"Phew! Finally out!"

Meng Fei woke up from a dream, opened his eyes and stared at the vast world.

There is still the sound of water waves in my ears, and my back is also hard and very unstable, shaking all the time.

Meng Fei sat up and rubbed his eyes, he saw that he was on the raft they had made earlier, and Gu Liu and the others were also lying quietly on the raft.

From time to time, a few drops of water would spit out from the corner of his mouth.

Because no one was paddling, the raft had been following the waves. Just like the big yellow dog, it was floating on the water in a coma, slowly following the direction of the waves.


Suddenly, the big yellow dog coughed violently and kept spitting out water.

It seemed that not only was the light beam not waterproof, it even broke their water-proof talisman, causing them to absorb a lot of water from behind. If they weren't all people with amazing physiques, something would really happen.

It was a bold act in itself, and he was lucky to survive, although this was not a problem for Meng Fei.

The big yellow dog woke up soon after, and after looking at the situation, he was still motionless, staying very lazily on the water, letting the water waves drive him.



There were two more sounds of spitting water, and the sounds almost overlapped. Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi finally woke up.

In the same state as the big yellow dog, the two of them also looked very tired and lazy, so much so that even though they had woken up, they were as motionless as wooden men.


Seeing their state, Meng Fei felt helpless. He had no choice, after all, they did not have such a strong ability to recover.

Of course, except for the big yellow dog, Meng Fei said to him: "You guys have to work hard. If you really don't want to use force, then hold on to the raft tightly."

Unexpectedly, the big yellow dog didn't even have the energy to refute normally. Meng Fei didn't want to care about this guy. After all, as a monster, it shouldn't have such recovery ability. He looked obviously tired.

This guy doesn't want to do anything right now except sleep and rest.

Even when it stretched out its claws to grasp the raft, it felt like someone had wronged it, and it took its time to grasp it.

"That's enough."

Meng Fei shook his head, and then took out Wanling Sinan, who continued to guide the direction. After the next stop was determined, Meng Fei remembered the location, and now he only needed to go there.

So, he came to the back of the direction, that is, in the opposite direction. Meng Fei leaned down and first put his hand into the water to test it.

He first gave a relatively soft palm, and the raft rushed forward a lot of distance in the opposite direction of his force.

Meng Fei did this several times, but when he turned around, he saw that there was still a vast sea without any land.

So, he swung his shoulders and looked ready to go.

In addition, he did not forget to say to the big yellow dog: "Look at them, everyone, hurry up!"

After hearing this, the big yellow dog lazily enlarged its tail, and then protected the other two people under the raft like a shield.

Meng Fei nodded, then crossed his fists on his chest. His fists were trembling and hot. The power began to be transmitted from his hands, and even affected the raft under his feet. The raft began to tremble slightly, bringing up Waves of rapid ripples continued to expand in all directions of the sea.


The sound of a huge thunderstorm exploded directly. Meng Fei directly set off a thunderstorm with one punch. His two punches entered the water, and it felt like a spectacular sight of thunder and lightning falling into the sea.

The sea flickered for a moment, and finally, the raft was seen rushing towards the destination like crazy. Like a bolt of lightning, a long ripple track was drawn on the water.

This speed was so fast that the big yellow dog didn't even dare to open its eyes. Its body was shaking even more, and it seemed that it felt like it was floating on the sea. Its claws were directly embedded in the wood of the raft, for fear that it would Because he didn't hold it firmly, he fell into the sea.

This also makes him think of Meng Fei's terrifying power. This guy is really terrifying.

With the blessing of Meng Fei's huge power, they soon approached the land, but the speed was too fast for them to see it, and even so, the speed of the raft never slowed down.

Only Meng Fei can see now that land has finally appeared. Through his strong eyesight, he even saw a city, but he couldn't see clearly what it looked like. Only when he was in front of him could he see it clearly. .


Now that he has reached land, Meng Fei punches the ground. At this time, he is like a steel rod stuck in the ground, and the other hand is holding the raft. In this way, everything is forced by him. Hold still.

After stopping, Gu Liu and the others undoubtedly vomited.

The one who was even more annoyed was the big yellow dog, who was foaming at the mouth and having stars in his eyes.

However, seeing how annoyed they were, Meng Fei laughed and said: "Hahaha, just wake up, just wake up!"

"Fuck you... vomit~ Ma... vomit~!"

I saw that the big yellow dog heard Meng Fei's voice. He was so angry that he vomited and cursed. He even cursed in the air because of the problem of Venus in his eyes.

"Crescent City, a good name."

Meng Fei ignored them, but focused on the city in front of him.

Three big characters "Crescent City" were clearly written on the top of the high city.

"New Moon City?"

Gu Liu, who had just recovered, came to Meng Fei and fell into deep thought when he saw the three words.

Then, he patted his head and said, "I remember that this city seems to be forging weapons."

"Forging weapons? Interesting? Wait, what's going on?!"

Meng Fei, who was walking slowly, turned his head and saw that there was a huge mark on the left wall that was almost as long as the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall.

It was as if the wall was used as drawing paper and then painted directly on it with a brush.

Meng Fei stepped forward and couldn't help touching the mark with his hand. He didn't expect that the mark was not only long and huge, but also very deep. Meng Fei could even put his entire index finger into it.

"This wall looks so dirty, don't the people of New Moon City dare to repair it?" Meng Fei was also very confused.

After hearing what Meng Fei said, Gu Liu shook his head and said, "Don't you think this is very much like what a human did? I mean, it feels like a knife slashing, or a sword, or even other weapons."

"You said this city is for forging weapons, so is it possible that it was caused by people in this city testing weapons?" Meng Fei also guessed.

"Hey~ What is this thing, why is it shaped like a snake?"

The one who spoke was the big yellow dog. Seeing that it finally recovered, Meng Fei was also relieved.

Afterwards, Meng Fei said to them, "Forget about this, let's go in and talk about it."

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