"They don't know if they will show up in the next two days. How can you be sure that there will be a show?" In this regard, Gu Liu really didn't quite understand what he meant.

However, Meng Fei said as if he was giving it away: "Haha, who can say for sure? In addition, we should rest here for two days. You are not in a good condition."

Indeed, without the terrifying self-recovery ability like Meng Fei, Gu Liu and the others had a hard time in the Undersea City of the Undead, so they needed a break even more.

Moreover, the reason why they are in good spirits recently is because Meng Fei forcibly refreshed them. It is estimated that they will enter that extremely lazy state again after a while.

No, the big yellow dog was also the first to bear the brunt. He immediately fell asleep and even began to snore.

"That's right..." After saying this, Gu Liu could understand better, so he also stretched, and a feeling of laziness hit his whole body directly.

It's true that I haven't felt it even if I don't mention it. As soon as I mention that feeling, it immediately starts to attack me.

Gu Liu and the others also compromised on this and rested like big yellow dogs.

Soon, night came, and the darkness dyed the sky black like an ink-colored tide.

The full moon under the night sky is as bright as jade.

The figures in the moonlight looked sparse, but what could still be seen was that under the round snowy moon, there seemed to be an erratic figure moving towards Crescent City.

Like a flickering light spot, the figure inadvertently got closer and closer to Crescent City.

Almost no one can spot such a person. Perhaps he is not extremely fast, or his movement skills are extremely weird.

If ordinary people were here, they would probably see bursts of white human-shaped light flashing a few times, but not the true nature of it.

And that was only for ordinary people. At this time, Meng Fei, who was sitting at the top of the city, was quietly looking at the uninvited guest with a harmless smile.

After he sensed distant fluctuations in the inn, he quickly came here and saw the previous scene.

But in his eyes, he could clearly see that the guy was a man with a scimitar that looked like a broken moon on his waist, and he looked like a fierce god.

It seemed to be a swordsman. Meng Fei couldn't help but think of the story told by the waiter. There were two people in the story, but he didn't know which one it was.

Generally speaking, people will subconsciously think that the Heart-Breaking Assassin is coming. After all, as mentioned in the story, he is the only one who comes here. As for the other swordsman, no news about him has been heard.

As for where that person went, no one knows.

I saw the man coming to the city wall. Under the moonlight, the general appearance of the marks on the wall could be vaguely seen.

He gently stroked the mark with his hand, and used his fingers to penetrate deep into the mark's mouth. He inserted it bit by bit, and did not stop until the entire finger was swallowed up.

At this time, his body seemed to be frozen and motionless, as if he was thinking about something. Then, he clenched his fist and slammed it against the city wall.

"Hey, this city wall can't be ruined anymore."

Suddenly, Meng Fei appeared behind him.

"Who? When?!"

The man was shocked. After all, with his strength, someone could actually appear behind him without him even reacting.

He subconsciously drew his knife and was ready to fight at any time.

"Hey, don't be so excited, I'm just telling you not to destroy the city wall."

Under the moonlight, Meng Fei's harmless smiling face suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man looked at the smile, but he didn't feel friendly. Instead, he felt a chill on his back. The smile was very charming.

He got into a fighting stance, ready to take action or take the initiative at any time.

"I told you not to get excited. Come on, let's relax."

Who knew that Meng Fei was actually doing stretching movements here, jumping and jumping. In this late night, the man just felt weird.

Meng Fei waved to him again and said with a puzzled look on his face: "What are you doing? Relax! You are too nervous!"

The man put away his machete, took a long breath, and seemed to suddenly let go of his guard, "Who did I think he was, but it turned out to be a fool."

"Why don't you get it right?"

Meng Fei was extremely unhappy after hearing what he said.

Suddenly, Meng Fei's figure disappeared from the spot.

"What?!" The man with the scimitar was startled and put his hand on the handle of the scimitar again, ready to go.


At some point, Meng Fei's palm fell on the shoulder of the man with the scimitar, and it was the shoulder where he drew the knife.

Meng Fei exerted force with a few fingers, and a huge force came from the man's shoulders, making him unable to move. When he turned his head with a look of confusion and anger, he saw Meng Fei's harmless smile again.

"I said, calm down and listen to me." Meng Fei spoke again, this time with a very cold tone.

"Okay! That's all you say! Let go!" The scimitar man agreed painfully.

"That's the best. Let's start from the very beginning. Who are you? What are you doing here? What is your purpose?" Meng Fei immediately asked him three questions in a row.

Meng Fei let go and the scimitar man was released. The scene just now made him feel scared. This strange man in front of him was too mysterious and powerful.

He couldn't help but lean forward and began to answer Meng Fei's question, "I am Gu Santong, the Crescent Blade. It's a long story about coming to Xinyue City..."

After that, Gu Santong explained to Meng Fei.

He said that he had a big grudge with a guy named Li Qiufeng, who was called the Heart-pulling Assassin, and their grudge was mainly related to the Heart-pulling Assassin.

As the name suggests, the Heart-pulling Assassin is naturally not a righteous man. In fact, it can't be said that way. In short, this guy is a well-known assassin who does things for money.

And the master of the sect where Gu Santong belongs really taught a big villain, so in order to clear the dirt for the sect, Gu Santong was ordered to kill the villain.

And the villain knew that he couldn't beat Gu Santong, so when he knew that Gu Santong was about to find him, he was desperate and finally chose an extremely extreme method.

He used all the money he had extorted from ordinary people to hire Li Qiufeng, just to kill his master.

Later, when Gu Santong found the villain and killed him, he returned to the sect to report the situation to his master, but he happened to see Li Qiufeng pretending to be a disciple of the sect and stabbing his master to death with a knife.

So, the feud was formed here.

Later, Gu Santong also chased Li Qiufeng with the dual thoughts of eliminating harm for the people and taking revenge.

Li Qiufeng himself has a strong ability to escape, which makes Gu Santong's footwork also weird and powerful now.

And the two finally met and fought a decisive battle without a doubt. Since that battle, Li Qiufeng seemed to be tired. The two fought to a draw. After the two swords were broken, Li Qiufeng took the initiative to propose another decisive battle.

And how could Gu Santong refuse such a request, so he made an appointment to fight again, and Li Qiufeng even often told him some information through some special methods.

It was because he received new information that he knew the location of their decisive battle had been moved to here.

New Moon City.

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