"Master, how long have you been pulling this cart?"

It was Meng Fei who was talking. He was a little free so he found a carriage to sit in.

On the way, Meng Fei also talked to him.

The master wore a straw hat, and his dark brown skin was a proof of hard work. Hearing Meng Fei asking him, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and then said: "Hey, I have been pulling this cart since I was a teenager, and I have been pulling it for thirty years!"

"Thirty... years?!" Hearing this number, Meng Fei couldn't help but be a little confused.

After pulling the cart for thirty years, working so hard for so long, life is still so difficult, which makes people sigh.

"Then master, have you ever thought about where you want to be buried after you die?"

This question must be a bit presumptuous, but Meng Fei was confused at this time, and he really wanted to know the answer to such a question.

"Hehe!" Unexpectedly, the master was not afraid, but laughed heartily, and continued: "That must be the cave over there."

While he was talking, he also took the time to point to the direction of the place he said.

"Haha, Master, are you really not afraid that I am a butcher?" Meng Fei said to him jokingly.

The master laughed again, very happily, but said, "It's a pity that you are not."

"Haha!" Meng Fei also laughed, and then he asked: "Xueyuan? What is that place?"

The master wiped his sweat again, stopped to drink a sip of water, and then pulled Meng Fei again, saying: "Xueyuan, as the name suggests, is an abyss..."

"Abyss? What's good about that place?" Before he finished speaking, Meng Fei couldn't help but interrupt, after all, what he said made Meng Fei feel very strange.

Why would you yearn to be buried in the abyss after death? Isn't that the same as throwing the body directly?

"Haha!" Seeing Meng Fei's reaction, the master laughed again, "Ordinary people would have such a reaction when they hear it, which is normal! That's because few people have heard of that legend!"

"What legend?" This instantly aroused Meng Fei's interest.

The old master immediately showed a smug expression, and then he told the story like a storyteller, and even the movement of pulling the cart with his hands slowed down, just to tell the story.

"It is said that in the southeast direction..."

It is said that there is a little-known corner in the southeast direction, surrounded by mountains. Few people come there, and even if they come, they will almost leave disappointed after taking a look, because there is nothing to see even in the scenery.

It is just four ordinary mountains that can't be more ordinary, so the things inside are even less known to people.

And what is hidden inside is the cave abyss that the cart puller is talking about. It is a legend like wild history, and few people know about it either, so he showed a proud feeling when he saw Meng Fei confused.

And how did he know it specifically? It was because there was a period of time when his mother was seriously ill at home and needed money for medicine, and the amount was very large, so he had to take on some long-distance jobs, so he started running around.

He lived in the southeast area, so the main location was in this area. He didn't dare to go too far, after all, his mother still needed to be taken care of.

And when he passed the Sihuan Mountain one day, it was his first time to come to this remote place.

It happened to be bad weather that day, and it rained heavily, so he had to find a place to hide from the rain.

After being in the rain for a long time, he finally found a small village nearby.

Fortunately, the people in the small village were quite enthusiastic, so they took him in. This is the only village near the Sihuan Mountain. The people in it also seemed to be inexperienced and very hospitable.

Among them, he happened to hide from the rain in an old man's house. He had nothing to do, so the old man gave him a piece of advice.

"After entering the Sihuan Mountain, it is taboo to stare down."

When ordinary people heard this, their first reaction must be "Why"?

The same was true for the cart driver. After hearing what he said, he immediately asked him what the reason was.

So, the old man took advantage of nothing to explain it to him seriously, but when an old man starts to explain this and that to you, it is equivalent to telling a story directly.

Undoubtedly, the old man began to tell the story, and the story began to flow out slowly like water.

He said that a long, long time ago, there was no Sihuan Mountain here.

At that time, this place was just like an ordinary place, with people all the time, always very lively, and everything was going on very normally.

People's lives were also relatively peaceful and free.

However, such a life was shattered one day suddenly.

A special group of people who came from nowhere appeared in front of the people living here.

They were so short that they were almost half the height of a normal person, and they were even very afraid of light, so they had to use various "armor" that seemed to be made of mud to cover their bodies tightly, although their hair was very thick.

They held various utensils made of stone, but coincidentally, they spoke a language similar to normal people, so the outbreak of the conflict was definitely not due to language problems.

They also told their origins and the purpose of coming to them.

In other words, they came from the underground world where the villagers lived. This sounded ridiculous, and the villagers at that time did not believe it and thought they were joking.

But later, after these dwarves told their purpose, everyone was silent again.

The dwarves claimed that the land people, that is, the villagers at that time, often walked on the ground, which greatly affected their lives below.

They often heard some unusual noises and saw mud falling from the top of the earth from time to time, which undoubtedly had a great impact on their lives.

So they came up to negotiate, but those guys seemed very cold-blooded and strong, and didn't want to suffer any loss.

They strongly demanded that people leave here and not continue to live here, but the villagers at that time wanted to live in a friendly way, but they were strongly refuted by the dwarves.

They even directly believed that the land people could no longer communicate, so they directly attacked the villagers at that time.

The villagers didn't expect that these guys were not only irritable, but also very powerful. Although they were dwarves, they were not their opponents at all.

They killed people brutally, and finally used very ghostly methods, although that was more like their exclusive ability. In short, they actually changed the appearance of the earth. It was originally a flat land, but it took them only about a month to turn it into Sihuan Mountain, and put the bodies of the villagers one by one in the mountain. I don’t know how they did it.

And there was a big hole in the middle of Sihuan Mountain. From the side, it was the abyss.

Of course, the villagers did not die out at that time. There were always a few seedlings who survived in the end.

That is to say, they are now living near Sihuan Mountain, and it is safe. After all, the domain of the underground people is reflected in Sihuan Mountain.

And that abyss, some of them went to see it later, and then something even more weird happened, that is, people who looked at it for too long fell into it directly, and it would happen to anyone, and their bodies would not be seen after falling in.

The matter was so mysterious that the place was later called "Xueyuan".

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