When the faint light sneaked into their eyes again, they had returned to the City of the Undead.

In the cradle, Gu Liu and the others returned to normal this time, and their souls returned to their original bodies.

The big yellow dog also returned with his body, and now only Meng Fei is left in soul state.

The little boy also appeared, because he was in the form of a soul body, so after entering the ghost world, he seemed to have disappeared.

Now he has no choice but to be honest, otherwise Meng Fei and the others will give him some trouble.

"Hey, little guy, let me ask you, how can I get my soul back?"

Regarding the return of the big yellow dog’s soul, Meng Fei naturally couldn’t sit still.

But he had tried it before. If he directly touched the body, it would penetrate directly.

The little boy shook his head vigorously, trying to express that he didn't know what was going on.

Gu Liu patted Meng Fei on the shoulder, stepped forward and said, "I guess it's because of his ghostly influence, and then the original influence was isolated. As long as he is allowed to come again, it should be fine."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Then, Meng Fei looked directly at the little boy with a meaningful expression. The little boy was so stared at that he couldn't help but take two steps back.

Meng Fei captured him. Both of them were in soul body state. Meng Fei was stronger, so he picked up the little boy and flew towards the house.

Gu Liu and the others followed closely behind.

Soon we arrived in front of the familiar house.

Meng Fei's body still stayed in place quietly, motionless.

Meng Fei gently patted the back of the little boy's head. He was very smart and understood immediately, so he unfolded the ghost again and forced Meng Fei's body into it.

After a few moments of effort, Meng Fei finally returned to his original state, and everything could finally continue to operate normally.

Unfortunately, after struggling for so long, the whereabouts of the yellow paper were still not found.

So, they set their sights on the little boy again.

"Boy, let me ask you something again..." Meng Fei asked him a few questions about the yellow paper.

But the little boy didn't seem to know anything. He was completely confused about what they were talking about and didn't know why.

The little boy's expression looked more blank, and Meng Fei suddenly felt that maybe it wasn't that he didn't know, but that he didn't know what Meng Fei and the others were talking about.

So, Meng Fei took out the yellow paper and said, "Look, it's just this thing. Have you seen it before?"

After seeing the yellow paper, the little boy's eyes suddenly widened, his mouth moved up and down, and he was very excited.

Seeing his performance, Meng Fei and the others also became excited. This seemed to tell them that he knew the whereabouts of the yellow paper.

Then, he started making random gestures again. Perhaps due to the influence of emotion, his gestures this time seemed like two hands fighting.

Even Meng Fei, who had been patient and willing to wait for him to take his time, could only look confused now.

Meng Fei was confused by him, his thoughts were as messed up as the little boy's hands at this moment.

"Stop! Calm down and say what you have to say!" Meng Fei shook the little boy's head several times, hoping to wake him up.

The little boy's originally tight face relaxed a lot in an instant, as if he had finally calmed down.

Meng Fei put him on the ground. The little boy was floating without touching the ground because he was a spirit body.

The little boy was so excited that he kept pointing in one direction and jumping up and down from time to time.

"Take us there." Meng Fei said to him.

The little boy nodded, finally no longer losing his mind, and led them seriously from the front.

Along the way, he was often frightened by the lonely wandering spirits around him, and thus got very close to Meng Fei and the others.

So, Meng Fei simply let him sit on his shoulder. After all, those who saw Meng Fei would be scared away almost as soon as they met him.

At this time, the little boy sitting on Meng Fei's shoulder stared at the yellow paper in Meng Fei's hand. He was afraid that the guy had recognized the wrong thing, so he kept holding it and showed it to him on the way. He was always very excited.

He suddenly pointed at the yellow paper at Meng Fei, then pointed at his legs, then his eyes, and then he put his hands on the top of his head and raised them upward from the top of his head.

"Let me guess, what you mean is: you accidentally arrived at a place one day." Meng Fei said first.

The little boy nodded.

"Then I saw the yellow paper, and then I found that I had grown taller?" Meng Fei continued to guess.

However, this time the little boy did not nod, but shook his head in the negative.

"What is that? You stand on a high place and take down the yellow paper?" Meng Fei guessed again.

But still not, the little boy shook his head again.

This made Meng Fei a little confused. Is there any meaning to his actions like this?

"I guess it must have caused unexpected changes in him, right? It's like he can suddenly turn on ghosts. Could it be what happened after he encountered the yellow paper?!"

Gu Liu on the side noticed their movement language early, so he directly joined them.

Just when Meng Fei thought it was impossible, the little boy excitedly patted Meng Fei on the shoulder, proving that he was right.

"What?! Is it true?"

The main reason why Meng Fei was puzzled was that he did not think that the yellow paper could have such an ability. After all, in their impression, the ability of the yellow paper was only to control the behavior of ghosts.

However, the little boy said that he had gained powerful abilities because of the yellow paper, which was obviously incredible.

Meng Fei could not help but express his doubts, "Is this really what the yellow paper can do?"

Who knows, the little boy seemed to want to tell them something at this moment. He jumped up and down, patted his head, and then stretched out a number that they did not expect to see to Meng Fei and the others.



"A slap?"

In the same situation, the big yellow dog had a different brain circuit. It stretched out its paw and slapped the little boy, and even forgot the previous grudge.

"Silly dog, that's five!"

"Wait, what does he mean by five? What has five things?"

"It can't be..."


They were actually thinking in the same direction, but they didn't dare to say it out loud, after all, it was too dreamy.

Only when Meng Fei took out the yellow paper again, the little boy nodded and pointed at the yellow paper, and made the number five with his other hand, did everything finally come true.

"Five pieces of yellow paper?!"

Meng Fei's voice trembled.

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