The dark jungle seemed to put Meng Fei in the wild at night.

This place was like the jungle on a truly uninhabited island. At night, the jungle was even more unclear, and there was no way to know the undercurrents.

Those wild beasts were hiding in the dark depths, crawling and preparing to ambush their prey.

"Where did it run to?!"

Meng Fei shouted at the jungle.

Although it was pulled into the jungle ghost den, the wild ghost hid.

This was naturally because the previous sun's burning made it suffer a lot, and then it forced the ghost den to open, which naturally affected it a lot. Now it can only hide first and then recover its strength.

Fortunately, it is not so easy to recover strength in the ghost den, because they will continue to provide energy to the ghost den, which gives Meng Fei a great opportunity.

Originally, he had almost no chance of winning against the Tian Yaksha with full strength, but with such an embarrassed Tian Yaksha, he had the opportunity to directly confront it and kill it!

But the problem now is that this guy is hiding, and there is no place to find him.

And Meng Fei's appearance here is obviously not in its plan, because the wild ghost originally planned to escape into the ghost cave to avoid the sun and Meng Fei's terrifying and fatal blow.

However, who knew that Meng Fei "touched porcelain" and directly entered the ghost cave.

This surprised the wild ghost, which was obviously something it didn't expect, and of course, it was something it didn't want to see.

"Haha! If you don't come out, I'll beat you out!"

However, Meng Fei didn't give it any breathing space.

Meng Fei was destroying the surrounding grass and trees, and it can be said that everything that appeared in the jungle ghost cave was destroyed by Meng Fei unscrupulously.

Those grasses and trees, and even some animals and beasts that were transformed, were either pulled out and thrown into a pile by Meng Fei, piled up very high, or thrown away directly, and there was no trace of those things, and no one knew where they went.

Under such destruction, although no sunlight will shine in, the ghost's den will enter a state of near collapse.

The den was severely damaged, and Meng Fei didn't believe it would stay there.

"What? Still not coming out?!" Meng Fei shouted loudly.

"If this continues, the den will collapse, and you will be exposed to the sun and perish!" Meng Fei continued to stimulate it.


The earth-shaking roar made the entire jungle den tremble, but this time the ground did not crack, but the wild ghost walked out straight.

As the villagers described before, its slender body was as tall as two people, and its slender arms reached its knees. It looked like a huge stick insect with a pair of round green eyes under its spider-web-like hair.

It roared angrily, with an extremely resolute attitude, it eliminated all the surrounding trees and animals, and now the den was black.

Even the ground beneath his feet was removed by it and disappeared. Meng Fei, like it, was standing on a dark patch.

"Are we going to fight to the death?"

Meng Fei took a serious stance.

The wild ghost's posture was nothing more than removing all the energy-consuming things and concentrating the last strength on itself to have a decisive battle with Meng Fei!

Even if this guy was not a complete Tian Yaksha, Meng Fei did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He put his attitude very straight and had no other thoughts.

He also put everything on the duel.

Suddenly, the wild ghost lay down, and when he saw it again, it had come to Meng Fei.

"So fast! I can't see it clearly!"

Even Meng Fei was shocked. This speed was definitely stronger than his. Meng Fei even felt that he had only blinked halfway, and it appeared in front of him.

The wild ghost stretched out its terrifying claws and grabbed Meng Fei's face. Fortunately, Meng Fei was not covered. He flashed decisively, like a ghost.

But his speed was still a little slower than the wild ghost, and the wild ghost's claws still caught Meng Fei's eye.

Just as the wild ghost was proud, and in the gap between the next quick attack, it saw that the scar on Meng Fei's eye was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is hard to imagine that this is a person's recovery ability.

Regardless of this, the wild ghost also took the opportunity to knee Meng Fei in the abdomen.

There were bursts of explosions in Meng Fei's abdomen, which was the sound of his internal organs breaking.

The powerful self-healing ability kept repairing his body. Meng Fei was hit directly into the air by this attack, and he was even rising continuously, and he didn't mean to stop for a while.

"No! I have been suppressed all the time, I have to calm down!"

Meng Fei, who was rising in the air, lost his center of gravity, and at the same time, he told himself over and over again in his heart that he must calm down.

He kept calming his thoughts and kept his mind as calm and natural as water.

At this time, no matter how the wild ghost hit him, Meng Fei was extremely calm. He was looking for an opportunity and a state at the same time.

The wild ghost stretched out two pairs of long arms, and attacked Meng Fei's body like countless tentacles. Meng Fei's body kept breaking and reorganizing.

But Meng Fei's thoughts were always calm. Although sometimes they would be interrupted, they would recover in an instant.

In front of him, a light spot appeared in front of him. The light spot seemed far and near. He reached out to touch it, but it was empty.

That was his peak. He had successfully grasped it in his hand many times and entered the super-limit state.

But the past few times were a little difficult, but this time, Meng Fei felt it was much easier!

He reached out to touch it without listening, and after a few times, he succeeded.


Meng Fei punched out, and the wild ghost's action was immediately interrupted, and he was immediately knocked out.

Meng Fei in the air slowly fell down. He had successfully awakened and successfully entered the super-limit state. Now his strength has greatly increased, and he vowed to kill the wild ghost!

"Predecessors planted trees, and future generations enjoy the shade. I will not show any mercy to you. The sages left you with irreparable scars, and I will use this to destroy you! Today, I will kill you at a higher level!"

Meng Fei shouted violently, and an extremely powerful aura burst out from his body, making the surrounding air cold and biting.

The wild ghost was frightened by him, but it quickly adjusted itself with anger. It howled angrily at Meng Fei to declare its dissatisfaction and indignation.

The wild ghost was still moving. The skin on its palm and fingers was pierced by bones, and then turned into long bone spurs. Ten long bone spurs pierced towards Meng Fei like a stream of white light.

Faced with such dense attacks, Meng Fei dodged them one by one, and each time seemed like slow motion in his eyes!

The wild ghost was slightly startled, but still did not stop attacking. However, Meng Fei was too weird. The wild ghost thought that he was fast enough and no one should be able to dodge him. However, Meng Fei seemed to be so fast that time could stop, and he could dodge like this.

"Maybe you have guessed it, but you have no chance. Stop, time!"

Meng Fei smiled evilly at the wild ghost, and then entered the realm of time stopping at a great speed.

The wild ghost finally stopped moving, and Meng Fei also found the scar on the way to approaching the wild ghost.

The wound left on the wild ghost is still burning it.


That's right there!

Meng Fei aimed at the spot and instantly punched countless times, but the result of all that would only be seen after time flows again.

"Time, flow again."

The action stopped, and Meng Fei's voice was extremely cold.

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