Li Qiufeng couldn't help but retreat two steps.

At this time, Gu Santong was like a beast awakening, with his head lowered and roaring.

"Impossible, you and I are both swordsmen. Without swords, how can we still emit such momentum?" Li Qiufeng's face was full of disbelief.

Gu Santong's muscles burst out, and his brain was even more confused. He stared at his hands, and his muscles trembled slightly but violently. It felt like a large force in his body, about to erupt together.

Yes, without a sword, the swordsman's combat effectiveness can be said to have been reduced by an unknown amount, but this sudden burst of power from nowhere made him feel that he could even beat himself with a sword.

"I don't know what happened, but I just want to fight now, roar...!"

Gu Santong immediately roared to the sky, venting his uncontrollable power.

"Damn it!" Li Qiufeng couldn't help but curse, but he looked at his snake heart mad sword, constantly hinting that he would win in the end.

"Although I don't know what method you used, you still have to die!"

Li Qiufeng tightly grasped the Snake Heart Mad Knife, and his hands trembled slightly in a nervous state. It was not fear, but a manifestation of high tension.

The Snake Heart Mad Knife then made a cold-blooded trembling sound, and the sound was like a beast thirsting for blood.

Gu Santong was excited at this time, and he was not affected at all.

The two confronted each other, and the aura finally reached almost the same level. The air around them became cold, and the atmosphere seemed extremely cold under the cold and murderous moonlight.

On a dark and windy night, it was time for blood to splash.

"These two people..."


Under the city, there were two people who were not discovered, or more precisely, who were not noticed, Meng Fei and Gu Liu.

At this time, they were looking at the two people on the city with relish. After all, they just watched the show of the grudges in the rivers and lakes, and there was no need to intervene.

Although they still "interfered", it was quite special. It was purely because Meng Fei wanted to watch the tricks that Gu Liu intervened.

Look, now the situation between the two people, which was undoubtedly one-sided, has instantly turned into a tense situation of equal strength.

On the top of the city, under the moonlight.

Naturally, the more excited Gu Santong took action first. Without the scimitar, he now has the ultimate physical strength under the blessing of the blessing talisman.

He approached Li Qiufeng directly, and every step was as powerful and heavy as a falling meteor. He was accumulating strength, just like a blocked flood, trying to break through the restraints and break through everything!

A punch came.

The fist was mixed with bursts of air-breaking sounds, and the area in front of the fist was even beaten into pieces of vacuum, approaching Li Qiufeng.

Li Qiufeng instantly felt suffocated, and he quickly dodged to the back, but running away blindly was not a solution after all.

Li Qiufeng swung the Snake Heart Mad Knife, which was also violent. The Snake Heart Mad Knife slashed at Gu Santong's fist like a hungry blood-eating beast.

Unexpectedly, with the blessing of the blessing talisman, Gu Santong could directly take the sword attack with his flesh.

This is not something that can be done with ordinary kung fu, taking the sword with the flesh.

Except for the extremely abnormal flesh like Meng Feilongfu, which can no longer be measured by common sense, it is almost impossible to meet such a flesh again.

And with the blessing of the blessing talisman, Gu Santong also seems to have such abnormal ability.

This guy is indeed a very good material, an excellent seedling for martial arts practice.

But it is also true that the person who made the heart-pulling assassin unable to kill with all his tricks before, and even had to use the gap of "divine weapon" to beat "ordinary weapon" in the end to barely win, can be seen How abnormal and powerful this guy Gu Santong is.

Only then did Li Qiufeng have to prepare secretly and then have a "fair and just" duel with him.

Li Qiufeng was sure to win the duel, but suddenly, this happened.

After all, no matter how strong Gu Santong was, he was just a swordsman. As long as the weapon he relied on was destroyed, he could easily win. This is why Li Qiufeng deliberately obtained the Snake Heart Mad Knife.

He had guessed before that Gu Santong would definitely not care about his weapon. Because of his confidence in his strength, he would definitely just find a suitable one. And he was definitely not stupid. The scimitar he found was at least better than the previous one, but compared with the Snake Heart Mad Knife, it was really incomparable.

So Li Qiufeng broke Gu Santong's scimitar with one knife.

Originally, everything was going well, but now it seems that everything has changed.

"It depends on whether you can hold on!"

Li Qiufeng whispered. He has never fallen behind in all his preparations for so many years in the martial arts world.

Even in such a situation, he still prepared some insidious tricks.

After the two fought to a draw again, Li Qiufeng retreated and put one hand behind his back. He was quietly doing something shameful.

There was a flash of white light between his two fingers, and then, without anyone noticing, a tiny white light passed over Gu Santong's leg.

"How is it possible?!"

However, after the white light hit Gu Santong, the thing fell down.

Li Qiufeng's eyes were full of disbelief. He actually missed, or rather, it was not him who missed, but his poison needle seemed to be rebounded by Gu Santong's strong body.

But he never expected that his trick was seen by Meng Fei below, so Meng Fei secretly reduced the force of the poison needle, so that when it hit Gu Santong, it fell directly.

Li Qiufeng couldn't believe it, and at the same time, he was getting anxious, so he tried other tricks again, while avoiding Gu Santong's heavy blows.

However, as expected, all his tricks were "blocked".

"Damn it!"

At this time, Li Qiufeng didn't retreat, and looked furious. He turned around immediately, as if he wanted to run.

"Don't even think about it!"

But how could Gu Santong let him succeed?

Gu Santong immediately came to the back of Li Qiufeng within one step, and he could catch him successfully with just one hand.


A knife slashed across, and Li Qiufeng turned and slashed again, hoping to widen the gap with Gu Santong.

However, what Li Qiufeng didn't expect was that Gu Santong resisted the knife in order not to get away from him, and then punched Li Qiufeng's leg.

Li Qiufeng rolled to the ground, and a huge crack appeared on Gu Santong's chest.

"Ridiculous, then give it a final blow!" Gu Santong roared loudly, and the voice was full of momentum, without any negative effects of injury.

"Okay! I don't believe you can still kill me like this!"

Li Qiufeng saw that Gu Santong was more seriously injured, so he received a message instantly. The so-called imposing appearance was all Li Qiufeng's bluff.

So, Gu Santong punched with all his strength, and the sound of breaking was like thunder.

Li Qiufeng used his special skill, Snake Heart Eater Slash, and the long sword was like a poisonous snake with terrifying fangs, opening its bloody mouth towards Gu Santong.

The two forces intertwined in an instant, and everything around became silent.

After a stalemate, the two figures directly exchanged positions.

Under the moonlight, the two bodies were still standing at attention.


Suddenly, Gu Santong half-knelt down and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

However, there was no sound of celebration from Li Qiufeng. His eyeballs were bulging, and even his whole face was swollen, but his neck was bent directly, and finally his whole head drooped down.

Li Qiufeng's body fell on the edge of the city wall, and finally his whole body fell to the ground.

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