Meng Fei was naturally not afraid, but surprised.

There is a ghost in the stone.

This was obviously something he didn't expect. After all, he could understand what was hidden in the stone.

Whether it was jade, something else, or even a monkey, he could accept it, but he didn't expect that there was actually a ghost inside.

He couldn't help but wonder if this guy was some kind of unusual being, like a monkey jumping out of a rock.

"Ghost?" After hearing this, Gu Liu said this word in a very puzzled tone, as if there was something wrong with this word.

"Could it be that it was made of stone?" Meng Fei couldn't help but touched his chin and guessed.

"It's very possible. To be more accurate, I think it should be ghost fetus!" Gu Liu also expressed his own opinion. This is what he thinks.

And he then explained what a spirit ghost fetus is.

It was the first time he had seen such a thing just now, and he came to such a conclusion by analogy with what he knew.

Because there are similar deeds, there have been malicious people who used living people as parasites to parasitize ghost fetuses, so there is a certain chance that extremely powerful ghosts can be born and used by them, completely left to their own devices.

As for this kind of parasitic ghost that uses stone as a carrier, it seems to be similar. Originally, it was a spirit body inside, so it is completely okay to call it a spirit ghost fetus.

But the problem came again, Gu Liu also realized it, and said directly: "But the problem is who did all this?"

All these signs seemed to tell them that everything happened naturally.

In other words, no one did this intentionally, but just like the miraculous workmanship of nature, the spirit ghost fetus in front of them actually felt that way.

After all, in this entire city of the undead, there is not even a spirit body that is more powerful than the little boy, let alone anyone who can do such a weird and extraordinary thing as the spirit ghost fetus.

Obviously it's impossible.

"Could it be that?"

Meng Fei shifted his attention to the altar.

Everyone also noticed his gaze, and then fell into thinking.

"Do you mean to say..." Gu Liu seemed to have guessed what Meng Fei was thinking. Perhaps because he had thought of it, he frowned and said seriously: "It is still the yellow paper that is causing trouble. The purpose is For a kind of self-protection, to protect myself from being taken away, I specially formed a spirit ghost fetus to prepare for those... like us?"

Having said this, they couldn't help but subconsciously take a few steps back.

If this point of view is true, then something terrible is coming.

"It seems that there is really no problem with this point of view." Although he didn't want to say this, Meng Fei knew that everything was just as they said when he saw the spirit ghost fetus that suddenly flew into the air.

So according to what was said before, what they are about to face now will be a fierce attack from the spirit ghost fetus to protect the yellow paper!

Now, the spirit ghost fetus is floating in the air, and cracks are beginning to appear on the huge stone shell. Starting from the top, it slowly spreads downwards, towards the whole, and finally engulfs the entire shell.

The shell collapsed directly, and the stone shell fragments were scattered everywhere, and even attacked Meng Fei and the others like blades. Fortunately, the power was not too great, and Meng Fei and the others were able to dodge in time or even directly block it.

From above, a strong light came, making people feel unreal.

The light felt like it could even kill ghosts, but it was produced by ghosts, which made people feel confused.

And after the light faded away like a holy treasure, the person wrapped in it finally revealed his true face.

It was completely different from what Meng Fei had imagined. He originally thought it was an individual that was about the same size as a little boy at most.

However, what appeared was a ghost that looked like an adult man with his lower body covered in a long trailing wisp of blue smoke and his upper body exposed.

The face was still pale and lifeless, but in general, his upper body still looked like a solid existence, but for some reason, his lower body only had a wisp of smoke, which looked very much like the djinn in mythology. .

What's even more clever is that he actually clasped his hands together, really looking like a god, but it's a pity that ghosts are ghosts, and imitating gods can only be superficial.

"No, it's not that simple." Although the action looked "funny", Meng Fei saw something was wrong.

He quickly protected him in front of everyone.

I saw that guy in mid-air. He was already in a high position and he had risen a few points higher. He had a superior posture, his hands were still clasped together, but now he kept muttering on his lips.

It seemed to be a decree, and I didn't know what was in his mouth. I just saw characters flying out of his mouth.

"Is this? A subtitle attack?!" Seeing this weird scene, Meng Fei couldn't help but complain.

The strings of characters thrown at them were really like a string of subtitle attacks.

The attacks all over the sky were still moving in various weird trajectories. Even Meng Fei was unable to dodge and was hit several times.

Only after being hit, Meng Fei discovered that the attack looked fancy, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him.

But Gu Liu and the others might not be able to tell. Fortunately, the big yellow dog was not idle here either. One mouthful of Tengu sucked the character clean.

Even if the trajectory is weird and unpredictable, there is no need to be afraid, because no matter how chaotic it is, it is still only in a fixed area, so the problem can be easily solved after the big yellow dog's Tiangou carries out regional strikes.

This also opens up space for Meng Fei, and Meng Fei doesn't want to delay anything this time.

He opened fire at full power, breaking through the speed of sound, and instantly left countless afterimages in the original place. Before the guy in the sky could react, Meng Fei directly punched him with a burst of thunderstorm sound.

The body gradually disintegrated with Meng Fei's punch. This guy's strength is actually not weak. He is also at the level of Earth Yaksha, and he is not an ordinary Earth Yaksha. It's a pity that Meng Fei is better.

Easily solve this guy, everything becomes more incredible.

As the figure dissipated, the altar seemed to be dim.

Meng Fei stepped forward and wanted to take down the yellow paper with a try attitude. This time, he finally succeeded!

"Great!" Meng Fei was also extremely surprised. This time the victory came particularly easily.

"It's like a dream..."

At this point, Gu Liu couldn't help but pinch his thigh. The pain seemed to be transmitted to his face, and the words "This is not a dream!" in his ears.

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