"Oh, it's my husband. He has been weak since he was a child. Don't be surprised." The woman explained, with a very natural expression on her face, not like she was lying.

Meng Fei and Gu Liu looked at each other again, with all kinds of strange lights flashing in their eyes.

So, Meng Fei stepped forward and said with embarrassment: "It seems that you are very powerful. My husband is so weak, but this house is beautiful. The girl is really extraordinary, but I see that the girl's skin is so white and tender, she doesn't look like someone who does heavy work."

Who knew that after saying this, the woman was still very calm, with a smile on her face, saying: "This gentleman is serious, this is my husband's old house, just cleaned up."

"Well... I see..." Meng Fei did not ask any more questions, but walked in front of the weak man.

He asked, "Excuse me, sir... can we, the passers-by, stay for one night?"

The weak man tried to raise his head, his heavy eye bags were dark, like a person who had never slept. He tried to shake his mouth, but it seemed extremely difficult to say something.

The woman saw this and hurried to his side, supporting him with her hands. He uttered a few words, "Okay, Lianyi, arrange for them..."

The Lianyi he was talking about was the woman. After Lianyi responded to his words, she took a few people to arrange accommodation.

Although the house was not bad, it was just a farmhouse. If there were only two people, it would be no problem to stay, but there were three of them in their group, not counting the big yellow dog, so it was not so easy to deal with.

So, Lianyi told them that they could only squeeze in.

There are three rooms here. Lianyi said that from left to right, the first one is where the couple lives, and the two rooms behind, one was where the old man used to live, and the other was where the man had a sister, but she married far away, so the room was vacant.

In other words, they can only have two rooms, but it is barely enough.

"You guys take a rest first, I'll go cook." After Lianyi arranged them, she went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Meng Fei, where are you going?" Gu Liu suddenly looked at Meng Fei who stood up and asked in confusion.

"I want to go to their room to see." Meng Fei replied.

"What's wrong, did you find any other abnormalities?" Gu Liu asked again.

After all, from their previous observations, the man's weakness seemed to be born, and it had nothing to do with her.

Moreover, although Lianyi was not a human, Meng Fei saw at a glance that this guy was a spirit body similar to those guys in the underwater dead city, but different from the bloodthirsty monsters. Lianyi always gave them a strange feeling, and they couldn't tell why.

So, Meng Fei sneaked into Lian Yi's room.

As soon as he came in, everything was quite normal, whether it was the bed or something, or even the dressing table, the bronze mirror on it, although they were all old and second-hand goods, but they were clean and tidy, and it was pretty good.

"What is this?"

However, there was nothing in the house that could attract his attention, but a painting on the wall caught his attention.

Meng Fei came to the wall, put one hand on the painting, and then stared at the painting with incredible eyes.

Not for anything else, just because the painting was blank, nothing.

This made Meng Fei feel strange, and then he suddenly had some ideas, so he turned on the power of smelling spirits, stuck to the painting and smelled it, and there was a faint strange smell coming from the painting.

That smell was definitely not human, and it even made Meng Fei feel familiar, "This smell seems to be similar to Lian Yi's."

After some observation, Meng Fei came to this conclusion.

So, he sneaked out again, and he decided to go out and ask other villagers.

The purpose of doing all this was to find out what happened to this family.

He sneaked out without attracting anyone's attention. He came to a nearby villager's house, mainly because he was afraid that other people would not know if he went too far.

So he chose this family.

Knocked on the door, the dark-skinned villager opened the door. It looked like a hard-working family in the village. Meng Fei greeted him and then got straight to the point.

He asked some questions, and seeing that Meng Fei did not ask for anything else, the villager told him everything he knew.

In fact, he didn't know much. He said he only knew that the family was not liked by the family since he was a child because the man was born weak.

And since the death of the parents, there was no one willing to take care of the man.

He only had a younger sister, but that sister was probably the one who disliked him the most, because there happened to be two people pursuing his sister back then, but one lived nearby and the other lived far away. It happened that the family of the one who lived far away was not bad, so the sister used this as an excuse to marry far away, and she never came back since she left.

As a result, the man was already weak, and later he became disabled due to heart disease, which made things worse. He was dying. Suddenly, a Taoist priest with a big black mole passed by and treated him during his stay at his house. However, external diseases are easy to treat, but heart diseases are difficult to cure.

But to put it bluntly, the man was like this because he had no support in his heart, so the Taoist priest thought about it and found a painting from somewhere, saying that as long as he made a sincere wish to the painting, a beautiful woman would accompany him for the rest of his life.

So the man suddenly had hope in his life. He was so weak that he could not get up from the bed before, but later he could walk around and even talk to people.

"That's all." The villager finished speaking and told Meng Fei not to worry. So far, the family had not had any problems, so there should be no evil spirits.

But he didn't know about other things.

This was enough, and Meng Fei probably knew everything.

Back at Lianyi's house, Meng Fei hid in the dark. The man was still sitting in the living room. Although he looked weak, there was at least life in his eyes.

So Meng Fei flashed and came to the kitchen.

Here, Lianyi was preparing food, and suddenly the action in her hands stopped.

"Young Master?" She turned around and Meng Fei was facing her.

Meng Fei did not cover up his breath when he came here, but came here directly. He said to Lianyi: "If I'm not mistaken, you are the person in the painting."

Meng Fei already knew that the painting would not be blank, but the person in it flew down.

Seeing the momentum bursting out of Meng Fei at this time, Lianyi did not dare to act rashly, so she had to confess honestly.

It turned out that the Taoist priest had captured her and had been locking her in a painting, and had set a curse. As long as someone really wanted to possess her, she would appear and take care of that person for life.

To put it bluntly, she was also restricted by it now, but she felt much better when she saw that the man would not live long.

"So that's it."

She couldn't lie in front of Meng Fei, and it was convincing to say so.

A spirit, unless controlled, has no independent consciousness. She said these words only because she had been with people for a long time and gradually had the consciousness that came from being influenced.

But after all, it was just a spirit, and it would not have much impact on people, let alone when it was controlled.

In this way, Meng Fei was relieved and went back to the house to rest.

The next day, there was a new journey.

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