"You really deserve it! Anyone on the ground who dares to walk near us will die!"

"Damn it!"

"Huh? He looks like he's not hurt?"

"How is that possible? Let's see...eh? Is it really true?! What's going on?!"

"Then kill him now!"

"Okay! Cut his neck!"


The stone ax struck hard, but it missed and hit the ground.

"What's going on? Where are the people?" The underground man was confused for a while.

"I didn't expect there to be light here. It's really unexpected."

Unexpectedly, Meng Fei suddenly appeared beside him and was still looking at the underground world.

The underground world is isolated from the sunlight on the surface. However, even Meng Fei did not expect that there are actually large and small special crystals embedded in the soil walls. They emit various lights and gather together to directly illuminate the entire underground world. The world lights up.

"Hey! Ground man! Talking to you!"

Seeing that Meng Fei didn't seem to pay any attention to them, the underground people showed a fierce look on their faces and kept yelling at him.


Meng Fei turned around slightly and stretched. He was still a little itchy after getting off the bed just now, but he felt much more comfortable this way.

He finally turned his attention to the underground people. He pointed with his finger: "One, two, three, three."

Meng Fei looked at them for a moment and found that they were indeed the same as the legend.

He is short, only half a human tall, with extremely thick hair, holding a stone ax, and has a particularly violent temperament...

"I almost forgot, who kicked me just now?" Meng Fei asked, looking very calm.

Among the three underground people, the one standing aside stood up first, "I!"


Meng Fei agreed and disappeared immediately.

When he appeared again, the underground man had already flown out, accompanied by a burst of screams.

"You guy! How dare you!"

The remaining two people immediately bared their teeth and grinned. They were not frightened by this, but instead became more arrogant and fierce.

They didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter and kept challenging Meng Fei's patience.

Originally, the underground man in the middle seemed calmer, but the one next to him screamed very loudly.

Then Meng Fei appeared in front of the man and made him disappear with one punch.

In the end, only one underground man was left. He swallowed, but his expression did not give in.

Meng Fei came to him in a big way, but he didn't dare to move. He had to stand there and let Meng Fei look at him carefully.

Meng Fei took a good look at his whole body and couldn't help frowning, because in his eyes, he didn't know whether it was because he was blind or something else. In his opinion, there didn't seem to be any appearance difference between this underground man.

And it seems that except for the slight difference in body shape, everything else seems to be exactly the same? !

This made Meng Fei a little confused. It seemed that the people he had just met were all of the same gender, all men, so he couldn't even see any difference in gender.

You can only guess and imagine, or let this guy take you to see it with your own eyes.

This is why he left an underground man behind. Meng Fei stepped forward and said with some dignity: "Take me to your lair!"

The underground man swallowed a ball of spit that was slightly frightening, thinking that this would eliminate the fear in his heart.

However, his final psychological struggle still ended in failure. He actually led Meng Fei very honestly to the location where the underground people gathered underground.

This change of attitude also made Meng Fei understand that these guys are not big and have bad tempers, but they are actually bullies and shy of the strong.

Their small size makes them weak and sensitive inside, which makes them look so rough in appearance. They show strength because they don't want to be bullied by others. Such violence is a cover for weakness.

In contrast, Meng Fei is truly tough. Of course, this is because he has such capital based on his strong strength.

So faced with such pressure from Meng Fei, the underground man had no choice but to compromise and take him with him honestly.

Meng Fei really didn't expect that this underground world was really big. He had walked a long way and occasionally met some other underground people on the way, but most of them were dismissed by the looks of the underground person led by Meng Fei. gone.

Of course, he was saving his comrades, and Meng Fei ignored him.

Soon, after making several rounds, Meng Fei finally saw mud and stone buildings that looked like houses.

They are like earth mounds rising from the ground, and each one is almost one floor and has a large room. Eating, drinking, having sex, and sleeping, except for having sex, are almost all done in there.

At this time, many figures emerged from the earthbags, looking towards Meng Fei.

The underground man on the side seemed extremely embarrassed, or in other words, he acted as if he had no shame in meeting people. He was even a little afraid of seeing other underground people, especially the underground people here.

These underground people didn't look weird, and they didn't look much different from the ones around him. It was just that these guys looked like a group of people with status.

After seeing the guy next to Meng Fei, he didn't even dare to show his face to others.

He suddenly felt that things were not that simple. Sure enough, after seeing Meng Fei, they knew at a glance that Meng Fei was definitely not an underground person, and there was an underground person next to him, which was obviously very suspicious.

But they did not act rashly, but stayed quietly in place and kept looking up and down at Meng Fei.

After a while, an underground person who was finally recognizable to Meng Fei appeared.

In addition to his different figure from others, he also had a unique white hair!

When the white-haired underground person came out, the other underground people suddenly became serious, and they even bent down to welcome the arrival of the white-haired underground person.

This momentum inevitably startled Meng Fei. This white-haired underground person was obviously a leader-level figure, so he naturally could not neglect it and treated everything that was about to happen with a very serious attitude.

However, he directly skipped Meng Fei, and first asked someone to twist the guy next to Meng Fei over and bring him to the front for a lecture.

"Tell me! What's going on?! If you can't explain it clearly, you'll be in trouble!" said the guards beside the white-haired underground man. They were intimidating without being angry. Although they spoke first, they were all in the white-haired underground man's mind. If he was asked to speak, it would obviously be the same question.

However, facing such a question, the underground man who was questioned could only say helplessly and desperately: "Ground man! This guy! Too powerful, too tough!"

"Nonsense! Where are the powerful ground men?!"

The guard shouted angrily again.

However, this time the white-haired underground man did not obey him, and he stretched out a hand to block the guard, saying:

"No, no, no, you are wrong this time. As the saying goes, there are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens. Our vision cannot be too limited..."

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