The hot air that hit my face was like being in a furnace.

The big yellow dog complained bitterly.

"This city is too damn hot!" The big yellow dog's tongue was sweating, which showed how painful it was.

"There's nothing I can do. This city is like this. There are weapon forgings everywhere. The heat of this furnace is all over the city." Gu Liu said while taking off his clothes.

Xinyue City is very different from its name. The word "moon" often makes people feel cold, but this place is completely different from the meaning.

In the whole city, there is a weapon forging shop located almost every distance, which also leads to the temperature in this city being much hotter than outside.

Almost all the people in Xinyue City live in such a "furnace". They even wonder how these guys can endure it.

"There is an inn there! Let's go!" Meng Fei was also very hot, and he was excited when he saw the inn.

Several people immediately became energetic and rushed to the inn. If nothing else, at least they could take a break. If they kept walking, they would be covered with sweat sooner or later, although they were almost done now.

"Huh! I'm dying of heat! Hey~ Why is it so cool here?!"

Who knew that as soon as Meng Fei stepped into the threshold of the inn, a very cool breeze blew across his face.

What's more, the inn was very cool. No one could have imagined that there were two worlds just before and after the threshold.

"It's so damn comfortable, what's going on?" The big yellow dog was lying on the ground and sticking out his tongue in great comfort. In order to avoid the heat, it had deliberately shrunk its body into a small dog.

"Oh my god, it's really cool, what's going on?"

Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi were also confused.

At this time, the waiter in the store came out. He was not surprised to see several people with bare breasts and sweating profusely. After all, this was a very normal thing. Looking at the strange face, he knew at a glance that they were people from outside.

"Don't be surprised, this is all the work of the city's forgers. Come to the inn and rest comfortably." The waiter looked thin but energetic. He was very peaceful and had no snobbish words.

"Okay, arrange a room for us." Meng Fei said to him.

So, under the leadership of the waiter, they came to a backyard.

In the backyard, they finally saw the real reason why the whole inn was so cool.

The backyard of the inn was not big or small. There was a pond in it, which almost occupied all the middle area. If they wanted to go to the other side, they had to walk on the small wooden bridge over the pond.

But the small wooden bridge did not connect the two sides directly, but was winding, like a snake entwined on the pond.

And this is because in the middle of the pond and at three points on its edge, there were tall stone pillars, and there were countless holes of the same size on the stone pillars, from which they could actually feel the cool breeze.

The stone pillar was taller than a person, at least two people tall, and on top of it was a stone plate with many round holes.

Through those holes of the same size, you can see the prototype of the things on it.

It seemed to be a huge fan blade, which was moving slowly, but that didn't seem to be the real source of the wind. Under the fan blade, there was a group of strange things connected, like a pile of boxes, which was the real work of the city's blacksmith.

According to the waiter, he didn't know what was inside, but he only knew that those were things that the blacksmith had spent a lot of effort to make, but that was only the first time, and he would be able to do it easily later. As long as the materials were sufficient, he could make it quickly.

And it was these things that played the most important role, allowing a stream of cool wind to come out of these holes.

"It's really not simple." Even Meng Fei was amazed at the work of these people.

"We're here, guests." After the waiter took them to the place, he asked them if they had any needs or questions.

Meng Fei and his friends thought about it carefully and found that there seemed to be nothing to tell except eating. At this time, he suddenly asked the waiter out of curiosity, "Waiter, what's the matter with the huge marks on the city wall?"

Hearing this question, the waiter was stunned for a moment, and seemed to have forgotten about that matter. After a while, he patted his thigh and said, "I remember it now. Oh, that's the story of two boring guys. There's nothing to say, but if you are interested, I can also talk about it!"

Meng Fei and his friends were idle, so they all sat up and let the waiter continue.

The waiter also smoothed his clothes and even moistened his mouth with water, and then began to tell his story.

As a famous weapon city, Xinyue City often has some people from outside coming to buy weapons. This is a common thing.

So some swordsmen and swordsmen often have some things happen here.

And the marks on the city wall were left by a swordsman known as the "heart-pulling assassin" in the world.

It was said that the guy had a grudge against another swordsman, and the two had a duel, but the duel did not determine the winner, and the final result was that both of their weapons were destroyed.

So, both of them were proud swordsmen, and without their swords, their duel was temporarily terminated.

The two agreed to fight again, and one of them, the Heart-pulling Assassin, chose to come to New Moon City to buy a suitable sword.

However, after choosing and choosing, he still couldn't come up with a good one. Finally, he asked the best master in the city and put forward his requirements to the master. Finally, the master asked him to find some materials.

After he spent some time, he finally found all the materials. Finally, when the master successfully made the knife for him, he was very satisfied and couldn't wait to try the quality of the knife.

So this guy went outside the city wall and directly cut the wall with a snake-shaped knife, leaving the dirty mark from then on.

The people of Xinyue City were also angry but dared not speak. Finally, the master who forged the knife for him went to say a few words, but he only said, "After everything is over, if I am alive, I will deal with it. If I die, you can only trouble yourself. I hope that before that, you can ignore it. In order to let you determine the final situation, I will move the battlefield to Xinyue City."

As soon as these words were spoken, the knife forging master knew that he would be scolded when he returned to the city. Originally, the Heart-pulling Assassin inexplicably destroyed the city wall, and he wanted to ask for an explanation, but he never thought that this would bring about a greater hidden danger.

If the battlefield is transferred to Xinyue City, how much damage will it cause? Xinyue City is full of places for forging weapons, and many things are very important. This is really not good news.

So after the master returned to the city, he hid for several days and didn't dare to go out...

"That's all." The waiter smoothed his clothes again, but this time it meant the end.

After listening, Meng Fei laughed unconsciously, and he joked: "How long will they come?"

The waiter shook his head and said: "Who knows? Maybe it will be these two days."

Meng Fei laughed again, looking like he was watching the fun, and he said again: "Interesting, it seems that we can see a good show."

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