Although these are natural scenes, the exaggerated colors make people suspicious.

It's like someone's imagination of something has reached a crazy level, giving it an extremely exaggerated performance.

"What on earth is going on..."

Meng Fei was also very confused and had no idea about the current situation.

In the soul state, Wanling Sinan could not be used either, and they could only rely on themselves now.

Fortunately, their abilities were still there, otherwise it would be really a headache.

The big yellow dog even lay down and sniffed with his nose very seriously. Its sixth sense told it that its body was probably here.

"Can you smell it?" Meng Fei also expressed doubt.

"Don't bother me." The big yellow dog's face was full of seriousness, and it was obvious that it was very unhappy about losing its body.

As its brows tightened a little bit, everyone could almost understand its progress.

At this time, its two eyebrows were getting closer and closer, and finally it was like two rivers converging together.

After that, it looked like two insects wrestling together.

Suddenly, the picture froze, and the two eyebrows of the big yellow dog were intertwined like a lock, motionless.

Bang, as if such a sound appeared, the "lock" was finally opened. Meng Fei and others were slightly excited when they saw this scene.

"Woof woof!! I finally found you! When I catch you, I will tear you into pieces, you bastard! How dare you steal my body!"

After that, the guy rushed out like crazy, and even Meng Fei and others didn't care.

"Come on, this guy is crazy." Meng Fei took the lead to chase him.

Gu Liu and others followed closely.

Under the "leadership" of the big yellow dog, they finally came to a very special place.

There are high and thick sand piles, half a person's height, on which there are marks of people sliding down, and small sand piles in the shape of various houses.

Looking at other places, there are even swings that are still swaying slightly...

"That's it!"

Meng Fei and his friends saw a little boy appearing from the back of the sand pile that blocked their view.

The little boy was wearing ragged clothes that looked like they were soaked in water. His face was very pale and his facial features were even protruding.

Such a little boy, who appeared in such a place, made it difficult for them to associate him with a normal person.

When he saw Meng Fei and his friends, he suddenly showed a smug smile, clapped his hands, and turned around in circles, as if cheering.

"You bastard!"

The big yellow dog went crazy. It flew over directly with its mouth wide open, as if it wanted to swallow the little boy in one bite.

However, the little boy was not panicked at all. Seeing the big yellow dog's mouth in front of him, his figure suddenly disappeared.

The big yellow dog bit nothing. Seeing this, Meng Fei and his friends immediately rushed to its vicinity.

"Damn it!" The big yellow dog bared its teeth, looking very scary.

"Calm down, that guy is certainly not an ordinary person." Meng Fei reminded it on the side, with a helpless look on his face.


At this time, Gu Liu and the others pointed in front of them.

Meng Fei and the others shifted their attention.

In front of them, where the little boy had just appeared, something was floating quietly.

And now the little boy was also playing with sand there, and this was something like a desert plain.


Meng Fei breathed a sigh of relief, it was time for him to end this farce.

He flashed and came to the little boy in an instant. The little boy saw Meng Fei and wanted to run again, but this time he was facing Meng Fei.

It was not so easy to run, Meng Fei just picked him up, and the little boy was still struggling in his hand, but there was no way he could escape from Meng Fei's palm.

Meng Fei picked him up and walked two steps forward to see what was floating.

A delicate wooden box.

Floating in the air, it is inevitable that people will have wild thoughts.

"Tell me, what is this, and what are you?"

Meng Fei sniffed it with his nose and looked at it with his eyes, and found that this guy did not seem to be the guy who turned into a ghost after falling into the water as he had thought before.

Although he looked like a ghost, his eyes and nose told him that this little boy was indeed a spirit, but he did not have the breath of a ghost, which showed that he was a very special existence.

However, even after hearing Meng Fei's words, he did not speak, as if he could not speak.

He just kept gesturing to Meng Fei with his hands, and Meng Fei was also trying very hard to understand what he meant.

"Uh, this, that, uh uh uh, right, um, uh... Hey, what is this? What? Um, I understand, what is this? Okay, I roughly understand..."

After a forced translation of extremely complex body language, Meng Fei felt a throbbing pain in the back of his head.

He roughly sorted it out, and it seemed to mean that he fell into the water when he was very young, and then became what he is now, and he didn't know what the situation was.

Then he was trapped here. There were many strange things here that looked like humans. He was very scared, so he hid in this lonely cradle alone. But he would still hear and see those things from time to time, so he kept sleeping.

Somehow, he suddenly found himself in a strange world, which is now the world. Here he seemed to be omnipotent and could even change the appearance of the world, so he changed the world into the appearance of land and made many places to play.

After he woke up that day, he heard some noises again, so he came out to see. He saw a big dog and was very interested. Meng Fei and his friends happened to enter the forbidden room by mistake, so he took the opportunity to steal the body of the big yellow dog.

"So that's it."

Meng Fei also saw the body of the big yellow dog, which was buried in the sand by him, leaving only a head.

He hurried forward to drag its body out. If that guy saw it, he would be embarrassed.

"What about this? You haven't told me yet?" Meng Fei pointed to the wooden box and said.

The little boy gestured a lot again, and Meng Fei had a headache again.

"Okay, I understand, that is to say, once this box is opened, we can leave here?" After speaking, Meng Fei looked at him with a questioning expression.

He nodded with some grievance, indicating that Meng Fei understood it well.

"Okay, then it's fine."

After that, Gu Liu and the others came to Meng Fei and listened to Meng Fei's story.

Gu Liu seemed to have heard something and said, "This is the ghost den he formed. This guy hasn't realized it yet. Because he has been trapped here, he has never eaten anyone. His breath is pure and he is even sublimating."

Meng Fei asked him while opening the box, "What sublimation?"

"In other words, he is sublimating from a ghost-like spirit to an elf-like spirit." Gu Liu explained.

Meng Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "Haha, it should be quite magical. There is such a thing."

After speaking, the box was opened, and the world around him suddenly became dark.

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