That is to say.

There is no doubt about the ability of the water repellent charm, but there is a problem with time.

Meng Fei was just about to walk towards the water column, but he didn't know that the time of the cover had already come to an end, and after this phenomenon began to appear, the cover dissipated faster and faster.

Fortunately, Meng Fei acted quickly and returned to the raft before the cover completely disappeared.

"Gu Liu, the water-avoiding talisman can be used, but..."

After Meng Fei came up, the first thing he did was to tell him all the problems.

After Gu Liu heard this, he was originally a little worried that the water-avoiding talisman could not be used, but after hearing that it was other problems, he was relieved.

"Well...I know." He was still serious, after all, this was not a small problem.

After thinking about it, Gu Liu took out the blessing talisman and said, "It seems I still have to rely on it."

With the blessing of the blessing talisman, the action time of the water-avoiding talisman will be greatly extended. In this way, they will speed up their actions. During this period, Gu Liu can also make some more water-avoiding talismans as backup. In this way, Then you can move forward and retreat freely.

After confirming the plan, the group finally stopped drifting in the wind on the sea.

Of course, their current situation is even more different.

People are always afraid of the deep sea, it is the fear of the unknown.

And is it really so?

For Meng Fei, there is no fear. This is because of his own strength. If he is strong enough, how can he be afraid of the unknown?

So it's not that we don't know, but that we don't know whether it will be stronger than ourselves.

Therefore, they kept diving into the deep sea with a relatively calm mood.

Soon, like Meng Fei before, they came to the huge spiral water column.

They stopped here, but Wanling Sinan was pointing at the place occupied by the spiral water column, and it was still going down.

"Does this mean we should go down from this water column?"

Gu Liu's tone was not one of doubt, but surprise.

Meng Fei was silent because once again seeing the spiral water column in front of him, he couldn't help but think of one thing - the toilet.

When the toilet is flushed, it seems that you will see a similar scene like this.

This made Meng Fei think that there might be some unknown "pipeline" leading somewhere underneath this spiral water column, right?

If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with what Wanling Sinan pointed out.

So, with this idea in mind, Meng Fei stepped forward and took the lead without explaining too much: "Everyone hold hands and come together."

Even if there is a water-proof talisman between them, they can still hold hands. In this case, they can avoid being separated.

Who knows what will happen in the water column? So they must be careful to avoid accidents.

Approaching the water column, the huge suction force made them a little unsteady.

Almost everyone took a deep breath at this time to balance their psychology.

"Three, two, one!"

Meng Fei counted down to three, and then took them with him and plunged into the huge spiral water column.

The powerful rotational force kept them spinning in the water column. Fortunately, the water-avoiding talisman had been protecting them. They were now diving crazily downwards deeper into the spiral water column like they were on a roller coaster.

The dizzy people felt nauseated and even almost entered a "crash" state.

In the groggy state, in the end they could only see that the world in front of them seemed to be spinning, and they had no idea where they were.

"Hi~Have you finally stopped?"

Naturally, Meng Fei was the first to wake up. He rubbed his hazy eyes. It felt as if he had just woken up after being in a coma for a long time.

Meng Fei stood up and looked around, "Here?"

After seeing his surroundings, he was shocked. The surroundings seemed empty.

In other words, this place is like land, and there seems to be no sea water.

In order to test this idea, Meng Fei stretched out his hand through the water-proof cover, and sure enough, there was no wet feeling.

This is obviously no ordinary place.

It was even more unusual and understandable. Meng Fei looked at the ground under his feet, which was full of sand and gravel. There was a lot of green on it, which should be some underwater vegetation.

Looking at it this way, it seems that this place was originally a normal sea, but I don't know what happened, turning this area into a "vacuum".

At this time, he saw a few people near him, namely Gu Liu and others, who were still unconscious at this time.

Only the big yellow dog's hooves seemed to move a little, and it looked like he was about to wake up.

So he came to Xu Zhengyi and Gu Liu to make sure that they were only unconscious before he felt relieved.

"What the hell has this uncle done?!"

The confused voice of the big yellow dog came from behind. It had also woken up, and was looking around in a similar manner to Meng Fei.

Then there was a burst of doubts and all kinds of strange words.

At this time, Xu Zhengyi and Gu Liu also woke up together, still looking around like that.

At this time, Meng Fei used Wanling Sinan to check the direction again.

"Are you all awake?" Meng Fei asked while watching.

"Yes, but where is this?"

There were voices of confirmation and confusion behind him.

Meng Fei briefly spoke, and then asked them to follow him.

Walking in the direction pointed by Wanling Sinan, you can still see some bluestones on the road, scattered around in various shapes and positions.

This makes people think that there will be some buildings here, and if you think more boldly, are there people here?

"Looking at this, it seems that someone lives here?" Meng Fei also analyzed.

"People? I think it's unlikely. How can anyone live in the sea? Could it be a mermaid?" Gu Liu also analyzed along with Meng Fei's words.

"No, it may not be a human or a mermaid, but a ghost!" The big yellow dog next to him also continued the sentence.

"Whatever it is, you will know when you go there!"

So, the group kept walking in the direction.

Not long after walking, a group of blue-black buildings really appeared in front of them.

"They are all houses built with bluestones, plus black tiles, which is really strange."

Meng Fei came to the house that appeared in front of them first, leaning against the half-open window of the house, and he looked at the others.

There are even quite a few houses here, large and small, countless, with no regularity. It feels like they live in whichever piece of land they think is good.

"It really looks like someone lives here."

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei couldn't help but say this.


Suddenly, he felt something like touching his elbow.

Because his elbow was against the window of the house next to him, he turned his head.

He found a wrinkled old face with a faint green light, looking at him with a grim smile.

"Fuck you!"

Meng Fei was startled by this sudden move, and then punched him subconsciously.

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