I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 149: Eating Raw Materials and Drinking Blood

This is obviously very risky behavior, no doubt.

Under such circumstances, there is no difference between entering and dying.

It just looked like a deer, and the villagers in Zhou didn't know if this would work.

Just to be sure, he even blended in with the deer during the day.

Gradually, his body was almost affected by the strong aura of deer. Even in their behavior, the Zhou villagers became closer and closer to the deer, which could even be said to be lifelike.

In this way, he felt more at ease when he entered the jungle one night later.

And he was obviously extremely nervous.

After all, in this case, there is no guarantee that he will not be eaten.

However, that day was also a day that made Zhou villagers extremely desperate.

After he transformed into a deer, there seemed to be something weird in the jungle at night.

So much so that even the beasts that eat deer hid in the dark and fell asleep, and the villagers didn't even see the shadow of any beast.

Of course, this is not a bad thing for him. After all, if he is eaten by other beasts before everything is done, it will be a big loss. At least he can rest assured about this.

Traveling to the jungle is unexpectedly convenient, and the jungle at night seems to have become "harmonious" because of it.

The villagers continued to go deeper, and there were indeed strange fluctuations in the surroundings. It sounded like someone was there, but it was more like the sound of monkeys jumping between the trees.

The branches and leaves made bursts of rustling sounds.

Villager Zhou was so nervous that his legs were trembling. At this moment, he regretted entering this place and doing such a thing.

If he had to choose again, he would definitely choose to go back home and sleep comfortably.

But the matter has come to this, and he has no way out.

He turned his head subconsciously, only to meet a pair of eyes.

The eyes were round like beads, with clearly visible bloodshot eyes swollen on them, and reflected a strange cyan light in the moonlight.

Villager Zhou was startled. Fortunately, he was so frightened that he lost his voice, otherwise he would have been directly exposed.

The guy's eyes were bulging, with two eyeballs protruding outwards. It suddenly became taller, and it turned out that it was lying on its back just now.

It stood upright, as big as two people, with its long arms resting directly on its knees. Its legs were also thin and long, like two bamboo poles.

It lay down again, its long arms supporting the ground, and its elbows pointing outwards to push the old height. With its trunk-like body, it looked like a huge spider lying on the ground.

It turned its head and circled around the villagers. It seemed that it was confused and a little unclear about what was in front of it.

The hair on its head was even more messy, like a pile of spider webs spread on it. Its head was spinning in circles, and a crackling sound came from its neck.

The villagers around Zhou didn't dare to move at all. They stood quietly on the spot as if they were paralyzed, like a wooden man.

Little did he know that he was inside the deerskin, and his forehead was covered with sweat. Wrapped in the deerskin, it gave off a strange stench.

Villager Zhou couldn't bear it anymore. At this time, his head felt dizzy, and the back of his head felt extremely heavy, as if he had been hit on the head with a stone.

At this moment, it seemed like the days of hell were finally over.

The cold feeling in his back disappeared. Villager Zhou slowly opened his eyes. When he saw that the guy was finally gone, he let out a big breath.

"That direction?!"

However, the Zhou villagers who came back to their senses saw the figure of that thing again.

He saw it moving towards the route he came from. Villager Zhou's feeling told him that something bad was about to happen.

So he immediately chased after him.

Following the guy, I don't know whether the Zhou villagers were not discovered, or whether the guy ignored him and followed him.

Of course, the distance between them is getting wider and wider. If he couldn't see Yijiao, he really wouldn't be able to keep up with its speed.

And the guy was still heading in a direction he was very familiar with.

That night, because of his problem, some people in the village kept lighting the lights, and the whole house was bright.

Even the lights at the village chief's place were not turned off. He kept walking around the house, worried about the safety of the villagers.

But not everyone's lights are on, and some of them have their lights turned off while they are resting.

That guy actually entered the village, and Zhou's villagers panicked. He even doubted whether it had something to do with him. Along the way, his heart was in his throat.

However, something weird happened again. The guy actually avoided looking at the lighted rooms, only looked at the dark rooms, and then climbed in through the window.

Zhou's villagers dared to be angry but dared not speak out. He did not dare to make a sound at all, and he had just arrived in the village. He rushed into the village chief's house and quickly took off the deerskin.

His legs became weak and he could not support his whole body, so he fell to the ground. The village chief quickly helped him up and asked him what happened.

He immediately told the village chief everything he encountered, including the fact that the guy entered the village.

"It's over!"

The village chief suddenly became anxious, but he didn't dare to do anything, let alone let others know about it, because it would definitely have an impact, and everyone might not be the opponent of the monster.

He and the Zhou villagers came to the window, which was facing the direction of the house where the guy entered.

Finally, they could peek through a crack in the window, and from there, it reappeared with a child in its hands.

But the child didn't cry or fuss, no! That's not the case. The child is not crying or fussing, but is already dead!


Villager Zhou went crazy and rushed out. He couldn't bear it anymore. He had had enough and endured it. The psychological torture made him too painful.

He wanted to die, but he also wanted to sacrifice himself to show the village chief whether this monster could be defeated.

However, the result was tragic. The monster came to the entrance of the jungle, which was quite a distance from the village. At this time, its mouth kept grinning on both sides of its face, with a huge grin, and finally swallowed Gave birth to the child.

The villagers rushed behind it like crazy, picked up a stick and hit the monster.

However, when the stick hit the monster, not only did it not cause any damage, the stick even broke directly. At this time, Zhou Villager looked at the broken stick, breathing heavily, and his entire chest was heaving. .

In front of him, the monster turned around little by little, with a wide-mouthed smile, several frightening wrinkles on his face, and bulging round eyes.

Facing the Zhou villagers, it stretched out its slender arms...

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