Even though they were at a distance, the village chief saw all of this.

They had no ability to fight against the monster.

Everyone was as weak as a feather in front of the monster.

For this reason, the village chief forcibly suppressed his inner fluctuations and fears. He must do something.

So, he began to recall, recalling all the details before.





Countless pieces of information were surging wildly in his head, and finally gathered little by little.

He finally concluded that it was risky to escape from here.

Everyone in the village knew that because they were a rare deserted village, it would be difficult to find a place suitable for their new home in a fast speed if they wanted to evacuate here.

And at that time, they might even be attacked by monsters, because they were not sure whether they could leave here before night fell.

This was obviously a very dangerous way, so they could only think of other ways.

The next day.

Naturally, there was an extremely tragic cry in the village. Zhou Villager's friends were looking for him. The villager who lost his child was even more grief-stricken, and waves of sobs tore their throats.

At this time, it was the time when that person needed to stand up the most, and the village chief summoned everyone.

He told everyone about the monster, and everyone fell into a panic. The village chief signaled them not to panic.

After the efforts of Zhou Villager, he also knew the characteristics and weaknesses of the monster.

So, he told everyone not to turn off the lights at night, and then close the doors and windows, and not to react no matter what sound they heard. Don't worry during the day, just like that, you can survive safely!

Such a statement naturally has skepticism among the villagers, but the words of the village chief are naturally majestic.

At night, the village chief still took the risk of turning on the lights and patrolling around the village, for fear that someone would not do as he said.

Whenever he saw someone singing a different tune, he would immediately remind them to do everything according to his words, and his attitude was very firm. When he said this, they would listen to him at the time, but what would happen next was beyond his control.

After patrolling for several rounds, there seemed to be a commotion in the jungle again, and the village chief hurriedly took big steps towards his home.

Fortunately, the village was not too big, and the distance between them was not too far, so the village chief quickly returned home.

He closed the doors and windows tightly, kept the lights on, and then went to bed with a nervous mood.

He didn't know if there was any reaction in other families. In short, everything was fine here, and there didn't seem to be anything unusual.

But before going home, he glanced at the jungle and really caught a certain fluctuation, which was very likely that guy.

So the next day, the village chief gathered the whole village again and asked if there was any abnormal family last night.

But everyone said no, of course, they might have fallen asleep and didn't hear it.

So the village chief asked them to go back, but everything he said before still had to be obeyed.

The village chief still supervised them as before.

Over time, among them, except for the families who had suffered misfortune, some of them began to doubt the village chief.

But the village chief was different after all. He was a person who had witnessed misfortune with his own eyes, so he couldn't let this happen again.

Finally, one day, when the village chief gathered the whole village again, someone among the villagers said that there was a knock on his door one night, but he didn't care. He was there to ask if it was someone from the village knocking on the door.

Then the rest of the village denied it, saying that they didn't knock on his door, and the next day they didn't see any traces of people passing by here.

It seems that it was that thing, it appeared again, and its appearance this time was a happy thing for the village chief. Although this was the danger coming again, it was a wake-up call for the whole village.

But even in this case, there are still people who don't believe it. After all, some people are like this. As long as things don't happen to them, they will never know how to guard against it, and can only regret it helplessly at that time.

Even the village chief can't do anything about such people. If they appear, they can only say that they are unlucky.

There was no other way, the village chief could only take care of those who were aware of safety.

After all, only those who were obedient could listen to what was said.

Later, the whole village was still the same, living according to the instructions of the village chief. It might be a little inconvenient, but being alive was good enough, and this was the most important point.

But, unfortunately, after a long time, disobedient people appeared, which led to the entry of monsters and the whole family was broken.

So there were fewer people in the village.

After all, the death of a family would cause the problem of subsequent incense in the whole village, so now, the whole village is no longer the same as before. Now there are only a few families left, and they still follow the words of the old village chief hundreds of years ago until now.


To this day, they thought that monsters were coming again, but it turned out that people really came this time.

The appearance of Meng Fei and his friends also made them feel surprised and delighted. Especially after seeing Gu Liu, they seemed to have remembered some stories from the past, and said to them again: "I saw a Taoist priest. There was also a Taoist priest passing by here before."

"Oh? Tell me about it?" Meng Fei and his friends continued to listen to the story.

It is said that after that, several generations had passed, and it must have been two or three hundred years before they passed by a Taoist priest who looked almost middle-aged.

The villagers at that time regarded him as a savior and hoped that he could solve the problem.

The Taoist priest did not understand the situation at first, so he asked them about the situation first.

However, this question was incredible. The characteristics and weaknesses of the monster seemed to perfectly match the characteristics of a certain ghost that the Taoist priest was looking for at that time.

So he said that he was a disciple of Master Tianzhao in the later generations. Master Tianzhao was extremely powerful and unimaginable. At that time, he was a figure five hundred years ago. He was a rare and amazing talent, and a super strong man who could defeat Tianyasha.

And the monster in the village was an extremely powerful Tianyasha, but Master Tianzhao encountered it during a field tour, and a man and a ghost started a battle.

Master Tianzhao is a skilled person who is good at Amaterasu. He can easily use light to fight the enemy. Therefore, although Master Tianzhao failed to eliminate him in the battle, he still let him escape. However, he almost left him with irreparable scars, that is, fear of light.

After Master Tianzhao returned to the sect, he also mentioned this guy, saying that this guy was very strange, with countless blood and lives on his body, almost all of them were eaten raw and blood, which was very cruel.

Its behavior gave him the feeling of a beast, but judging from its appearance, it was more like a person with a strange figure who turned into a ghost after death. Master Tianzhao called it a special wild ghost.

Moreover, it was the strength of Tian Yasha, plus its special attributes of survival in the wild, which was also an important reason for its successful escape.

He was also greatly affected by that battle. His legs were broken, but he was still alive and well, and there was no problem in teaching Taoism.

But the task of solving that guy must be handed over to other people in the sect.

And the middle-aged Taoist was one of them. He had been looking for it for hundreds of years, for many generations, and now he found it.

Just as he was about to go out to deliver the message, a huge hand suddenly emerged from the jungle and pulled him into the jungle, with roars of pain and anger.

Afterwards, the people in the village saw that the jungle was almost collapsed, the monster was still nowhere to be seen, and the body of the middle-aged Taoist priest was lying there...

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