I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 148: Jackals, Wolves, Tigers and Leopards

When it comes to the wild, many people cannot ignore one thing.

That is the ferocious wild beasts in the wild.

The saying "Don't turn off the lights and don't open the door when it's dark" is also referred to by the villagers as "Don't do it when it's dark".

But does this legend have anything to do with wild beasts?

To be honest, it does.

Since it is a legend, we have to start from an earlier time.

It should be at least hundreds of years ago.

There were still many people living in the village at that time, and even in the wild, there were many crops planted.

In addition, there was a jungle nearby that was much more lush than it is now.

Although there were wild beasts everywhere in the jungle, the power of people should not be underestimated, so people also plundered a lot of things in the jungle.

Many wild beasts, with better meat, could not escape the hands of the villagers at that time.

This kind of life has continued, and it can be regarded as a cycle.

There has never been any problem or abnormality in this area.

Even if people were catching wild animals, they would only catch what they could. For some more ferocious and powerful guys, they would not dare to do that.

So everything was still in a balance.

And until one day, and that was just the beginning.

Two injured weird jackals and wolves lay in front of the jungle.

At first, people didn't care, thinking that it was normal. After all, jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards were not rare.

But later, people found something unusual.

They found that there was no wild animal to deal with the body of the jackal.

They could only let its body be corroded bit by bit, and in the end, only countless flies greeted the body.

Later one day, when a man wanted to go into the jungle to hunt, he stopped in front of the jackal's body.

And the purpose of his stop was not other things, but because he seemed to have caught a glimpse of something inadvertently.

The body of the jackal and the wolf was only skin and bones at this time, and even exuded a burst of corrosive stench.

Fortunately, the villagers at that time often smelled the smell of blood and meat, so they could tolerate the stench.

So he bent down to check, and found that the wound on the jackal seemed very strange.

Although only skin and bones were left, the scars were still clearly visible.

It seemed to be a horrible mark of claws embedded in the flesh and then torn apart the flesh, and both of them were almost like this.

It was hard to imagine what the situation was.

Was it a fight between jackals and wolves? It didn't look like that, because the scars on the two were almost exactly the same, that is, the two died from the same source, and no one could tell who and what it was.

But such means, the villagers thought that at least in his cognition, no one in the village could do this.

This was almost to the point of tearing the jackal with hands, and I'm afraid no one in their village could do this.

But this matter was over, and the villagers didn't care about these things anymore.

Because after he entered the jungle, he didn't find anything unusual, and so did others.

Later, something similar to the jackal but different appeared.

Almost the same way of death, and very close to the position of the jackal.

It can be said that next to the position of the jackal is the position of the death of the new beast.

There are also two together, a tiger and a leopard.

This time, the two seem to have just been placed here, so this time it can be seen more clearly.

There are also many people in the village this time. Jackals, tigers and leopards are actually gathered together, which is very eye-catching.

And the one who is more concerned is naturally the previous villager. Last time, because only skin and bones were left, it seemed impossible to say that there were no obstacles.

But this time it can be seen clearly, and it can be seen that the tiger and the leopard actually have a piece of meat torn off directly. Through there, even the bones can be clearly seen, which is very scary.

This made him confused. Such a consistent way of death and strange situation made him think in an extremely strange direction.

This matter must not be that simple, but unfortunately, just such a situation did not attract the attention of others.

But he kept it in his heart and decided to start investigating.

It was said later that the villager who investigated seemed to be surnamed Zhou.

In order to find out what was going on, villager Zhou was also thinking of various ways and looking for various clues.

However, strangely, after doing a lot of work, he found that he was facing something that did not exist at all.

He didn't know what it was.

And then one day, something happened that made the whole village pay attention.

That was one night, the moonlight was particularly bright, and the whole world was hazy.

I dare not say that everything was extremely clear, but at least I can be sure that almost everything can be seen roughly.

It can be said that normal actions, no problem at all.

That night, someone was drunk. In the past, there was no alcohol in the village. Someone suddenly had a whim and took back the body of the tiger and leopard, then skinned it and sold it. He sold it for a lot of money at once, and even spent money to buy some wine back, and enjoyed it secretly alone.

However, he never expected that in the poor village, his stomach, which had never tasted alcohol, seemed unable to withstand the alcohol, so he quickly got drunk and even wandered into the jungle late at night.

However, the next day, the villagers saw a surprising scene. The man was the same as the jackals, tigers and leopards. He was taken out from the chest and then thrown to the ground by someone unknown. He was also in the same line as the jackals, tigers and leopards.

After this, all the villagers were not calm. Even if they knew why he went into the jungle in the middle of the night, they were still worried.

Because in the past, they sometimes went into the jungle at night, but they never said that such a thing happened.

It seemed to start with the death of the jackals, tigers and leopards. That strange existence seemed to have a clear goal and seemed to kill people on sight, but it was still unclear what it was.

With this idea, Villager Zhou decided to go and see what was going on.

But it seemed that everything could only be seen at night, and if you went at night, you would definitely die. If you died, you couldn't tell the information to other villagers, so it was obviously not possible to go directly like this.

And when he looked at the birds in the jungle, he suddenly had an idea. After communicating with the village chief, he still decided to go in and find out.

This was also for the good of the whole village, and the village chief did not deny or reject him, but chose to help and support him unconditionally.

With the help of the village chief, Villager Zhou soon got what he wanted - the skin of a deer.

This allowed him to enter almost as a deer.

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