He quickly called Gu Liu and the others.

Xu Zhengyi came directly with a few wisps of dog hair. Although the big yellow dog was a little unhappy, he could do nothing about it, after all, the body that was lost was itss.

Gu Liu understood and took out the Wanling Si Nan from Meng Fei as soon as he came in.

"Damn it, I was lured away from the mountain."

Meng Fei was furious. He was tricked, and anyone would be unhappy.

Put the dog hair on the Wanling Si Nan, and the Wanling Si Nan worked again, guiding them in the right direction.

"What about your body?"

Just as he was about to leave, Gu Liu suddenly said to Meng Fei that his body was also a problem.

"Gu Liu, take the yellow paper with you, don't worry about my body." Meng Fei was extremely confident in his body, and from the behavior of the thief before, it can be seen that he didn't seem to care much about his body, otherwise he should have taken it with him.

After all, if he could drag the big yellow dog's body, he shouldn't be able to drag Meng Fei's body.

So, they began to quickly approach the destination following the guidance of the Wanling Si Nan.

At first, Wanling Sinan was still moving, so they knew that the thief seemed to have not reached his destination yet. After a while, the pointer of Wanling Sinan finally stabilized.

The guy had obviously arrived, and after realizing this, they also quickened their pace.

Under the deep sea, the world seemed to be hazy.

Even though this was a vacuum world, the blue-black reflected a light blue light, and the faint light would reflect with the ripples of the water from time to time.

The entire underwater city of the dead seemed to be covered with a strange veil, but it gave people an impulse to uncover its mysterious veil.

The group tossed and turned, followed the guidance of Wanling Sinan, and finally stopped in front of a huge cradle.

There were three huge stone pillars, two of which were firmly inserted on both sides, and one was horizontal on it. Two smaller stone pillars were suspended on the horizontal one. They all seemed to be stuck together, and the connection was almost seamless, which was amazing.

Hanging on the two smaller stone pillars was a huge stone-carved cradle, which looked like a baby cradle. As for what was inside, whether it was a "baby" was a mystery.

Meng Fei and the big yellow dog flew up easily with the soul state, and soon came to the cradle. The first thing that caught their eyes was the feeling of a room.

"There is a bed, a kitchen, a table and chairs... Is there someone living here?!" This obviously scared Meng Fei, and such a thing was too weird.

If the previous buildings were just some illusions, there was almost nothing except the empty shell of the house, of course, at most there was a staircase, and then the one in front of him now was definitely different from the previous ones.

"This is too strange. Everything is there at home, but this place is wrong."

Yes, what the big yellow dog said is right. The various furniture here are necessary for life, but this is the place that least looks like someone lives.

A "cradle" hanging in the air. Not only that, they can't think of how a normal person can enter this room.

"Also, where is my body?"

The big yellow dog stared at the room with nothing but tables and chairs, and its body was obviously not here.

This room is almost unobstructed, but its body is not seen. It is still confused now.

"Hey! What's going on?!"

Gu Liu below was also waiting anxiously. The two guys went up for a long time, but there was no echo.

Meng Fei frowned, and then shouted to the bottom: "Come up and take a look?"

"Okay! Is it okay, Zhengyi?"

Gu Liu agreed while caring about Xu Zhengyi.

"No problem." Xu Zhengyi answered with great certainty.

Gu Liu nodded, then looked up and compared the height. Within his physical ability, he exerted force on his feet, jumped up instantly, and stood steadily next to the cradle.

Xu Zhengyi followed, and the two stood next to the cradle.

"What are you looking at here? Let's go down and take a look."

Gu Liu, who had just arrived, took a glance at the cradle and decided to jump in to take a look.

"That's right, be careful." Because you can see it all at a glance, Meng Fei and the others have been standing by the side and didn't go down to take a look, thinking it was unnecessary.

But if you go down and take a look, you may really find something different. Anyway, give it a try.

Xu Zhengyi also jumped down with him. After landing steadily, Meng Fei and the big yellow dog on the side also decided to go down.

However, their movements were stunned.

"Gu Liu, Zhengyi! What's going on?!"

Meng Fei shouted in a panic.

Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi had just landed and stood still for less than a second, and they fainted on the spot, and fell to the ground as if they had lost their balance.

No matter how Meng Fei called their names, it still didn't work.

"Meng Fei, look!"

The big yellow dog on the side seemed to have discovered something incredible and hurriedly called Meng Fei.

Meng Fei turned his head and saw that the big yellow dog was floating in the air, and then one of its paws tentatively reached under the cradle. It could be clearly seen that the part where the big yellow dog's paw was inserted was obviously transparent.

No, it was not transparent, but it felt like it was swallowed by something.

"What is this?" Meng Fei also made a similar move.

Then, he squeezed his fist and said to the big yellow dog: "Let's go down too!"

"But... oh, forget it, just go!" The big yellow dog was obviously a little worried, but he gritted his teeth and thought that he hadn't found his body yet, so he had to go and have a look!

When it hesitated, Meng Fei had already left the place early. Unlike Gu Liu and the others, Meng Fei was not unconscious or anything, but his whole body disappeared directly from the place.

The big yellow dog couldn't help but swallow a ball of saliva, and flew downwards with its eyes closed.

Its figure also disappeared.

"This is where?"

As soon as I opened my eyes, a world like an oil painting came to me.

It is a colorful place with blue sky and white clouds, trees and streams, birds and insects chirping, and bees gathering honey...

But the only weird thing is that the colors of these things are extremely bright, as if they were deliberately painted.

"Meng Fei, Gouzi, you are here too..."

Suddenly, a familiar voice carried a somewhat bewildered tone.

That was Gu Liu. They came here earlier and woke up earlier.

Meng Fei looked at their bodies, which were similar to his and the big yellow dog's. They both felt a little transparent.

Meng Fei understood at this moment, "It seems that our souls have been pulled into an unknown realm."

"And this looks like... a dream."

Gu Liu looked at everything in front of him and was suddenly in a trance.

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