The huge cup was like a swimming pool to Meng Fei.

And he was really swimming freely in it at this time. Of course, this was just an appearance. His real purpose was actually to use the drug to better integrate with the water.

Of course, he was not ambiguous. After getting this cup, he immediately moved to another cup, and the movements in his hands were still the same.

Fortunately, this move was not noticed by the giant. Of course, he didn't seem to care much about Meng Fei swimming in his own water, which gave them a chance.

Of course, what's more important is that the two men's previous conspiracy was not noticed.


Meng Fei jumped out of the water. He was wet and put on the clothes Gu Liu gave him. At this time, he looked like a Taoist priest.

"Have you decided? Which one to choose?" the giant's voice sounded. After struggling for so long, there was no sign of anxiety on his face.

Meng Fei looked very serious, as if it was still difficult to decide between the two glasses of water in front of him. His fingers were pointing to the left and the right, making it a bit unclear what he was thinking.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief, pointed to the cup on the left with determination and said, "That's it!"

Gu Liu looked at it with one of his eyes narrowed into a slit. He really wanted to say that he had so many dramas.


After making the final choice, the giant directly picked up the glass of water and poured it into his throat.

Boom boom.

Two huge trembling sounds exploded in their ears like thunder.

"That was his heartbeat just now?"

Under the incredible gazes of Meng Fei and Gu Liu, they saw that the giant's body was actually steaming with steam, and huge water like a flood poured out from the layers of fat.

The two people below were even more shocked by this scene.

"Is this also the effect of your medicine?" Meng Fei tilted his head and asked Gu Liu beside him, somewhat half-believing.

Seeing this scene, Gu Liu became paralyzed and dull. After hearing Meng Fei's question, he replied with disgust: "How could this be my handiwork?"

Yes, he just provided some drug that can make people fall asleep instantly, and for this giant, the amount was too small, so whether Gu Liu's drug had any effect, he didn't even know I don’t even dare to guarantee it myself.

Just as both of them were puzzled, they found that the giant's body in front of them was shrinking as if it was leaking air. The huge body shrank little by little, and the watertight road that was originally surrounded by him was finally able to be seen at this time. To the corner of the view.

"Did you choose the right one?"

Even Meng Fei was a little unbelievable.

He remembered the video he had watched, which had similar choices, but both choices were wrong answers. The correct answer was to kill the person who was blocking the way. It was for this reason that Meng Fei thought of drugging. Method.

As for being able to choose the right thing, he really hasn't thought about it that way.

Gu Liu had similar doubts and said straightly: "It should be... I chose the right one..."

As for the giant, while shrinking, his face actually showed an expression of astonishment. Looking at the two people in front of him at a loss, another person appeared in his mind.

The man was dressed in black and white Taoist robes, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, and a majestic air. He had no sword, only a flexible ruler, and he looked even more unfathomable.

"It's him! It must be him!"

The giant kept thinking about the person in his mind. Looking at the two people in front of him, they didn't look like the kind of people who were very experienced in the city. However, they were able to reach this position. It seemed that they were the same as that person. Most of the hands and feet are related.

Otherwise, how could this hell-like space allow them to survive here.

Finally, the giant's body became the size of a normal person, and the stone door behind him also appeared in their eyes.

Both of them became excited because behind the stone door was the person they had been looking for - Taoist Master Baixiao.

We have finally come to this point.

"Can we go there?"

Meng Fei said to the smaller giant with a tentative look on his face, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, looking a little proud.

The giant gritted his teeth, but the matter had come to this, and he could not do anything more, so he had to make way for the two of them.

"The stone door will open as soon as you push it."

These were the giant's last words to them.

The two of them nodded, and then came to the stone door, one person on each side, pushing the stone door with force at the same time.

The stone door opens.

It felt like coming to another world here, and the strange and strange shock made both of them move forward curiously.

As soon as they took a step, a vine fell in front of the two of them.

Meng Fei took advantage of the situation and pulled.

Their feet immediately started to move, but not too much, and both of them could stand very stable.

Then, the stone slab they were stepping on protruded from the ground, and then led them towards the house.

"Is this something from this weird space?" Meng Fei couldn't believe that such a strange thing would appear here.

"No, I think this is the work of my third senior brother..." Gu Liu came to this conclusion as if he remembered something from the past.

After being brought into the house by Shi Ban, it was a very large stone house with an equally strange scene inside.

The surrounding walls were covered with unknown things. When the two of them got closer and observed, they found that the walls were all filled with weird words and drawings. Even after tearing off the drawings, they found that the wall was also covered with something. There are a lot of words, various patterns and drawings engraved on them.

And it's nothing compared to this.

What's even scarier is the ground!

There are so many papers on the ground that they are like fallen leaves in the woods. If you step on them, they will even sink into the entire sole of your feet.

However, what attracted the two of them the most was a strange splicing in the middle of the room.

"What is this stuff?"

"have no idea."

"Three separate stone slabs, and then a stone stick passes through the three stone slabs. Is there anything special about this?"

Full of curiosity, Meng Fei touched the outermost stone slab with his hand.

After being touched by Meng Fei, there was no reaction.

He wanted to bring the separated stone slabs together, but found that he couldn't seem to move them.

"It's really weird."

Meng Fei still didn't give up. This time, he wanted to see if it would be OK if he pulled out the stick stuck on it.

Then Meng Fei pulled it out gently and found that the stick could be pulled out. Then he applied force and the stick was pulled out.

Then, the three stone slabs slowly moved and merged together!

After that, Meng Fei inserted the stick again, and the three stone slabs returned to their previous spacing.


"Okay, stop playing around, let's find where the third senior brother is."

Gu Liu, who was looking for his third senior brother, saw Meng Fei playing with the slate there, so he urged him.


Meng Fei agreed, then took a few steps back, stepped on the ground full of papers, and sank in with his foot.

Suddenly, his expression changed and he murmured: "Why is there a stick under here?"

"Wow! It hurts! It hurts me so much. Who the hell stepped on me!"

At this moment, a burst of extremely violent screams broke out at Meng Fei's feet.

Meng Fei was so frightened that he immediately stopped his feet.

Then I saw a man with an unshaven beard and a haggard look, as if he had never slept or taken a shower in half his life. His hair was even more messy. It could be said that a chicken would squat up and lay eggs upon seeing this.

At this time, he was still holding his private parts and moaning incessantly. Coupled with the clothes filled with dust, he really looked like a gangster wandering on the roadside.

"Damn it, may I ask who you are?" Faced with such a person, Meng Fei could not say anything else except "admiration".

Gu Liu on the side was attracted by this side and cast his gaze over.

After looking at it for a while, Gu Liu asked puzzledly: "Where did this horse-riding guy come from to beg for food?"

Then, the more he looked, the more something was wrong. Until he saw the thick mechanical ruler on the man's waist, Gu Liu's eyes suddenly widened. He clapped his chin in surprise and said:

"What are you talking about? This horse is my third senior brother!"

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