. The circle hit Meng Fei, and the man's arm immediately made a sound of broken bones.

The man rolled to the ground and rolled in pain.

The other people watching were frightened by this scene and could not help but retreat. Some children ran away to who knows where.

Finally, an old man was led over.

The person who seemed to be their leader appeared. When he appeared, everyone else became respectful and serious, allowing him to pass through and come to Meng Fei.

"Sir, no, young man, what is the reason for coming to this place of suffering?"

What Meng Fei did not expect was that the old man was so polite.

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