With Li Qiufeng falling to the ground, everything finally ended.

Meng Fei sighed. The two people who were originally evenly matched had such a result because of the different momentum of the two people behind at the last moment.

In the end, Gu Santong fought more and more bravely, and his momentum never diminished even when he was seriously injured, which prompted him to even hit an extraordinary attack in the end.

On the other hand, Li Qiufeng tried his best to use tricks in the end. After the tricks were dismantled, he had a psychological collapse and lost his will to fight. In the end, he could only fail to exert 100% of his strength.

In the end, he could only end up like this.

As time passed, the moonlight became weaker.

Although Gu Santong won, his situation was not optimistic. Although the blessing talisman would not bring negative effects of overload, at the last blow, this guy briefly entered the state of overload. Although it was only for a moment, it was still difficult for him to resist like Meng Fei with his ordinary body.

So his state was not optimistic in the end. His breathing became low and short, and the whole person looked very weak.

Finally, Gu Santong fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

But he was not seriously injured, so Meng Fei and the others left directly without intervening in anything, just ready to leave at any time.


Suddenly, Meng Fei stopped.

"What?" Gu Liu looked confused, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Meng Fei walked to the body of Li Qiufeng, then pulled the Snake Heart Mad Knife out of the ground, then he jumped onto the top of the city wall, gently placed the Snake Heart Mad Knife next to Gu Santong, and then turned and left.

"What does this mean?" Gu Liu asked him.

Meng Fei smiled, but just said briefly: "This knife can't be lost."

Gu Liu frowned and didn't ask any more questions. He yawned and looked a little tired, so he walked towards the inn.

Fortunately, when they rested at night, the weapon forging masters in Xinyue City also closed the door to rest, and the whole city was still cool from time to time, so it was not so hot.

The night's rest was also very comfortable. Gu Liu and the others slept until noon the next day before waking up.

Everyone was full of energy at once. The big yellow dog was even more baring its teeth and roaring for food. Xu Zhengyi also practiced sword tirelessly.

Although Gu Liu did not do anything, his whole spirit was extremely vigorous and he looked radiant.

"It seems that everyone is in good condition."

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei was also very happy.

It seems that he still underestimated everyone's growth. Now they can help him more. They no longer need Meng Fei to stand in front and worry about them.

Under this circumstance, Meng Fei also decided to set off again this time.

Of course, that would be done after the hunger in the stomach was solved.

After everything was over, they set off again and said goodbye to Xinyue City. This time, for them, perhaps there were not many memories. If there were any, they were Meng Fei and Gu Liu. In comparison, Xu Zhengyi and the others just experienced a comfortable rest.

Walking on the road, they looked into the distance. Meng Fei held the Wanling Sinan and pointed in the direction, asking Gu Liu, "What's ahead?"

"The one ahead? It seems that it's a bit difficult to meet a city in this direction, but there should be a village! Look ahead."

Gu Liu pointed ahead, and there was an extremely neat green land.

There is no doubt that it was a piece of well-grown fields.

"From this point of view, there should be people living in the front!"

After all, they have been walking for a short time, and it is not easy to see people again.

Because there is no one, their living and traveling seem extremely difficult, and most of the time they can only make do with it, such as various kinds of camping in the wilderness, which are common things.

And the food they eat is almost always meat, all kinds of meat, and there is no green food in their stomachs, which makes them feel greasy, so every time they see a place with people, they will be extremely excited.

Now, there are finally people in front of them again, and the excitement is beyond words.

"It's a village!"

As they get closer, they can see more clearly that it is a beautiful village.

The nearest villager seemed to be quite wealthy. There were two cows resting quietly in the fence of their home.

The thatched house was also built very solidly, and it was obvious that it could withstand wind and rain.

"I don't know if it's easy to talk to."

I didn't want to choose. After all, this family was not bad, because they couldn't specifically pick some poor families to ask for things. Although they would give money, for these families, money was not something that could solve the immediate problems.

Of course, they were also worried that this family didn't talk much. After all, not every household was willing to take in strangers like them. Generally speaking, they relied on Gu Liu, who looked a little righteous in his Taoist robes, and the honest boy Xu Zhengyi to receive treatment many times.

Like Meng Fei and the big yellow dog, their posture and momentum scared people away as soon as they went up. They thought they were some people from the rivers and lakes, especially the big yellow dog. Ordinary mortals were scared to death even by his talking dog, so how could they dare to take him in.

"Who is it?"

Who knew that the person who opened the door was a young woman with a very lovely appearance and a pitiful look. What was even more eye-catching was the clothes she was wearing.

In this ordinary family, she was wearing a gorgeous dress, just like a fairy from heaven.


However, Meng Fei noticed something unusual, and the big yellow dog kept scratching Meng Fei's trouser legs with its claws, and it also noticed something unusual.

"Oh, we are..." Gu Liu talked to him normally.

But on Meng Fei's side, he turned his head to look at the big yellow dog at his feet, and at this time it also became the size of a normal dog to avoid attracting attention.

The man and the dog signaled each other with their eyes, and almost conveyed their meanings to each other.

The big yellow dog almost meant that this woman didn't seem to be a human, and later it confirmed it again and found that it was indeed not a human.

Meng Fei said that it was true, but asked it not to make it public for the time being, because he felt that there was more to the matter, and there should be more things they didn't know, so he asked it not to get excited for the time being, so as not to alert the enemy.

After the man and the dog reached an agreement, they also followed closely behind Gu Liu, who had just successfully communicated with them.

At this time, Gu Liu suddenly turned around and gave Meng Fei a meaningful look.

Meng Fei understood instantly, and then nodded slightly. Gu Liu glared slightly, and then nodded.

"Who is this?"

Who knew that as soon as they entered the room, they saw that there was another extremely weak, pale, thin man sitting on a chair against the wall.

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