“The best way to completely solve a problem is to cut it off at the source.”

Regarding what Senior Brother Li Changfeng did back then, Master Baixiao gave what he thought was the best summary.

"People at that time regarded him as a born exorcist, and when they saw his behavior, they scolded him for not knowing his mission. In fact, this was not the case. The senior brother at that time always knew his mission. He understood it better than anyone else. , but what he wanted to achieve was too difficult.”

Priest Baixiao became excited. He no longer had any doubts about what that man had wanted to do, but only had deep respect.

"The thing in front of me is the biggest conclusion I have come to. Although it may not be the truth, it is the answer I have come up with this whole year that feels right."

After saying that, he put one hand on the stone stick.

"This? How do you say it?" Meng Fei looked at the strange combination of stone slabs and sticks that he had "played with" before in confusion.

Taoist Master Baixiao pointed to the stone slab in the middle and said, "This is the human world."

Then, he pointed to the lower piece and said, "This is the ghost world."

"And the top piece is the demon world." He pointed to the top piece again.

"In other words, there is actually no intersection between these three realms." Gu Liu listened carefully and came to this conclusion.

Taoist Master Baixiao nodded happily, then held the stone stick tightly and said, "Xiao Wu is right, there is no intersection between these three realms. In other words, in the original normal human world, there is no intersection. There will be monsters and there will be no ghosts, but they are not completely separated."

Then, Taoist Baixiao pointed to the middle stone slab, then pointed downwards to the bottom stone slab, and finally pointed to the stick between the two, and said: "After death, people enter the ghost world first, then this is the passage."

Then he did the same thing again, but this time he pointed at the stone stick between the two stone slabs above and said: "All living beings will ascend to the demon world once they pursue the great road and gain something."

"This is the fundamental way everything is, but now this order has been disrupted."

At this moment, Taoist Baixiao used his hand to pull out the stone stick.

The three stone slabs merged together.

"This is what's happening now."

Taoist Master Baixiao said meaningfully.

"The passage between the two realms and the human world was destroyed, so monsters and ghosts harmed the human world. The three realms of life coexisted in one realm, but it was the people in the human world who suffered a lot." He continued.

"So, if you want to solve the problem, you have to find a 'stick' that can restore everything." Meng Fei immediately thought of the stick that could restore the three stone slabs to their original state.

"That's right." Taoist Master Baixiao nodded.

"Then where can I find that 'stick'?" Gu Liu asked puzzledly.

"Haha, this is a very strange thing, because I found the 'stick' first and then came to the conclusion."

"how do I say this?"

Both of them were a little confused and couldn't understand what he said.

Seeing the two people's confused looks, Taoist Master Baixiao smiled slightly, and then explained to them in detail.

"The old man with human skin will tell you everything. The yellow paper is an imitation of the real yellow paper."

After saying that, a piece of yellow paper similar to that of the old man with human skin appeared on his hand.

"This is?!"

The two recognized each other instantly and looked excited.

Taoist Master Baixiao smiled and began to walk around, as if he wanted to say something again.

"When I tell you all the secrets about this yellow paper, you will naturally understand everything, even the so-called fate."

"Third senior brother, please speak."

Gu Liu responded.

Then, Master Baixiao started telling stories like a storyteller again.

That was about the time when the old man with human skin was still alive. It was a coincidence.

At the Scarecrow's place, I quickly solved the problem, so I started talking and communicating with him. I learned almost everything about him and everything he knew.

When the old man in human skin was still alive, he was almost exactly the same as our senior brother Li Changfeng. They were both talented giants at that time, and even this guy was even more powerful.

What's even more ingenious is that this guy actually has his own pursuits like his senior brother. He is not willing to kill the monsters and monsters in front of him, but thinks about how to solve the fundamental problem.

Later, like his senior brother, he eventually faced the attack of Tianyaksha.

But this guy is indeed more powerful. The senior brother and Tianyaksha died together, but this guy actually killed Tianyaksha directly and still had some energy left.

But at this time, because he was still alive, he saw and succeeded in getting it, that is, a strange yellow paper fell from the body of Tianyaksha who was destroyed by him.

Although he didn't know what it was, he took it as a trophy and took it first.

However, just when he was about to leave, an ordinary Yaksha appeared there. You must know that he was seriously injured at that time. Although it was not fatal, it was weak enough to make him unable to resist.

Just when he thought he was doomed, the yellow paper he held tightly in his hand was subconsciously blocked in front of him, and then he shouted like an ordinary person, "Get out of here!" Who knew that after he shouted this, the Yaksha actually dodged to the side.

So, he looked at the yellow paper in his hand in surprise, thinking.

He seemed to understand something, and said to the yellow paper, "Go to hell."

Two simple words, but it triggered an unimaginable situation.

The Yaksha just exploded in front of him.

At that moment, he was deeply shocked. He silently stared at the yellow paper in his hand, with only one thought in his mind.

This is something that can control ghosts.

Although he won the battle with Tian Yaksha, he was definitely not completely unscathed. Although he survived that battle, his life was not much left.

So, he had to entrust everything to future generations. Looking at the ghost den that had not completely dispersed above his head, he made a major decision in his heart.

Using the command of this ghost den and the yellow paper, he created an underground world, and he also turned himself into the living dead like he is now. He even took great pains to make a replica, and put the real yellow paper at the end, so that people who came here to seek knowledge later could tell his story, tell them the truth of the world, and pass the yellow paper to the brave who dared to accept their fate.

In order to prevent miscellaneous people from coming in, he also did a lot of work.

Only those who realize that something is wrong and want to know will go deep into here.

And there is another purpose for doing this, that is, not wanting too many people to provoke fate.

The so-called fate is like these two people. Whether it is him or the eldest brother, anyone who embarks on this road will be stared at by the sky demon, and the people around them are the same.

The only close person of the old man with human skin at that time was killed by a demon not long after.

And we are also experiencing this fate that we can't get rid of.

Because of the eldest brother, we have to face fate.

"Xiaowu, can you accept all this?" Taoist Master Bai Xiao said with some shame on his face.

Although the incident was not caused by him, as a senior brother, he had to be responsible for his junior brother.

Gu Liu smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, senior brother, I can accept it. After all, having such a fate is also fate."

Seeing him have such an awareness, Taoist Master Bai Xiao's eyes were a little moist. The boy who used to know nothing had already calmed down.

At this time, Meng Fei thought of another question, so he asked, "The old man with human skin also said that you have different opinions. What's the matter?"

Taoist Master Bai Xiao was attracted by his question, so he thought about it carefully and said:

"We are the same in that we think the yellow paper may come from a complete book, but the difference is that he simply thinks that the yellow paper is the ability to control ghosts, but I think the yellow paper is the ability to control the world."

"Control the world?!"

Hearing these words, Meng Fei became excited.

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