Meng Fei didn't think so.

He didn't think things would be so simple. After listening to Gu Santong's story, he also had a certain understanding of Li Qiufeng.

This is a ruthless character, cold to the extreme. As long as the money is in place, there is no killer he dare not kill.

Even if it is a baby in swaddling clothes, as long as someone offers a price, he can kill it with a knife without any emotional fluctuations.

However, such a cold-blooded and ruthless person suddenly became so different. Not only did he suddenly figure it out and was willing to fight with Gu Santong, but he even really communicated with him secretly, all for the later decisive battle.

This is as strange as a piece of ice suddenly turning into fire. The reason behind this makes Meng Fei even more curious.

Meng Fei naturally doesn't think that a person will change his temperament inexplicably, and a cold-blooded and ruthless person becomes like a hero who does what he says. This style makes him full of suspicion.

However, just when Meng Fei thought that Gu Santong was also stupid and didn't notice it, this guy suddenly spoke again, "But I suddenly feel that things are not that simple..."

"Oh? How do you know?" Meng Fei asked mysteriously.

Gu Santong once again faced the deep mark left by Li Qiufeng on the city wall, and his eyebrows immediately twisted together. He stroked the mark with one hand and said:

"Although I don't want to admit it, this knife mark was left by him. Undoubtedly, he has a very sharp weapon, and I just found a weapon similar to the original one. This guy sneakily got such a weapon. I may not be his opponent. I really believed him and thought it was still a fair duel."

This made Meng Fei dizzy. It turned out that what made this guy suspicious was because he knew that Li Qiufeng had a more powerful weapon. This really made Meng Fei feel worried about his head.

For Meng Fei, he guessed that Li Qiufeng had suddenly received a request to kill Gu Santong, so he deliberately let him find him and then had a "decisive battle".

It seems that Li Qiufeng used all his skills, and even his tricks didn't seem to have a killing situation on Gu Santong, so these things happened later.

Li Qiufeng seemed to be righteous on the surface, but in fact he was scheming in secret. It seemed that he also found that although Gu Santong was powerful and terrifying, his brain didn't seem to be very bright, and the traces left behind were probably intentional, with the purpose of causing Gu Santong psychological obstacles.

And judging from his performance just now, his goal was almost achieved.

Meng Fei didn't tell him his thoughts, but chose to remain silent. He seemed to want to join in the fun, and something more interesting was about to begin.

"What are you laughing at again..." Gu Santong's face was full of question marks, because Meng Fei in front of him showed a mysterious smile again.

"Gu Santong!"

At this time, a call came from the top of the city.

Gu Santong immediately looked up, and the familiar voice even made his body make extremely coherent movements.

"Li Qiufeng! You are finally here!"

Speak of the devil, and he will appear. I didn't expect him to arrive immediately after I mentioned Li Qiufeng.

The figure on the top of the city was Li Qiufeng.

Compared with the burly and fierce-looking Gu Santong, Li Qiufeng was thinner and more flexible, even wearing a tight black outfit, and a long sword that kept trembling at his waist.

That was the unique sword made by the swordsmith in Xinyue City with great effort - the Snake Heart Mad Sword.

Compared with it, Gu Santong's crescent moon scimitar was really a small witch meeting a big witch. The two swords could even be said to be not on the same level.

But this could not be a reason for Gu Santong to refuse to fight. He jumped up and also came to the top of the city.

They had agreed before that they would decide the winner in Xinyue City tonight.

Who wins and who loses, the corpses on the top of the city or the wall will tell people the answer the next day.

Since Li Qiufeng appeared, he even ignored Meng Fei's existence and forgot that this person was still here.

Subconsciously thinking that Meng Fei did not seem to be the opponent's man, he could fight with confidence.

Meng Fei pursed his lips below, he knew that this was no longer a fair duel, and it was meaningless to watch it like this.

The two people on the top of the city also instantly started the first wave of offensive.

Gu Santong took the lead and approached Li Qiufeng with a strange body, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

When it was fast, he could directly dodge a body distance, and when it was slow, he could directly pass the knife light.

So when Gu Santong came in front of Li Qiufeng, Li Qiufeng's eyes were full of hesitation.

He didn't know whether Gu Santong would appear behind him or beside him the next moment.

Therefore, he had to draw out the Snake Heart Mad Knife and slash at every position near him quickly, fearing that he would be too late and be slashed across the neck by Gu Santong's knife.


Gu Santong was still blocked this time, and the two of them instantly pulled away and confronted each other.

As far as this time is concerned, Gu Santong can be said to have the upper hand, which shows that this guy's strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

Li Qiufeng was also caught off guard, but he never boasted and always looked extremely serious. Apart from anything else, at least in terms of attitude, Li Qiufeng looked like a duel.

The second time, Li Qiufeng would not let Gu Santong be so comfortable. He chose to take the initiative to attack this time.

His attack was more flexible, and the sharp wind of the knife blew towards Gu Santong, but this was just a cover.

But under the powerful blessing of the Snake Heart Mad Knife, Gu Santong took two steps back after resisting for a while, so he had to choose to dodge.

And this was exactly what Li Qiufeng wanted. He jumped high, his body was extremely light, but his knife was extremely domineering, and he slashed at Gu Santong with a knife.

Under the moonlight, the horizontal slash was like a stream of light attacking Gu Santong. Gu Santong dodged the unfinished wind of the knife while looking at the oncoming attack, and he had to choose to resist.

So he placed the crescent scimitar horizontally on his chest, and the back of the knife protected his neck.


The two knives collided, but it was an explosion and sparks.


The scene that appeared after the explosion was that the crescent scimitar broke into two halves and fell to the ground with a plop.

On the other side, Li Qiufeng was licking the blade with pride, and the Snake Heart Mad Knife seemed to be in perfect condition in his hand.

At this time, Gu Santong, without the knife, looked like fish on a chopping board.

"What are you doing? I'm sleeping. Pull me over."

However, what they didn't know and didn't expect was that Meng Fei pulled Gu Liu over from the top of the city.

He told Gu Liu everything he should and wanted to say, but Gu Liu also cooperated.

Meng Fei wanted a fair game, so Gu Liu immediately took out the blessing talisman, and then Meng Fei secretly placed it on Gu Santong's body at a speed that they could hardly see.

At this time, Li Qiufeng, who thought he had won, paused as he walked towards Gu Santong.

He suddenly discovered that the aura on Gu Santong's body suddenly changed.

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