The story ends here.

But here comes what puzzles Meng Fei, "It doesn't sound like Xueyuan is a geomantic treasure land? Where are you going?"

Yes, Xueyuan is not only no longer a Feng Shui treasure land, it even has the opposite flavor. That's why Meng Fei can't understand why the cart puller would think that it would end up in that place.

The old master wiped his sweat again, shook his sleeves, and explained with a smile: "You don't know, I have been working hard for many years, but in the end I still failed."

At this point, he suddenly stopped, but even Meng Fei understood that the cart puller wanted to say that he had worked so hard for so long, but in the end there was nothing he could do and he could only watch his loved ones pass away.

"So," he breathed a long sigh of relief, and his face looked much more relaxed.

"Since then, I started to recruit people everywhere. If I have money, I will make it. If I don't, forget it. I have no next generation, so I have no thoughts and no hope of life. In my last days, I lived freely. I have traveled to many places over the years. I have seen prosperity, wealth, poverty, burning, killing, looting, kindness and compassion. I have basically seen all kinds of places and all kinds of people, but in the end, everyone’s destination is The same, that is death, leaving the world forever, we are the same but different, but as for death, I no longer have the useless pursuit of what I want after death, and I want to die in the abyss, I mean Specifically, throw my body into the abyss!”

"Thrown into the abyss? Why?"

As for everything he said, it was still difficult for Meng Fei to understand. He didn't quite understand what it meant.

And what exactly is the goal he wants to achieve is something Meng Fei doesn't understand.

Naturally, the cart puller also saw Meng Fei's doubts, so he continued to explain: "What I think is, since it is said that the place under the abyss is the territory of the underground people, so it should be another world. After I left the world, I have been everywhere. I have been there, but I have never been to the so-called 'other world', so this is also my pursuit. I want to see if that world exists, and if it does, what is it like? "

Having said this, the old master's face showed a burst of yearning and relaxation. That kind of longing from the heart was caused by his many years of travel. He became extremely interested in those unknown things and regarded them as For the meaning of existence.

That's why he was interested in that legendary world. It's just that he hasn't completely walked through the real world yet, so it's obviously unrealistic to talk about that place that he doesn't know exists.

So he put the matter aside after his death.

"Master is confused." However, Meng Fei said to him.

The cart puller shook his head, not quite agreeing with Meng Fei's words.

So Meng Fei said to him: "If you go after you die, isn't it the same as never going?!"

Hearing Meng Fei's words, the old master was even more helpless. To put it bluntly, did he really look away?

In fact, he was still afraid of death in his heart, or to be more precise, he was afraid that he would suddenly die now. On the day he died, he was not afraid.

After traveling to many places, I found that the world was not as boring as I had experienced before and thought it was.

That's why this happens.

Meng Fei slowly understood this, but what was different about him was that he wanted to see the abyss. This was no joke. Not only did he want to see it, he would even go down to "visit" it.

"After all, who can know whether something unknown is true or false?" the old master had to explain.

Yes, this is also a question. What is under the abyss and whether there are underground people? To put it bluntly, it is unknown, so going there with such determination is probably a waste of time.

Thinking of this, Meng Fei frowned, obviously making some decision, so he saw him waving his hand to the master and saying: "Master, didn't I tell you to go wherever you want before?"

The cart puller was stunned for a moment, then nodded sharply, "Yes!"

"Hey, now I know where to go?!"

When the old master heard what he said, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at him. This time he could see Meng Fei's harmless smile.

"Do you want to..." The old master didn't dare to think.

"That's right, it's Xue Yuan!" Meng Fei said with a smile on his face.

"Oh my god! Young man, you have to think clearly!" the old master shouted repeatedly, almost all of which were words of admonition to him.

At such a young age, the old master didn't want him to take such a risk just because of his one-sided words.

"Hahaha... You don't need to say anything. What I decided will not change. Let's go! Stop dawdling!"

Meng Fei said, and even patted his shoulder directly.

"Oh, young people are stubborn!"

The old master was chattering, but his movements were real. He couldn't defeat Meng Fei, so he had to compromise.

Out of his familiarity with the place, the old master unconsciously walked quickly, and it can be said that he arrived at Sihuan Mountain very quickly.

Just as the old master described it before, there are four uprooted mountains here with huge gaps in between. You have to go in to find out what is hidden.

Meng Fei covered his face with his hands and looked ahead. There was a path in front of him. From here, you could go straight to the abyss.

The old master stopped here and looked around, as if he was looking for the village he used to live in. After a while, he saw it and said to Meng Fei with a little excitement: "Young man, go ahead. I'll go to the village and wait for you. I hope I can still wait for you!"

"Thank you, old master! But no need. If you want to leave, leave. If you want to stay, stay. I won't force you!"

Meng Fei showed an innocent smile and then plunged into the path.

After crossing the path, it began to get dark in front of him. This was a place surrounded by four mountains. He was in it like a grain of rice in a bowl.

Walking to the middle, Meng Fei's pace gradually slowed down, and finally stopped directly. He stopped.

I saw a "black hole" suddenly appeared in front of him. This must be the so-called cave abyss. Meng Fei stood on the side and observed quietly.

The cave abyss does exist, but whether there are underground people below, that's unknown.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind hit Meng Fei's face, and Meng Fei was a little caught off guard. Then, from the bottomless abyss, a faint sound came.

The sound seemed to come from hell, dragging people down directly.

"This power?!"

Suddenly, a huge suction force was like a pair of invisible hands dragging his body.

Meng Fei felt curious. Although he was surprised by this power, he was still dragged down without resistance.

His body kept falling, and he didn't know when it would end. Then his body kept spinning, but his strong physical fitness made him not even feel faint.


Meng Fei, who finally landed successfully, heard some footsteps, so he pretended to faint and lay motionless on the ground.

"Damn it! It's this land man again! Damn it!"

The voice sounded violently, and at the same time, it was kicking Meng Fei's body with force.

Although there was still no movement, Meng Fei had already guessed in his heart,

"Underground man."

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