After Gu Liu and the others listened to Meng Fei's story, they rested at ease.

Soon another day came.

The sun was very good that day, and they were on the road again.

Before leaving, Lian Yi said goodbye from a distance at the door. Mostly because they listened to the man's instructions, they also smiled back. This experience also gave them some insights.

One person suffered all kinds of grievances, but in the end, he was healed by the inhuman existence. How ironic and touching.

They didn't say too much, but just quietly moved forward to the next place.


During this period, they rarely stopped. They almost passed through several towns and villages without stopping. Their journey would occasionally speed up, which was a common thing.

This has been going on for three days without interruption. They really need to take a rest.

Hecun, a village by the river, is similar to those who live by the sea, that is, most of them make a living by fishing, or like other villagers, they hunt and cut firewood to make a living.

However, recently, some bad things seem to have happened by the river, resulting in few people coming here to fish now, and there may not be three in the whole village.

Meng Fei and his team still found a random family, but this time it was much easier to find a family than before.

When the villager saw Gu Liu, who was wearing a Taoist robe, asked if he was indeed a Taoist priest, he quickly took him into the house.

The villager's actions undoubtedly attracted the attention of Meng Fei and his team.

"You don't know, there have been strange things in our village recently." The villager explained hurriedly.

"Strange things? Tell me?" Meng Fei asked him to tell them.

So, the villager immediately began to tell the story, as if he had been holding it in for a long time, or more precisely, he had been hoping that someone would solve the problem.

It was said that just last month, on a cloudy day, a woman was washing clothes by the river, but she didn't want to get up, and her head felt dizzy, her feet slipped, and she fell into the water.

Although there is no one in this river village who can't swim, it was strange that day. According to people who knew her, the woman could definitely swim, and even if she felt dizzy, she wouldn't fall into the water and not react.

After all, she screamed at the time, and her cry for help was heard everywhere. People nearby came, especially her husband, who jumped into the water after seeing it.

The people on the shore also kept shouting, asking her to float quickly, but she seemed to be dragged by something, and kept shaking her hands and struggling frantically.

But it was useless. The man went down, but unfortunately before he reached the end of the land, the woman was dragged into the water directly, and there was no bubble on the surface of the water.

The man went crazy all of a sudden and dived into the water to look for her, but he didn't see anyone.

Since then, the man went into the water every day to look for people, until one day, the man seemed to be drunk at night, and jumped into the water in the dark. The next day, there was one less person in the village.

This scared the villagers a lot. Everyone said that there was a ghost in the water. Later, except for some brave people who dared to salvage in broad daylight, the rest of the people did not dare to approach the river.

If there was no salvage, the lives of the people in the village would be greatly affected, and their days would be very difficult.

So they were worried every day, and just when they wanted to salvage again, the bad news came again.

It was another cloudy day without sunshine, and those brave guys were still fishing. However, when one guy was fishing, a huge force suddenly came from below and dragged him down.

The man's best friend was also with him. Seeing this, his friend jumped in immediately. Just when people thought that both of them would not survive, the guy who had fallen was actually rescued alive by his friend. However, the man sank to the bottom of the water forever. Like the other people, his body could not be found.

After this, no one went to the river for a while, except for the rescued man. He often went to the river to drink and drown his sorrows to comfort his rare confidant, who was also his lifesaver.

But others did not dare to do so. Not long after, although some people had to salvage because of life problems, there were only three or two people. Others were worried every day, and even some of the richer ones had left here.

But for ordinary people like them, where can they run away?

They can only stay here, either starving to death or risking their lives to salvage.

Until today, they finally waited for a Taoist priest to appear here, so they were so excited to receive them.

"Okay, I understand. Let's go and have a look." Gu Liu agreed immediately. After all, living in someone else's house and eating someone else's food, it's not for nothing.

So, the villagers immediately filled the table with wine and food, which was very rich, and they were ready to let them enjoy.

"Uncle, you are too..." Meng Fei looked at the full table and knew that the uncle had robbed the family.

Probably because he was afraid that Meng Fei and the others would break their promise, so he took out almost all the food, just in the hope that they could help.

"It's okay! As long as you can help us, it's nothing!" The villagers smiled innocently.

Meng Fei and the others also shook their heads helplessly. It was indeed a long time since they met such villagers. It would be unreasonable for them not to help such villagers.

So, after eating and drinking, Meng Fei and Gu Liu went to find out the problem together, while Xu Zhengyi and the others just went to rest. After all, one was annoyed by Xinglu and the other was still young.

Before going, Meng Fei specifically asked the man who drank alcohol by the river all day long.

The villagers told him that the man's name was Yang Shude, and he lived in a hut on the west side of the village. However, he seemed to have disappeared by the river recently, but he was sure that he was not dead, and he would definitely be found at home.

In this way, they also have a clear goal.

First was the river. They arrived here first. Meng Fei searched and found that there was indeed something abnormal under the river.

"This smell of wine..."

What is more noticeable by the river is the smell of alcohol.

Obviously, this cannot be done in a day or two.

It's obviously been a long time, but why did Yang Shude suddenly not come again? Is it because he was overthinking it?

Somehow, they always felt that things were not that simple, so after looking here, they decided to go to Yang Shude's house to find out.

On the way, Meng Fei asked Gu Liu if he knew what was in the water.

Gu Liu replied: "I have encountered something like a water ghost, but this one has not been controlled. It is serious. After dragging people into the water, it will be reincarnated by itself, so almost every water ghost will drag people into the water for reincarnation."

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