After the spirit ghost fetus was eliminated, the altar was also unsealed.

All five pieces of yellow paper fell into their hands at this time.

The little boy seemed to be affected too. He came out of his cultivation state, stared at his hands with a puzzled expression, and then clenched his fists.

He didn't seem to understand what happened, but after seeing Meng Fei put away the yellow paper, he seemed to understand something.

But he didn't dare to do anything. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was nothing.

At this time, the little boy suddenly felt a mysterious force that seemed to be wrapped around him, but the feeling was more like it was already on him, like invisible chains. At this time, They are leaving him one by one.


At this time, Xu Zhengyi also discovered something unusual.

In the distance, a blue pillar of light suddenly rose up, rushing straight upward, like a pillar holding up the sky.

Meng Fei and the others quickly ran over and came to the light column.

"Isn't this a room where souls leave their bodies?"

After arriving at the scene, they suddenly discovered that this was not a strange place.


Suddenly a loud noise sounded from above, like the sound of something breaking, and even caused a series of sounds behind it.

"What's broken?"

Meng Fei and the others looked around suspiciously.

A crashing sound suddenly appeared, and they looked up, only to see a hole in the dark sky above them.

Speaking of the hollow, thick streams of water poured in like water snakes.

Just like filling a balloon with water, the water was filling up where they were now, and soon it submerged their trouser legs.

"Water repellent charm!"


Seeing this, Gu Liu immediately took out the water-avoiding talisman, one in each hand.

They were safe under the protection of the water amulet, and now they want to get out of here.

And since it is the water surface, then naturally just go straight up.

But no one can tell how far it is.

They don't know how long they have to float up.

"Look at that pillar of light!"

However, just as they kept swimming up like fishes, the big yellow dog at the back saw something abnormal in the light beam.

A series of strange light points rushed towards the light pillar like a swarm, and then merged with the light pillar, and the light points moved rapidly within it.

"It doesn't seem like it's a point of light... it's those spirits!"

Meng Fei recognized those light spots as those spirit bodies.

At this moment, they were unconscious and flying towards the light beam like crazy. This was definitely not normal.

"Why do I look like...those things are moving upward?!" Meng Fei looked carefully again, and this time he saw a more detailed scene.

Those spirit bodies were actually swimming upwards little by little.

Meng Fei firmly believed that he was right. He suddenly had an idea, "I think it might be a light beam that reaches the water directly."

"Is it credible?" Gu Liu and the others did not dare to take such a risk.

Meng Fei nodded, but this was unbelievable. Under the bottomless sea, they had no idea where they were, and when they looked up, it was pitch black.

This shows that it is difficult for light to reach here, so they have to think about whether there are other ways to leave here.

Looking at the towering water column again, you can't even see the top when you look up. Meng Fei naturally doesn't think that it is an ordinary light column.

"I remember that when we came here, there was a spiral water column that brought us here, and I suddenly thought that this light column is most likely related to that!" Meng Fei said as he took out five pieces of yellow paper.

"What are you doing?" Gu Liu saw his actions, and he couldn't guess what Meng Fei was thinking.

Meng Fei said: "Since five pieces of yellow paper can have wonderful uses that we have never thought of before, then I want to try it now!"

After saying that, Meng Fei took five pieces of yellow paper in his hand and swam towards the direction of the light beam.

Close to the light pillar, from time to time there would be spiritual bodies passing by him like light spots.

At this time, Meng Fei thought in his mind, and immediately a spirit body flew past him and stopped.

The spirit body has no independent consciousness, so Meng Fei cannot directly ask it questions, so he continues to use the yellow paper to think about it, hoping that this can let the spirit body convey information to him.

However, the information stored in the spirit body itself was almost zero, so there was no other way, so Meng Fei tried again.

He had the attitude of giving it a try this time, thinking in his mind, "Show me the reason why you fly to the light beam."

At this time, the light on the spirit body flickered, and then flew towards Meng Fei's eyebrows. The light between Meng Fei's eyebrows flickered, and a series of messages finally appeared in his brain.

That is probably because the spirit body received an inexplicable pulling force and flew towards the light pillar involuntarily, and there was also a feeling that it seemed to be returning to its original place.

The last point caught Meng Fei's attention.

"Go back to where you were?"

Meng Fei fell into deep thought. Does returning to the original place mean that these spirits did not originally belong to this city of the dead, but were attracted here because of the strong gravity when they accidentally passed by?

If this is the case, then Meng Fei can boldly guess, "If you say so! Gu Liu! Justice! Big yellow dog!"

Meng Fei immediately called a few people loudly, and the high-pitched voice was also transmitted quickly in the water. Gu Liu and the others responded immediately.

Coming to Meng Fei's side, Meng Fei said carefully: "Listen, this may sound psychedelic, but the fact is, as long as we enter this light column, we will return to where we came from!"

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure!"

Seeing Meng Fei so determined, everyone believed him, after all, Meng Fei had never cheated everyone.

"I'll go explore the way first!"

It was still Meng Fei's physical body that tried it. He saw him rush directly into the light column in a blink of an eye.

In the light column, huge traction came from above and under the feet at the same time. It was almost a huge push under the feet and a strong pull above the head.

Meng Fei leaned down and used his strong arm strength to resist below. The strong air flow pushed his body madly, and his strong power was also constantly fighting against it.

In this way, Meng Fei's ascent speed slowed down, and then Meng Fei took this opportunity to shout to the people outside: "No problem! Come in quickly!"


With Meng Fei's words as a guarantee, they were no longer timid and swam towards the light column at the same speed.

The closer they got, the more violently the traction of the light column pulled their bodies. Almost at the moment of approaching, they disappeared directly from the spot and entered it directly.

At this time, Meng Fei also let go of his palm, and everyone was pushed and pulled by the huge force.

As for where they came from, they should return to the raft.

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