"What do you mean?"

After listening to Meng Fei's talk, Fuxin was even more confused.

The words mentioned Yuan Wenguo, but some of the stories he told seemed to be unknown to him.

But this makes sense. After all, "alien" like zombie warriors appeared in Yuanwen Kingdom. This "stain"-like character will naturally be erased. It is normal for later people not to know everything about him. .

So, Meng Fei began to tell Fuxin about the story from two hundred years ago, about the zombie warrior.

After listening to Meng Fei's story about the zombie warrior, Fuxin burst into tears, and then said with self-deprecation: "Unexpectedly, I have asked God many times why he refused to give even a glimmer of hope to save us. It turns out that It’s not that God has never taken care of us, it’s just that we didn’t cherish the opportunities we had. It’s really a punishment from God, and we really deserve it.”


There was no expression on Fuxin's face. Perhaps after so many years, so many years of thinking and questioning God, now he seemed to have finally gotten a definite answer.

So he was relieved. At this time, he felt much relieved, but he could not deny the crime he had committed and believed that he would definitely go to hell.

He just felt that it was something that was bound to happen, but he just made it happen in advance.

Then, when he was deep in thought, Meng Fei spoke again: "When you are weak, you use force to strengthen yourself. When you are strong, you use literature to stabilize you. If you can understand the principle of being prepared for danger in times of peace, then the relationship between literature and martial arts is like yin and yang. The two are mutually reinforcing and complementary, and one cannot exist without the other.”

These words are definitely not comfort, but enlightenment and guidance. Meng Fei, who comes from the earth, obviously has a deeper understanding of this kind of thinking.

Regarding this kind of thinking, it is obvious that Fuxin has also gone to the extreme and believes that military force alone is enough. This is obviously not feasible.

"I understand..." After listening to Meng Fei's words, he became much more enlightened.

Then, Meng Fei stepped forward and handed the black slender sword to Fuxin, and told him: "Find the person who is suitable for this sword, and if you can, pass it on!"

"Okay." Fu Xin carefully took the knife and held it in his hands. He quietly looked at the knife in his hands.

The knife was very heavy. The moment Fu Xin took it, his body sank. In other words, it wasn't the knife that was heavy at all, but his lack of strength. After all, in Meng Fei's hand, the knife was as light as a tree branch. .

This further confirmed his current thinking. He had to do something if he wanted to return to the hometown he had never seen before.

He didn't know how long he had left in this life, so Fu Xin knew that he had to live every day as if it were his last.

While he was looking at the knife in trance, Meng Fei and the others made plans to leave.

The zombie warriors' former hometown is no longer there, and that place can no longer represent their hometown, so they choose to return their things here. In fact, this is not that hometown, but it is the real hometown.

They left quietly without causing any further commotion.

I took a hasty ride on a raft. Since the size was really limited, I had no choice but to let the big yellow dog swim on his own.

Although it tried its best to resist, it would be too tired after all, but with Meng Fei around, its protest would be less effective.

So, the group of people left quietly, leaving nothing behind and taking nothing away.

The Wanling Sinan in his hand moves again, and this time the location of the yellow paper closest to them will be revealed.

However, this time, Wanling Sinan except Yao Mozi.

I saw that the crested pointer of this thing was constantly beating on the chassis of Wanling Sinan.

"What's going on?"

Meng Fei and the others were filled with disbelief. They had never seen Wanling Sinan behave in such a strange way for so long.

"What happened? Is it broken?"

Even he himself didn't quite believe what Gu Liu said. Wanling Sinan had always had something happen to him for so long, so why was he suddenly like this today.

"I suspect it's the location. The location this time may be special?!"

Meng Fei made a bold guess, and at the same time he held Wanling Sinan tightly, and then kept rotating in the direction indicated by the phoenix head pointer, and finally made Wanling Sinan's pointer point directly downwards.

"Stop it!"

They were overjoyed.

At this time, the pointer stopped steadily and turned slightly to one side, which seemed to be pointing in the direction of a nautical mile.

"Does this... mean to let us enter the sea?" Gu Liu was dumbfounded. This was the first time he had seen such a thing.

"What the hell? Into the sea?! Isn't this nonsense?!"

The big yellow dog was even more shocked. Entering the sea requires some skills, and it is not something you can get in just by walking in.

"Should we go into the sea? But we can't breathe in the sea, what should we do?" Xu Zhengyi also expressed his doubts.

After determining the direction, Meng Fei took back Wanling Sinan. He was helpless. After many confirmations, he found that they really had to enter the sea.

This is no small problem.

Maybe it would be okay for Meng Fei to go down. After all, Meng Fei's self-healing ability should be able to withstand the strong pressure of the deep sea or an environment with almost no air.

But it's hard to say for others, and even if Meng Fei can hold on, it's probably difficult for him to move normally, which must be quite difficult.

"Well... Actually, I seem to have a way, but it's also a bit risky."

At this time, Gu Liu said seriously.

Everyone's eyes naturally turned to him. Gu Liu scratched his head subconsciously, and then took out two black and white talisman papers and held them in front of everyone, "Water-repellent talisman."

"Does it work?" Meng Fei asked.

Gu Liu shook his head slightly, "I'm just not sure, because I've never used it much..."

"Try it?"

"Yeah, it's okay."

After that, Meng Fei took a water-repellent talisman, and under Gu Liu's urging, the water-repellent talisman formed a transparent cover that wrapped him up.

Meng Fei took advantage of the situation and jumped directly from under the raft, entering the sea like a stone falling into the water.

Under the protection of the water-repellent talisman, Meng Fei was surrounded by a small vacuum state. In this sea, nothing can come in except air.

At the same time, following the direction indicated by Wanling Sinan, Meng Fei went deeper and deeper into the target location.

Although he was just trying the water-repellent charm this time, he could also go to that direction to have a look. There were only benefits and no harm.

He kept going deeper, and he didn't know how many meters he had gone. The cover formed by the water-repellent charm was always intact and solid, without any deformation problems.

This made Meng Fei extremely satisfied, but as time passed, Meng Fei found a strange place underwater.

This was exactly the location indicated by Wanling Sinan.

A spiral water column.

And it kept winding down, as if there was something hidden underneath.

Just when Meng Fei wanted to go over and take a look, the water-repellent cover suddenly had a little accident.

The cover seemed to have shrunk a little, and Meng Fei felt wet on his head.

Meng Fei realized that something was wrong, so he started to walk back.

"Can't bear it?"

Meng Fei thought that the cover couldn't bear the pressure, but he was wrong.

Even if he retreated in time, the cover was still shrinking a little bit.

Only then did he realize that it was not that the shield could not withstand the pressure, but a matter of time!

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