"If you do this? Then I am?"

Seeing Meng Fei's behavior, the one who was most surprised must be the big yellow dog.

After all, it has always been like this, and it is also like this on all four limbs.

At this time, it lowered its head and looked, "Damn it, it has been shining for so long!"

Its sound naturally attracted the attention of others, especially Meng Fei, because now besides the big yellow dog, he was the one doing this.

"I go!"

The next second, almost everyone screamed in surprise, except the big yellow dog who still didn't know why.

The big yellow dog had a question mark on his face and said directly: "What are you surprised about? Hey! You are sinking!"

Everyone was speechless for a while and said: "Brother, look at whether we are sinking or you are rising?!"

"What do you mean?" The big yellow dog's face was filled with questions, and then he looked at himself. His eyes almost bulged out. "Fuck me, why am I flying? No, why do I feel that my body is still a little transparent? ? eh! No, how can I see my body down there?


Unexpectedly, Meng Fei didn't have time to react, so something like this happened.

"Is this an out-of-body experience?!"

Meng Fei was surprised for a while, looking at his transparent hands and his body on the ground with a question mark on his face.

He was currently floating in mid-air with the big yellow dog.


Gu Liu below was even more speechless. It happened that these two were in trouble. What should they do next?


Even Meng Fei rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

What a surprise. The two usually the most powerful people suddenly became the two most annoying ones today.

All I can say is that there is nothing else except that I didn’t expect it.

After his soul left his body, Meng Fei was trying to control his body.

Soon, he could move as he pleased, and so did the big yellow dog.

And when he realized that he couldn't touch anything now, Meng Fei actually showed a smile, "Interesting."

I saw him passing his arms through his body, and then using his whole body to pass through the wall. The big yellow dog on the side saw it, and his eyes lit up, as if he had found the fun in it, and he kept wearing various things.

"I went and you got to play with me?" Gu Liu now had nothing to say except being speechless.

These two guys actually started playing together without any sense of crisis.

Just as Meng Fei passed through a corner, he frowned and turned his head instantly, "Who? What?! Come out!"

At that moment, Meng Fei clearly felt a sense of being spied on.

"What happened?"

Gu Liu, who came after hearing the sound, quickly asked Meng Fei.

"I just felt it. It seemed like a dishonest guy was staring at me." Meng Fei explained.

"What, isn't this normal?" Gu Liu said this, naturally because there are a lot of unclean things here, which is obvious.

"That's not right." However, Meng Fei retorted: "I definitely don't care about ordinary spirits. They are not ordinary things. Ordinary spirits themselves have no consciousness. What I just felt was with some kind of consciousness." 's spying.

So, Meng Fei lowered his mind and carefully recalled the direction from which that feeling came.

Fortunately, after his soul left the body, his strength seemed to still be retained somehow, which helped Meng Fei a lot.

After a while, Meng Fei roughly determined the location of the thing, and then flew directly towards it.

The big yellow dog followed closely and flew over.

Because they have soul bodies, they can fly, but Gu Liu and the others, who are still in their normal state, can only run behind.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of a three-story spire house.

The spire house looks like a triangle with a square on top, but the lower part is more accurately a cylinder, but it looks like a square from a distance.

There are many small openings on the house. Naturally, they are not openings, but something like windows.

There was no door, so they had to enter through the hole.

For Meng Fei and the big yellow dog, in their current state, they can almost go directly through the wall.

The two of them entered first without any doubt, followed by Gu Liu and the others.

Entering it, the first thing that catches the eye is the spiral staircase.

"You can actually see this thing."

Meng Fei was surprised to see such a thing here.

But regardless of that, he left the place and started searching everywhere.

"It feels like a little guy, he should be very flexible. Be careful and don't let him run away!" Meng Fei warned the big yellow dog.

So, the two began to search frantically in the house.


Gu Liu and the others finally arrived in front of the building, but at this time Xu Zhengque suddenly stopped.

"Zhengyi, what's wrong?" Gu Liu turned his head slightly and asked.

"I seemed to have heard something, but it wasn't from here."

After saying that, Xu Zhengyi turned around and looked towards the place where he came from.

That's exactly where the wooden door is.

"That is?!"

Xu Zhengyi exclaimed and saw a small-looking guy running sneakily toward the wooden door, dragging a huge thing into the dark.

"I saw the body of the big yellow dog being dragged away?!" Even he himself couldn't believe that such a thing would suddenly happen.


Hearing the sound, Meng Fei and the big yellow dog also came out anxiously at the same time. Meng Fei tried to glance at the little guy.

Then, he clapped his hands and shouted: "That guy! Stop right there!"

"Damn, my body! Stop right there!"

The two angry voices intertwined in an instant, and Meng Fei and the big yellow dog rushed up almost at the same time.

Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi also hurriedly followed behind. The two of them really kept running around, and they were also quite troubled.

"Zhengyi, can you leave something?"

Meng Fei called Xu Zhengyi's name in front.

Seeing that the guy was about to disappear in the dark, some means had to be used.

"Brother Gu Liu, let me get closer!"


After speaking, Gu Liu let Xu Zhengyi step over his palm, and Gu Liu also exerted force on his palm, Xu Zhengyi jumped far away and came to Meng Fei in front of him, but he was still behind the "thief".

Xu Zhengyi drew his sword and said, "Senior Dog, I'm sorry!"

He threw the sword and cut through the body of the big yellow dog very calmly, leaving a pile of dog hair on the ground.

They stopped, and Meng Fei's trust in Xu Zhengyi made him turn directly to the room where the wooden door was.

"Fortunately, it's still there."

Seeing that his body was still there, Meng Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

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