Meng Fei's voice was filled with even more disbelief.

He even began to doubt, "Will this guy not lie to us? You know, he has cheated us a lot?"

"That would require him to dare..." Although Gu Liu also wanted to think so, he felt that the boy's face was full of honesty, and the fear of Meng Fei in his eyes made it difficult for him to accept the fact that he was fooled.

"If this is true, it would be really against the sky." Meng Fei's pace inadvertently accelerated, while he kept muttering in his mouth.

Gu Liu rolled his eyes and continued to add: "And this may also tell us an amazing fact, that is, when the number of yellow papers exceeds a certain number, there will be other mysteries."

"Yes, but whether it is the case now, we have to go there first." Meng Fei said.

They have not been in the city of the dead for long, so naturally they can't go to all the places, so under the leadership of the little boy, they almost went to unfamiliar areas.

But no matter how it changes, the city of the dead is roughly the same, there is no difference.

Most of the buildings are still for "spirits" to live in. People definitely can't survive here. They are still like toy buildings with fake doors. Even the room that tricked Meng Fei and his team before has never been seen.

Maybe it is also a special place, but no one can say whether it is related to the place where the yellow paper is placed.

"Are we there?"

In front, Meng Fei's shoulder heard the movement of a little boy. He looked forward with excitement and pointed hard with his fingers. In that way, even if he didn't say anything, they basically understood.

The little boy nodded fiercely, then jumped off Meng Fei's body and rushed straight forward.

"Wait..." Before Meng Fei could finish his words, he ran over.

In front was something like an altar, a large black and green platform, placed steadily on the ground, like a bowl.

There seemed to be something in the "bowl", revealing half a round "head", black, constantly attracting people's attention.

If you look at it like this, you can't see the existence of yellow paper.

So they came to the altar, and the little boy jumped up and down here very happily. After a while, he calmed down again and started to meditate there, as if he was in a state of cultivation and enlightenment.

The little boy was timid on weekdays. Since he ran out that time, he never dared to run around again. Therefore, he never came here again since then, but this place always made him remember it deeply. He didn't expect to come here again today. He must not miss this opportunity.

"This guy..." Meng Fei looked at it carefully and could clearly feel the energy changes in the little boy.

Sure enough, he was strengthening himself under the influence of some kind of power. When he turned his eyes back to the altar, he found that the other people had already stood still like petrified.

After Meng Fei observed carefully, he almost immediately became like that, "There are really five yellow papers!"

What is going on? !

Meng Fei was dumbfounded. He thought about it over and over again and didn't expect it to be such a situation.

On the plane of the altar, which is equivalent to the circular platform where the "bowl" is placed, there are five yellow papers inlaid neatly.

Several people were dumbfounded. Then Meng Fei wanted to take it with his hands, but was blocked by an inexplicable force.

Moreover, that kind of force is not big, but a kind of backlash force. As soon as Meng Fei exerted force, it seemed that the force he exerted returned to his hand.

"Can't even you take it down?" Gu Liu asked.

Meng Fei was a little helpless, but there was nothing he could do. It seemed that this place was restricted by some kind of law. As long as he exerted force, the force would return accordingly.

The big yellow dog didn't believe in evil, and also stepped forward to use reckless strength, but the result was only a backward roll, rolling directly ten meters away.

The powerful counterforce made the big yellow dog suffer a lot. When it got up, it kept spewing dirty words to vent its dissatisfaction in its heart.

"It seems that recklessness won't work. There must be something here that we have overlooked." Seeing that this road was blocked, Meng Fei naturally had to think of other ways.

Then, he noticed the strange thing inside the big bowl-like thing on the altar.

Meng Fei didn't care about anything and stepped on it directly, and then he lay on the mouth of the big bowl that was two-thirds of a person's height.

He saw a very smooth stone, the entire width occupied most of the bottom of the bowl, and the height was the most eye-catching, which directly exceeded the height of the entire big bowl, and even had a small half of the body.

The black stone was extremely smooth, and Meng Fei could even vaguely see a rough outline of his appearance through it.

Gu Liu and the others also wanted to come and find out, but Meng Fei, who heard the movement, stopped them with one hand. He turned to Gu Liu and the others and said, "Ask the boy how long this thing has been here?"

Gu Liu nodded and immediately gave up going with him, but turned around to find a way to ask the little boy.

After all, this guy was practicing at this time, and it was not easy for Gu Liu to wake him up.

So, he thought about it seriously and took out two talismans, which were things that could stabilize the boy's state.

He was relieved and woke up the boy, and asked about the relevant matters. The boy gestured again, and Gu Liu tried to understand.

That means that he doesn't know how old this stone is. He just knows that it was already there when he came here last time. In short, it should be a very old thing.

"Okay, I understand." Meng Fei quickly received Gu Liu's message. Although the message was vague, it was enough.

"This means that I can completely regard this thing as an 'old antique'." Meng Fei reached forward and patted it slightly hard.

It was like picking a watermelon. Meng Fei tilted his head and listened carefully while patting it gently with his palms.

Patting and patting, Meng Fei spat out a few words, "Is it solid? Oh, no, it looks like it's hollow. I know, it's hollow with something in it!"

After several struggles, Meng Fei finally came to the final conclusion.

"But what exactly?"

With this question in mind, Meng Fei continued to explore.

He first used his psychic eyes and fully activated his spirit-sniffing power. However, he did not seem to have the ability to see through, and the black stone seemed to have a strong smell of mud. It was like a thick barrier that even Meng Fei could not Explore its inner flavor.

"Gu Liu, can you let me see through it?" Meng Fei asked with an obvious attitude of giving it a try.

However, what is surprising but also reasonable is that Gu Liu, who has always been all-powerful, continued to use his strength, and he answered affirmatively: "No problem."

These three words were extremely reliable. Meng Fei quickly told him to hurry up, and Gu Liu also took action immediately.

A piece of black and white talisman flew to Meng Fei's forehead and rested on it. The pupils in Meng Fei's eyes immediately turned turbid white, and there was nothing to hide in front of him.

"It's a ghost!"

Meng Fei said in great surprise after seeing the scene in the stone.

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