"It's nothing, just passing by."

Meng Fei replied.

These words also made the old man stunned for a moment, and then he smiled kindly and said, "That's right. Who would come here without any trouble? May I ask where you want to go?"

Regarding this issue, Meng Fei and the others were also speechless.

Originally they thought this was their destination, but as a result, Wanling Sinan had not reset, which meant that this was just a place they were passing through.

Now that the boatman has run away early, if they want to continue moving forward, don't they have to find a way on their own?

And look at the place where they are now, it looks like there is a boat.

Meng Fei still told them where they were going. However, when he heard where Meng Fei and the others were going, not only the old man who seemed to be the leader became excited, but also everyone else around him was the same, except for some younger ones. .

"What are you doing where you are going?!"

Almost a group of people were questioning them, and they were extremely emotional.

"Uh...is there any problem?" Meng Fei's face was even more confused.

The old man took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mood, and then said to Meng Fei calmly: "We fugitives are from that country!"

"Really? Is it so dramatic?" Meng Fei stared at the guys in front of him in disbelief.

However, when thinking of such a polite old man who was always good at controlling his emotions, Meng Fei could probably think of a country that valued literature, but as far as others were concerned, they were really no different from savages.

"Can you please talk to a few of them alone?"

The old man invited a few people and asked others to leave first. He wanted to have a chat with Meng Fei and the others alone.

So, the others left obediently. All along, they seemed to be very obedient to the old man's words, which made Meng Fei guess what the old man's true identity was.

Later, under the leadership of the old man, they came to a wooden house that was pretty good in comparison.

Although it is simple, they don't care, after all, they are here to do business.

"What's your identity, old guy? What's going on on this island?" Unexpectedly, the curious Meng Fei was the first to ask.

The old man helped himself up, and then he was still very kind. He introduced himself first: "My name is Fuxin, and I am a member of the Yuan Wen Kingdom. Because my country was invaded by other countries' wars and was unable to resist, it collapsed. The survivors of Gu Gou fled here. It has been just one year. One hundred and fifty years, I am exactly fifty this year.”

"This is the identity of all of you, but I want to know your identity? Why can you order them?" Meng Fei continued to ask.

Fu Xin shook his head, his old face was full of vicissitudes of life, he was already seventy years old even though he was fifty, he weakly replied: "The fact is, I can't give them orders, it's just their respect for me. That’s all, the reason why I can speak with weight is because since we escaped to this deserted island, we people in Yuanwen Kingdom have always respected literature. But after we got here, those things no longer allowed us to survive, so many of them gave up. Until now, The only one left who still has cultural heritage is me. Although everyone no longer needs literature, their respect for literati seems to be still engraved in their bones, so that’s why.”

For some reason, Meng Fei heard a hint of reluctance in his tone. Fu Xin seemed unhappy to be respected by them, as if it was something that caused him great pain.

"In other words, Yuan Wen Kingdom was almost destroyed?" This may feel a bit revealing, but Meng Fei still asked.

After all, he wanted to send the things back, but if that place was no longer the place it once was, then Meng Fei's trip would be in vain.

Fu Xin nodded reluctantly, his dry mouth as if he had no use of force, "Yes, the people on the island you can see now are already the last of their blood."

"Do you want to go back?" Unexpectedly, Meng Fei asked suddenly again.

Gu Liu quietly tugged at the corner of his clothes and whispered: "Hello? What do you mean? You don't want to care about this, do you? Such things are common in the world, and even we Taoist priests will not get involved in this. Are you going to have a hand in this matter?"

Meng Fei shook his head slightly and whispered to Gu Liu, "No, no, I'm just asking..."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Fu Xin became as excited as if he had been injected with blood, "Of course I do, of course all of us want to go back there! It's just that our current strength is too weak! It's all passed down by some literati , without force. What you don’t know is that when we first arrived here, the number of people was at least three times what it is now, but because they knew nothing but studying, a full two-thirds of such people died! I don’t know how to fight back!”

Speaking of these things, Fu Xin's emotions became high, but it seemed to be hatred, the hatred that iron cannot become steel. He believed that it would be a problem for such a group of "scholars" and their descendants to go into battle, let alone fight. When it comes to revenge, even he thinks it is extremely useless.

Suddenly, Fuxin's eyes turned cold, and he said to Meng Fei and the others as if he wanted to confess something:

"So, I killed all the other people who were still passing on the culture and their descendants to prevent the literati style from hindering the physical strength of these descendants!"

As soon as these words came out, even Meng Fei and the others suddenly changed their views on the old man in front of them. They didn't expect that he could be so ruthless and decisive.

"And obviously my approach has achieved good results. The number of people on the island has finally stopped gradually decreasing, and is even increasing. Their bodies have also become stronger. One day, they will definitely succeed!" Fu Xin continued to speak with high spirits.

For a moment, Meng Fei was confused and didn't know what to say. He just waited quietly for Fu Xin to finish what he said.

After that, Fu Xin's eyes suddenly turned to Meng Fei. His mood suddenly changed. His tone was full of requests and expectations and he said: "I heard what they said and know that you don't seem to be an ordinary person. So, see if you can make a big fortune." Can you give us some help?"

Meng Fei was stunned by his sudden request. After being stunned for a while, Meng Fei came to his senses.

Just when everyone was looking forward to his answer, he didn't say anything. His first move was to take off the long cloth seal on his back.

He took off the cloth strip, and the thing inside was revealed. It was the zombie warrior's black and slender sword.

"Is this?" Seeing this scene, Fuxin was even more confused.

Then, Meng Fei was seen gently stroking the black slender knife while talking to himself with a look of reminiscence:

"It turns out that as early as two hundred years ago, God gave Yuan Wenguo prompts and opportunities. In fifty years, if Yuan Wenguo accepts you, then I believe you will lead Yuan Wenguo to defeat all enemies who want to invade the country. , all these tragedies will not happen, but it is a pity that there is no if in this world..."

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