After Gu Liu's words, Meng Fei also roughly understood.

The problems of the previous things can be solved.

"I don't know where this river is connected to. It is probably from somewhere else." Meng Fei analyzed.

Most likely, people from some place were tricked and then sunk into the river like dead dogs, accumulating resentment, and turned into this kind of thing in the water.

It was brought here by the current, but the result was that the fishermen here suffered.

The villagers are also innocent people, but it is difficult to find the root cause. No one knows where the root of the disaster came from.

Of course, these villagers don't have the ability and effort to do such things, otherwise it would not have been dragged on until now.

And now they finally waited for Meng Fei and his team, but they must seize the opportunity.

And Meng Fei and his team also went to the river at the request of the villagers.

After confirming that there were unclean things in it, they turned around and came to Yang Shude's house with the guidance of the previous villagers.

As the villagers said before, Yang Shude's family is poorer, otherwise they would not have taken great risks to go fishing when they were in danger before. I think there must be a reason.

"By the way, why do you suddenly turn around and go to this house?" At this time, the two people standing outside the fence, Gu Liu asked Meng Fei puzzledly.

After all, since it is confirmed that there are indeed water ghosts at the bottom of the river, why don't you just kill them directly, but turn around and keep walking towards Yang Shude's house.

So, Meng Fei explained: "The smell of wine by the river is very strong, haven't you ever thought about it? Obviously Yang Shude's family is not rich, but they can drink so much wine?"

"What do you mean? But those wines don't smell good to me!" As a person who is quite knowledgeable about wine, Gu Liu still has a say in this regard.

"Yes, but it can make the smell of that area by the river change directly. What we should pay attention to is its quantity, not its quality." Meng Fei continued to explain.

"That's true... maybe it has something to do with his previous fishing? After all, there were fewer people at that time, so he might have caught more..." Gu Liu refuted again, mainly because he felt that Meng Fei's point of view was a bit far-fetched.

At this time, a woman who was pouring slop suddenly came out of Yang Shude's small house. The woman's skin was also rough, thick loess skin, and it was obvious that she had been through a lot. This person was Yang Shude's wife.

Yang's wife was carrying a bucket of slop out and was about to pour it out. It was at this time that she glanced at Meng Fei and the others out of the corner of her eye.

She hurriedly greeted them and asked Meng Fei who they were. When she saw Gu Liu again, she seemed to show a nervous expression on her face, and then she took a few big steps to Gu Liu.

"Excuse me, are you a Taoist priest?"

Gu Liu nodded.

She seemed to be even more panicked, rubbing her fingers together, and then she asked: "Then... what are you here for?"

"To ask for water." Meng Fei answered Gu Liu's question before her, with a smile on his face.


"Hong, who is here?"

At this time, another call came from the room. Although the voice sounded rough, the tone was very calm, and it was a good-tempered person.

"To ask for water! Just..." She responded quickly.

"Just what? Then let them come!" The voice sounded again, and there was no doubt that it was Yang Shude.

"Then come on, the two of you."

Yang's wife took the two into the house, let them in, and then she went to get water.

"You will understand what I mean later."

Before going in, Meng Fei was still quietly keeping Gu Liu in suspense.

As soon as they entered, they could see a man with a wet body appearing in front of them. He was burly, with a scruffy beard, and looked like he was getting out of the busy work.

He hurriedly explained: "I was just cleaning the fish, it was so troublesome! I didn't have time to clean myself up, please don't blame me."

"No, I'm very grateful for entertaining us!" Gu Liu replied kindly.

"You..." However, after seeing Gu Liu, he was stunned for a long time, and then he mumbled a few times, and he didn't know what he was saying.

"Don't worry, we just come to ask for saliva!"

But he never thought that Meng Fei spoke first before he spoke.

After Meng Fei said this, Yang Shude really lost a lot of his dazed feeling, and said very energetically: "Okay, okay!"

Then, he also sat down and waited for Yang's wife to fetch water with Meng Fei and others.

At this time, Gu Liu couldn't help but secretly elbow Meng Fei, and asked in a very subtle voice: "What do you know?"

However, Meng Fei also shook his head with a very small amplitude, and whispered: "Shh... I told you, you will know later."

"..." Gu Liu was speechless for a while, and could only quietly wait for Meng Fei's performance to see what this guy was up to.

"The water is here!" Yang's wife appeared again and brought water to the two of them.

Even though they were not thirsty, they still drank it under such circumstances.

After a sip, Meng Fei suddenly stood up, walked in front of Yang Shude, and asked loudly: "Come on! Tell me now! Why do you go to the river to drink every day during the day and then drink at night?!"

He seemed to be questioning, and this questioning seemed to come with an answer.

Yang Shude was dumbfounded. He was not a fool, so he naturally heard something deeper in Meng Fei's words.

So he actually knelt on the ground, begging Gu Liu and the others not to do anything to the ghosts in the river.

"Why?" Gu Liu asked with a blank face.

Meng Fei stretched out his hand to block Gu Liu, signaling him not to get excited and let Yang Shude finish his words.

So, Yang Shude also confessed everything very honestly.

It turned out that since his brother fell into the water, he drank by the river every day to drown his sorrows.

One day, the sky suddenly darkened, as if it was dark, but he was drunk by the river, so he forgot to run away.

However, the strange thing was that at this moment, a person seemed to come out of the water in front of him.

Looking closely, it turned out to be his dead brother!

Yang Shude was stunned for a while, then cried out with a sad face, "Xu An, Xu An, my good brother!"

But the man who came out of the water didn't seem to recognize him, and just kept saying to him, "Xu An? Who is that? Never mind, what I want to say is that it's getting dark, you mustn't leave like everyone else! You drink here every day, and you go into the river from time to time. I don't know why, but your wine always makes me feel special, and that feeling is very wonderful. I like it very much, so can you not leave? After all, today's wine is not finished yet!"

"Okay, okay, good brother! Even if you don't remember me, at least you haven't forgotten the wine we used to love drinking together! Come on, let's drink it!"

"Okay! Mm! It smells so good!"


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