Just do it.

Several people started to set off together without any hesitation.

It's still the same as before. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, they will pay attention to every detail.

Therefore, Gu Liu used the blessing talisman to strengthen everyone's strength to ensure that accidents would occur if their strength was insufficient.

Then, everyone goes to their respective "posts".

First, Gu Liu finds a good position to seduce, and then the big yellow dog will take his position as the criterion, and then protect him from the side. After all, with Gu Liu's strength, even with the blessing talisman, it is still difficult to survive under Tianyaksha. It takes a few breaths, so someone must watch, and this person is the big yellow dog.

Then Xu Zhengyi stood diagonally not far behind Gu Liu. From this position, he could display his abilities at will, and could better deal with various situations. If something unexpected happened, he could escape in time.

On Meng Fei's side, the position opposite to Big Yellow Dog is lurking, because if they are together with Big Yellow Dog, the two of them may affect each other, so it is best to separate their positions, and Meng Fei's side can also perform better own tasks.

If you are here alone, you will have a better space.

At this time, everything was ready, everyone took a breath, and the scene immediately became quiet.

In the distance, the people in the village also opened their windows completely, watching the situation on Meng Fei's side quietly and carefully, and also held a big breath. The tense atmosphere made their hearts hang in their throats.

"Damn it! I finally found you! Wild ghost!"

Gu Liu began to shout loudly to the already extremely sparse Xiao Linzi, his tone full of anger.

And when he finished speaking, the trees in the forest rustled, but the movement was not big.


Several people were thinking in their heads almost at the same time.

Although this wild ghost is a Tianyaksha, due to its own particularity, it is not very intelligent and generally cannot think of deep things.

Therefore, once those who are really looking for it are exposed, its first reaction is not to run away but to directly kill the person. This results in it having to forcefully move under the light every time, thus causing this scar. It can never be eliminated from its body. Even now, nearly a thousand years later, the scars caused by Master Tianzhao still hurt and even burned its body.

So, Gu Liu struck while the iron was hot and continued to stimulate the wild ghost with words, "Damn it! Come out if you have the ability! But it's okay if you don't come out. Anyway, you are here, in broad daylight, you can't run away!"

At this time, a violent cold wind immediately came from the forest. Gu Liu's legs were already trembling faintly, and he saw another low roar coming from the forest.

Then there was another groan of pain, but it was fleeting and was immediately replaced by the roar full of anger.

It sounded like a sound coming from the ground, but it was right, because the sparse forest could no longer completely block the sunlight, and it was unlikely that wild ghosts would enter it again.

Suddenly, the earth began to tremble, and the land in front of Gu Liu cracked. It was like a python that was approaching Gu Liu, and was about to come in front of him and swallow him.

Gu Liu's brows were furrowed at this time, his eyes were full of nervousness and fear, and he was holding on to his legs not to fall down due to weakness.

After all, this was the first time he faced Tianyaksha, so it was inevitable that he would feel fear in his heart. Such fear was actually normal.

The cracked stripes slowly came to Gu Liu from the forest. From the gap, first a cold and biting wind rushed into his face, and then there was a heart-rending roar. The sound was like The devils in hell are roaring and groaning, thirsting for the nourishment of blood.

The next moment, a thin and slender black arm stretched out from the crack in the ground. Under the sunlight, the skin of this arm was red and broken, but it still moved suddenly towards Gu Liu's head, as if he was running. Drag Gu Liu down to the ground.

And it seemed that for the sake of safety, he moved towards Gu Liu's head. In this way, even if he didn't drag him down, he could directly break his head!

It was still smarter than they thought, but still useless because it was already trapped.

"Dog! Justice!"

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly jumped out and shouted their names toward the sky.


Xu Zhengyi immediately jumped up and drew his sword.

The Elemental Breathing Sword Technique was activated again, using the power of the Earth Sword to control the surrounding earth.

I saw that near the arm, the ground began to crack and spread from the center, in order to completely expose the body of the wild ghost!

In addition, Xu Zhengyi also reinforced the surrounding ground to form a cage to trap the wild ghosts.

As for the big yellow dog, it used extremely fast movements. For this reason, it deliberately reduced its body to obtain a more flexible body, and then when one finger of the palm of the hand touched Gu Liu's cheek , the big yellow dog suddenly appeared and pressed its head on Gu Liu's abdomen.

An extremely painful feeling immediately came from Gu Liu's abdomen, but fortunately it was only a very short moment. In order to rescue him quickly, the big yellow dog had no choice but to resort to this method, and it also withdrew its strength in time, and also killed them. The body was inverted.

Originally, it was Gu Liu who was pushed up and turned into a big yellow dog. It kept offloading force for Gu Liu, so although Gu Liu took a huge blow, it was quickly resolved by the big yellow dog.

Seeing that everything was going smoothly, Meng Fei nodded, and then it was his time.

With the blessing of the talisman, Meng Fei's speed became even more abnormal. He passed by, leaving a few afterimages, and came to the big pit made by Xu Zhengyi.

Here, under the influence of Xu Zhengyi, the wild ghost's body has been exposed for most of the time, and it is trying to escape at this time.

However, the burning pain on its body made every move of it seem extremely difficult and painful, but it still wanted to continue to move, but Xu Zhengyi did not give it a chance.

Xu Zhengyi waved his sword again, and the surrounding soil began to fly, and finally flew towards the wild ghost. Its two arms and neck were solidified by the soil, and then controlled to the ground.

Seeing this, Meng Fei directly accumulated power in the air and smashed towards the wild ghost.

Looking at Meng Fei's fist with thunderstorm fire, even the wild ghost was panicked and confused. It roared and then broke free from the control of the soil.

It was seen that it got out of the body, and then roared towards the sky, and the sky suddenly lost its color, dark clouds covered, and the whole sky was now oppressive gray.

At this time, a huge black spot appeared on the body of the wild ghost, and the black spot continued to expand, swallowing everything around it bit by bit.

"Not good! It's going to open the ghost cave!"

Meng Fei shouted, and then punched the body of the wild ghost.

However, the body of the wild ghost was already wrapped in black, and Meng Fei's punch was empty, obviously the punch had hit its ghost cave.

Meng Fei's body also began to be pulled by it, and he was about to be pulled into it.

"Meng Fei!"

At this time, Gu Liu, who had just recovered, flew a talisman paper to Meng Fei's hand.

This can allow their power to be transmitted to Meng Fei, just like before.

Meng Fei caught it, and then saw that half of his body had been submerged in the ghost cave.

Gu Liu and the others immediately moved and transferred their power to Meng Fei.

At this time, Meng Fei received the power while quietly watching everything in front of him.

It is a dark jungle, and this is the lair of wild ghosts.

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