Gu Liu's words directly inspired Yang Shude's heart. He immediately became full of energy, even more excited than before.

After he told Yang Shude the method, Yang Shude also listened very carefully, remembered everything in his heart, and made sure that there would be no mistakes.

As for the other villagers, Gu Liu and his team would naturally deal with it.

He asked the villager he met at the beginning to pass on the message through his home.

He said that as long as the incense delivery was established, the problem here could be solved.

In this way, the villagers naturally believed it and quickly passed on the message.

And they saw that after solving these things, it was finally time to rest.

So, under the arrangement of the villagers, they had a good rest.


Soon it was another day.

They still slept for a long time and set off again.

This trip was probably a few steps closer to the location of the yellow paper.

But the nearest direction made them speechless.

They walked further and further into the wilderness.

"I've never seen such a situation before. Why do I feel the place is getting more desolate the further I walk?"

Meng Fei was puzzled. At this moment, what was gradually covering them in front of them was a piece of desolate and dilapidated scene.

Withered and bent grass, bare ground, and a quiet surrounding. Looking into the distance, the only thing that could be seen was a bright full moon hanging in the sky.


"No way? Fenggui Village again?"

Some of them exclaimed, and some thought they had encountered Fenggui Village again. After all, this was in the wilderness, and the last thing they lacked was that thing.

When they walked past a raised land, a village suddenly appeared behind it.

This village was very small, with only a few families. What was even more noticeable at this time was that even though it was already night, every household had their lights on.

The only difference from the previous one was that there was no "person" waving at them at the entrance of the village.

Although all the houses were lit, the doors were tightly closed, making people feel like a child who was afraid of the dark and dared not turn off the lights when sleeping alone at night, so he could only sleep with the lights on.

"Where is the demonic energy? Where is the ghost energy?" Gu Liu looked at the village and asked Meng Fei and the big yellow dog.

He might think that he had made a mistake in his judgment, but he would not think that there was anything wrong with them, so he was also waiting for their answer.

However, after Meng Fei and the big yellow dog's observation, the village looked normal, but its behavior was not normal.

Moreover, the place where they lived was also the same, not a place that could be reached by normal people.

So it can't be blamed on them for not being cautious, even Meng Fei was the same. If Tian Yasha was here, he would have to be extra careful. It was not easy to win Tian Yasha by chance last time.

The only advantage between them and Tian Yasha is that Tian Yasha's strength is almost fixed, while they can continue to rise.

But now, Meng Fei's strength has almost been fixed. Now there is almost nothing that can kill him. He has been waiting for a Tian Yaksha who can kill him.

After all, the Tian Yaksha saw that Meng Fei was wrong with just two moves last time, and then just tried to control him and let him fall into a circle forever, instead of killing him, which is undoubtedly killing him directly.

So Meng Fei was also cautious, but he was still the first to go ahead, "Since there is no problem, there should be no need to be afraid."

In this way, Meng Fei kept walking in front, and his steps were still quite open. In a few steps, he arrived in front of the village.

He found a house nearby and knocked on the door. However, his hands were broken, but there was no response. Meng Fei couldn't continue. This was not good. If he didn't want to open the door for them, he couldn't force it.

So, they went to find a few other houses, but it was still the same situation. His hands were broken, but there was no response. Even Meng Fei wanted to go in to see if there was really no one in the village?

"What's going on?" Meng Fei was puzzled.

"Is there really no one?" Gu Liu guessed.

"No, I can smell it, there must be someone inside." The big yellow dog sniffed and found that there were people in the house.

"Are they still alive?" Gu Liu said, this is indeed a question.

The big yellow dog nodded and said, "They are all alive and well, but there seems to be a hint of fear in the smell, and I don't know if it's because of us."

"Uh... I guess so..." Meng Fei also smelled the smell, and after having such a feeling, he thought it might really be related to them.

"Then there is no way, just deal with it."

Meng Fei had to tell everyone this, now they had no choice, they could only make do with it.

So, they just found a place and slept.

Soon another day passed.

"Hey~ Where are these people coming from?!"

"By the way, did you hear knocking on your door last night?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It was so creepy! Those things must have come again! Fortunately, I didn't open the door!"

"Me too, I didn't care about them at all!"

"Yeah? What are those people doing?"

"They don't look like people from the village... They are from outside?"

"How long did they come?"

"It can't be last night..."

"It can't be such a coincidence?!"

"They look like they are sleeping. Did they come last night?"

"That means they were the ones who knocked on the door last night?!"

"And they slept all night like this? And nothing happened?!"

"Hey! Brothers! Brothers! And this little brother! Wake up! Wake up!"


Hearing the call from someone unknown, Meng Fei and the others all opened their eyes.

Looking at the people in front of them, they were stunned for a moment.

"Brothers, don't be afraid. We are from this village!" Looking at the bewildered people, they hurriedly explained.

"What! It's you bastards who won't open the door for us?!" However, the big yellow dog couldn't sit still and started to curse.

But after seeing the big yellow dog talking, the villagers seemed very normal and didn't look surprised. They even explained to them very seriously.

"As for why we didn't open the door, no, actually we didn't dare to open the door. Alas, this is a long story..."

It is said that this wilderness was still a wilderness a hundred years ago, but the people living here were not as few as they are now.

There are people living in the wilderness, and such a deserted village is actually not unusual, because if you walk towards the back for a short while, you can see many fields, which are the fruits of the villagers' labor.

And what is even more unusual about this area a hundred years ago is that there are still many crops planted in the wilderness, and the harvest is even very good.

However, there is also a legend here that has been around for hundreds of years.

That is, when it gets dark, do not turn off the lights and do not open the door...

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