
The sloppy man also saw Gu Liu, with doubtful eyes under his dirty eyelids.

"What? This thing is your third senior brother?!" Meng Fei widened his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Don't be so rude. This is indeed my third senior brother."

Gu Liu stepped forward and saluted his senior brother.

And Taoist Master Bai Xiao was also surprised by their arrival, and said, "Xiaowu, why are you here?"

You know, this is not a place to have fun. Even if you want to catch ghosts, this is not a good place.

Afterwards, Gu Liu told Taoist Master Bai Xiao everything that happened before. Regarding Meng Fei's identity, Gu Liu only said that he was an exorcist.

After knowing the purpose of their arrival, Taoist Master Bai Xiao leaned back slightly, and even opened his mouth wide, his eyes full of unacceptability.


After a sigh, his expression was full of helplessness, as if he had chosen to escape and accept reality.

The feeling of vicissitudes of life was made more serious by his sloppy appearance.

"Third Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Junior Brother knows that he is wrong and shouldn't cause trouble..."

"It's okay, it's not your fault, Xiaowu, you don't have to blame yourself, it's all because of fate."


Gu Liu was a little confused by his senior brother's words.

Taoist Master Bai Xiao saw Gu Liu's confused look, so he sat on the ground and said to the two of them at the same time: "Are you anxious?"

For such a question, the two of them certainly couldn't say anything else, so they naturally replied: "No hurry."

"Well, then, let's listen to everything I know here for the time being."

Then, Taoist Master Bai Xiao raised his head and looked at the stone ceiling, and pictures of the past seemed to be reflected on it.


Remember three years ago.

At that time, Gu Liu had just entered Xuanzhenmen, but it was not easy. After all, Xuanzhenmen was one of the "Three Trues" that Taoists all over the world yearned for.

Together with Yuanzhen and Yuzhen, they represent the highest peak sects of Taoists.

But the focus of the story is not the story between several sects, but the story of that one person.

That person's name is Li Changfeng. He is the first disciple of Xuanzhen Sect and the most talented disciple recognized by the three major sects. At the age of only sixteen, he already had the terrifying power to kill the absolute strongman Yaksha among ghosts. Even facing the middle-level demon, he can still kill it.

It can be said that this person was born to kill demons and eliminate demons.

However, he does not seem to care about killing demons and eliminating demons, but is obsessed with the question of how demons and ghosts appeared in this world. He is particularly curious and concerned, and can even be said to have reached a crazy level.

How crazy can he be?

I remember that he has a habit, that is, before killing ghosts, he will ask ghosts some questions he wants to know. If the information the ghost says is really useful and does not lie to him, then he will let those ghosts go.

He is a man who does what he says.

For his behavior, the whole sect does not understand his style, and even the elders and masters are giving him a lecture.

However, he would not pay attention to all the words and teachings about him.

However, whether he paid attention to these voices that often existed around him or not, these voices would still have a certain impact on him.

Finally, as time passed, the voices around him still did not disappear. Finally, he could not bear it anymore, so he decided to leave Xuanzhen in a rage.

But he was not a heartless person. After leaving Xuanzhen, he still said that he was the eldest disciple of Xuanzhen.

However, no one knew what he was doing.

Until later, that is, the year when Gu Liu came to Xuanzhen, a shocking news appeared.

The eldest disciple of Xuanzhen, the Taoist priest who was known as the most talented in the contemporary era, died in a battle with Tian Yasha.

When we rushed to the scene, only the last black and white Taoist talisman was left.

The black and white Taoist talisman was broken, and the last sentence appeared in front of us.

[I'm sorry, Master, uncles, and junior brothers, letting you get involved in this bloody fate is the most regrettable thing I have ever done. ]

After seeing this sentence, everyone didn't understand what it meant.

Even the Taoist priests who were the masters of Xuanzhen's sect did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, this affected the other four disciples of Xuanzhen at that time.

Since the death of the eldest brother Li Changfeng.

The second brother Chang Ning officially took on all the responsibilities of the first disciple, and the fourth brother Longfu, as the strongest disciple of the sect besides the eldest brother Li Changfeng, loved fighting. After seeing the terrifying strength of the eldest brother fighting with the ghost Tian Yasha, who was infinitely close to the existence of the ghost king, although he died in the battle, he also went crazy and madly improved his strength. As the youngest and the least experienced, Xiaowu Guliu was a person who was interested in everything. The eldest brother was not impressed by him, so he just continued his Taoist life as usual.

And I, Bai Xiao, may be the most touched person besides the fourth brother Longfu.

I am obsessed with the art of Qimen and love the ever-changing feeling. When I see a wonderful mechanism, I want to dig up its roots and take a peek.

So, I became the second disciple to leave the sect after the eldest brother.

From the moment I stepped out of the sect, I said to myself, "I must figure out what the so-called destiny is."

Later, I went to countless places, almost all of which were places that the eldest brother had been to. After that, I continued to travel around the world with my own ideas.

During this period, although I got a lot of information, there was never anything that allowed me to verify my ideas.

Until that day.

The divine consciousness symbol I left in the sect sent me an amazing message.

The sect was suddenly attacked by a ground yaksha, and the master and elders were all away because of something.

So after receiving the news, I quickly returned to Xuanzhen with the strange door transmission technique and resisted its invasion with my fellow apprentices.

That was also the first time that Xiaowu Guliu personally experienced a battle with a yaksha, and the first time was at the ground yaksha level, so in order to make him relax, we only told him at the time that it was just an ordinary yaksha and there was no need to worry.

He didn't know that it was actually a ground yaksha that could wipe out ordinary yakshas with one blow.

But, this ground yaksha was also a narrow victory for the four of us brothers and sisters.

At that moment, Long Fu and I were greatly affected again. I finally had a rough idea of ​​fate, and Long Fu realized that he had worked so hard for so long, but he was still so far away from his former senior brother.

So, after myself, Long Fu also decided to go down the mountain.

At that time, it was time for Xiao Wu to go down the mountain for training, so only the second senior brother Chang Ning was left in the sect.

In order to continue to explore the answer, I went down the mountain again.

Finally, after coming here, I met the old man with human skin, and his words made me suddenly realize.

Taoist Master Bai Xiao stopped here.

"So what answers did you get?"

Unexpectedly, it was Meng Fei who asked the question first.

Taoist Master Bai Xiao smiled, his eyes full of memories of the past, and he said directly:

"The answer that the senior brother is pursuing is the way to solve the problems of this cruel world."

Then, Taoist Master Bai Xiao stood up and walked to the three stone slabs connected by stone sticks.

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