It turned out that it wasn't that no one had found it for hundreds of years, but that almost everyone who found it was killed by it.

There were only a few people who could defeat Tian Yasha, let alone people like them.

Even if the wild ghost was injured beyond repair, it was still not something that ordinary people could defeat.

And its past was known to the villagers, but it was useless.

Moreover, in this way, they dared not move around at will, after all, they would be targeted by that guy.

You know, to kill the Taoist priest, but to make it endure the pain of being burned by the sun, they had to kill it by force.

They didn't even have the ability to resist. If it really made up its mind again, they would have no way to escape.

So the villagers had to stay in the village honestly and didn't want to do anything.

And since then, it seems that there was no response from that guy for a long time.

Some people even stayed up all night for half a month just to squat and see if there was no response.

It turned out to be true. There was no reaction. Everyone even thought that the guy was seriously injured and died, but they were afraid that he was recovering and not dead, so he was also dangerous.

They didn't know when the guy came out, or whether this was a false illusion deliberately created by the monster.

After all, from the previous events, we can know that this guy is definitely intelligent and not the kind who knows nothing.

So until now, the villagers dare not act rashly, because the people living here no longer say that they don't believe in the existence of monsters. After all, those who don't believe are almost dead.

Now Meng Fei and his friends suddenly appeared, and there was no response when they knocked on the door. It made sense all of a sudden.

"So, we don't ask anyone to solve this problem. You should be passing by, right? Then be careful. When you leave here, you must be fast! You must run when it's slightly bright! Then go to a place with light! You must escape from the wilderness!"

The villagers advised Meng Fei and his friends, hoping that there would be no more such sacrifices.

Then, they said self-deprecatingly: "And we, alas, just wait to die here slowly. With our ordinary legs and feet, we can't escape from here at all, but you are different. Seeing your talking dog, I think you are definitely not ordinary people! You should be able to leave here!"

The villagers have been saying that they don't want Meng Fei and his men to bury their lives here in vain. They are all people in their prime years. It's a pity to die.

However, Meng Fei laughed heartily and said, "I have to thank you!"

The villagers were confused.

He took back the Wanling Si Nan in his hand. Before taking it back, he could see that the Wanling Si Nan pointer had returned to its position, which meant that they had reached their destination.

After the villagers' narration, Meng Fei and his men probably grasped very important information.

The existence, location, characteristics, and weaknesses of Tian Yasha gave Meng Fei and his men great confidence to destroy the Tian Yasha and get the thing that it might not even know about - yellow paper.

Meng Fei came here with a purpose, but the villagers thought they were strange passers-by who had strayed in, and they didn't want to hurt anyone, so they didn't make any requests to Meng Fei and his friends, but just warned them about some issues that they must pay attention to.

"Thank you? Thank us for what?" The villagers looked even more unconfident. They didn't understand why they suddenly thanked them, after all, they just told some stories.

Of course, they naturally didn't know the purpose of Meng Fei and his friends.

"Your story is very valuable, leave it to us next!" Meng Fei said with great confidence. Although the opponent this time was the difficult Tian Yasha, the difference was that the Tian Yasha was obviously damaged this time, and the way to deal with it was naturally different from the previous one.

"Leave it to you? What do you want to do? Don't do anything stupid! It's not worth it to give up your life!" The villagers warned them again and again.

However, Meng Fei was indifferent, but smiled and said: "After we deal with that guy, you can be free."


This is a word that makes them feel moved, but it feels out of reach. Cruel reality.

They are numb. Perhaps only when freedom is truly in front of them will they pursue freedom.

Meng Fei's words did not cause any emotional fluctuations in them. On the contrary, they just ignored it and no longer cared about what Meng Fei and his friends were going to do.

They returned home one after another, as if nothing had happened.

Meng Fei and his friends began to walk towards the dilapidated jungle over there. Now it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. It is just like a village. There is only a little left. Now it is a small forest.

After Meng Fei and his friends walked over there, Meng Fei suddenly turned his head back. In his sight, he could see heads sticking out of the windows of several houses in the village.

Meng Fei smiled, and then walked towards the jungle without saying a word.

In front of the jungle.

Meng Fei said to everyone: "With the information provided by the villagers, we don't even need to find that guy."

"Yes, just let it think that we are related to Master Tianzhao." Gu Liu agreed on the side.

"So now, let's get ready! This time, I don't think we need to spend much effort. We just need to set up a trap and we can solve the problem better and safer!" Meng Fei obviously had a better plan this time.

Yes, this is equivalent to mastering the enemy's fatal weakness, and they don't have to rush headfirst.

This time, Meng Fei directly remembered the superhero movie he had seen before. The reason why Batman was able to defeat Superman was because he took advantage of his weakness and defeated him.

Now he has to do something similar, and he can solve the problem better.

"Listen..." Then, Meng Fei began to explain his plan.

"First of all, you can see that this forest is already very sparse, and the light shines directly into it, so that guy must not be exposed on the surface, so it's useless to flatten the forest. I guess it's underground, but it's just a guess. If it has the same means as the previous Tian Yasha, then it's possible. Be careful of ghosts, so..."

After talking about the problem of attention, Meng Fei clearly told everyone his "see the light plan".

This time everyone must unite and divide the work.

First, Meng Fei, although he is the main initiator, will hide first, and the big yellow dog, as the strongest existence besides Meng Fei, its task is to protect.

The person to be protected is the one who seduced the wild ghost out, this person is Gu Liu.

And Xu Zhengyi, using the swordsmanship and the sun to control the wild ghost, and then Meng Fei will kill it or expose it completely to the sun.

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