It was a dark day.

Yang Shude met his brother again, but this time, his brother seemed a little abnormal.

His appearance became ferocious, and he didn't even remember who he was, let alone who the man drinking in front of him was, and what his relationship was with him.

But fortunately, the drink that Yang Shude drank every day, although not that good, carried countless memories and even awakened the memory deep in Xu An's heart, that indelible memory.

That day.

One person and one ghost toasted and drank happily.

So, when leaving, Yang Shude asked Xu An, "Brother, can you appear in front of me like this every time I come?"

Xu An replied: "I can't come out during the day. Brother, if you want to come, come at night. I'll be waiting for you!"

"Okay! Brother, let's see you tomorrow night!"

"See you there or not!"

After the two said goodbye, Yang Shude felt particularly happy after returning that day.

On weekdays, after returning home, he would fall asleep and not want to do anything. He would react no matter what.

After returning that day, Yang Shude was in a good mood. Not only did he and his wife do housework together, but they also couldn't take any time off, even at night.

He was very much looking forward to the next night. In order to have enough wine, he even went out to hunt and cut wood and sell it in exchange for wine. This was a common thing.

Finally one night, he arrived as promised, and his wife, worried about his safety, followed him secretly, and then saw that scene.

Although their faces have changed a lot, they can still be recognized. It seems to be Xu An and her husband, who are toasting and drinking. The two of them are extremely happy, with unstoppable smiles on their faces.

At first she was extremely panicked when she saw Xu An, but after reading it later, her eyes filled with tears.

But she didn't say anything. In the end, she silently watched the two of them get together and finally parted happily. She left here as happily as they did and returned home. Yang Shude was still very happy.

From then on, Yang Shude went to the river to drink from day to night. He drank a lot at one time. Xu An also drank for free, and often brought him a lot of big fish. Yang Shude also gained a lot from this in his life. improve.

That's pretty much it, and then it's now.

Yang Shude's wife also knelt down to plead for mercy. When Yang Shude saw this, he realized that his wife had already known everything.

The two of them begged for mercy together, and Yang Shude argued even more: "My brother died trying to save me and became a ghost. Second, he never hurt anyone. I hope you can respect him! If it really doesn't make sense, then use Change my life!"

The wife beside him cried and supported his body with both hands.

"Get up quickly!" Gu Liu quickly stepped forward and pulled them.

In addition, Gu Liu also asked Meng Fei: "You guy...when exactly did you do it?"

Meng Fei squeezed his eyebrows and explained: "Since he came out, I have smelled the smell of alcohol on his body. Although it is very strong in itself, there is also a smell from not long ago. It is obvious that it can only come from last night, and he His face looks normal, even better than that of ordinary people. This is obviously different from people who drink alcohol every day. I think there must be something or something that is constantly resisting his excitement. "

"That's it." Gu Liu finally understood that the details this guy had sold before were so meticulous.

He then shifted his focus to Yang Shude. The two of them were begging hard at this time, and they had to set an example no matter what.

"Don't worry, we are not ruthless and cold-blooded people. We will deal with specific matters in detail." Seeing that Gu Liu was a little confused, Meng Fei comforted them.

With such a guarantee from them, they can feel at ease.

So, Meng Fei and the others decided to go and have a look at night to see if the matter could be handled best.

Soon, night falls.

Meng Fei and the others, together with Yang Shude, came to their usual drinking day.

As expected, Xu An has been waiting for him there for a long time.

Seeing Yang Shude coming, he was very happy and waved to say hello quickly.

Yang Shude also responded excitedly.

However, when he saw Meng Fei and the others, Xu An's eyes changed, and he felt a different aura, and he directly entered a state of preparation for battle.

"Xu An, brother, don't get excited, they are all good people." Yang Shude quickly reminded him, for fear of causing any problems.

Xu An listened to Yang Shude's words. After he said this, Xu An's eyes immediately became kind, and he and Meng Fei were all smiling.

Such a scene was not what Meng Fei and the others wanted to see.

After all, this means that Xu An will not attack Yang Shude, but the same cannot be said for others.

There is also a good side, that is, when Xu An saw them, he only showed a strange expression and was in a state of preparation for battle, but did not directly attack. His self-control was indeed extraordinary.

After Meng Fei's observation, they found that Xu An was indeed consistent with what Yang Shude said.

It is true that he has not harmed anyone, and after Gu Liu's inspection, what is even more dramatic is that he died as a water ghost because he was saving people. In addition, he has not harmed anyone, so Xu An is very dramatic now. He His merits are even greater than his sins.

Such people, oh no, are ghosts. It would be unjustifiable if they were eliminated. After all, they are ghosts whose merits outweigh their sins. Killing them would be their sin.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Under such circumstances, Meng Fei naturally had no choice but to leave everything to Gu Liu for problems that could not be solved violently.

Gu Liu also thought seriously for a long time. Looking at the man and the ghost who were drinking, he was even a little reluctant to break this beauty.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a way.

"Pass the incense!" he said.

"What is this?!" Meng Fei asked confused, after all, he had never heard of this new term.

Gu Liu explained: "Just set up a place to burn incense and build a small house here, and then people will make wishes and pay tribute here. Because of Xu An's special characteristics, he is actually between a water ghost and a river spirit. If you build an incense delivery station at the location, it will be equivalent to forcing it to develop in the direction of Heling. "

"I understand, it is equivalent to turning it from a ghost into a fairy or something like that." Meng Fei said seriously.

"Yes, that's right. As long as it's built and I cast a spell to keep it from moving in the short term, that's it. Then it's Yang Shude's task."

Hearing Gu Liu say his name, Yang Shude also pulled away and asked Gu Liu what was going on and if there was anything he could do.

So Gu Liu told him everything and gave him a task.

That is, if you want his brother to have a good home, it is definitely not appropriate to let him harm others first, so you can only establish a memorial service.

Gu Liu will tell Yang Shu Dejian the method of delivering incense and some problems. As for the villagers, he will tell them. After all, only his words can convince them.

"Does that mean that my brother can not only get blessings, but also continue to drink with me?!" Yang Shude asked extremely excitedly.

"Haha..." Gu Liu smiled happily and added: "Not only that, he will become more like a human because of this, and even regain his memory!"

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