Meng Fei raised his eyebrows, "I really didn't expect that there are some sensible people among you underground people?"

But he still said this with a skeptical tone. After all, although the words were beautiful, the actual behavior was another matter.

But the white-haired underground man shook his head and said: "No, what I mean is, whether it is a donkey or a horse, you will know if you pull it out and run around!"

Meng Fei frowned, but still stood tall. He said with a smile: "What? Want to give it a try?"

"Don't! Don't! This guy is very scary!" The underground man kept admonishing the white-haired underground man.

"Useless thing!" The underground guard kicked it away and spat insultingly.

The white-haired underground man glanced at him with cold eyes, and then frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Looking at it like this, it seems that if you don't take it seriously, you will really suffer!"

"What do you mean?!" The guarding underground man next to him listened. After following him for many years, he could often hear more meanings in the white-haired underground man's words.

"Well... get the crystal battle axe!" His voice was deep and powerful, like a calm beast.

"Crystal Battle Ax!"

Although I had already imagined it in my mind, when the name actually appeared, I still felt incredible.

Even the surrounding underground people immediately burst into excitement after hearing these four words, gathering together like a ball of fish, and then a tsunami-like discussion broke out in an instant.

"Crystal battle axe? What is that?" Meng Fei was naturally confused.

At this time, the white-haired underground man waved to another guard underground man. The guard underground man immediately understood and hurriedly came to the crowd and moved them in order.

The crowd was also very obedient and left the scene one by one under the leadership of the underground guard.

The place soon became empty.

And looking at the underground man who was protecting him earlier, he had already disappeared.

Meng Fei didn't care. He wanted to see what these guys were going to do and what tricks they could come up with.

After waiting for a while, the disappeared underground guard appeared again. His hand was wrapped in black earth armor. The thing was almost as tall as them. He held it firmly in his hand, but he didn't feel it. To the point of strenuous.


The guarding underground man came to the white-haired underground man. He knelt down on one knee and offered the black earth shell with both hands.

At this moment, the white-haired underground man stretched out his finger and pointed at the black earth shell. The black earth shell made a crackling sound, and the layers fell off like snake skin, and the black earth shell immediately shattered to the ground.

In the process of its fragmentation, a green light broke out from the gap, illuminating the entire surroundings extremely brightly.

"Wow~" Meng Fei on the side looked at it with great interest, and even had a look of anticipation on his face. He didn't know what kind of treasure this crystal battle ax was.

"What a boy! How dare you laugh!" Seeing Meng Fei's behavior, the white-haired underground man was also directly dissatisfied. He seemed to be looking down on him and even the Crystal Battle Ax.


An extremely sharp sound penetrated the sky, and all the crystal battle axes finally appeared.

It is the same length as the underground man's height, and its ax handle and ax blade are even more one-to-one.

The ax handle is completely black with an earthy brown color, but it does not seem to be made of soil. It is more like a tree, but there does not seem to be such a thing in this underground world.

The most likely thing is that they took the essence from the root of a towering tree, and after carefully processing it, they had such an ax handle.

The most noticeable thing is the ax blade. The entire ax blade directly occupies half the length of the battle axe, and the whole body is crystal clear, like a gem.

It was no stranger to the crystal stone Meng Fei, it was the same as what he saw inlaid on the surrounding mud walls, but there was a difference, that is, this one looked more perfect and had no flaws.

And the light above is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, as if it is alive. It feels like a beating heart, like a living axe.

"Crystal Battle Ax! Once you take it out, you must remove the enemy's head!" The underground guard on the side looked like a flatterer, bragging about the Crystal Battle Ax.

"Oh? Is that so? It's quite interesting." However, Meng Fei still looked cynical, and everything seemed to be playing in front of him.

"What a boy! You are really arrogant!" The white-haired underground man's anger was once again forced a little higher by Meng Fei.

Meng Fei would have been able to deal with them a long time ago, so he finally said forcefully with an unconcealable sarcasm: "If I hadn't wanted to see the crystal battle ax you admire, I would have killed you a hundred times!"

"What a shame!" The white-haired underground man's anger was aroused again. This time he was even more angry, but he was still suppressing it, as if he wanted to make a false deal with Meng Fei.

Before that, he naturally wanted to give Meng Fei a blow, so he stroked the crystal battle ax and said: "This crystal battle ax is a treasure made by the ancestors of our clan with the help of the whole clan. It has been a full two thousand years, and since the crystal battle ax was made, our clan has never suffered any defeats! Ignorant and arrogant boy, you have to think clearly!"

"What do you want to say?" Meng Fei understood the meaning of his words, so he asked in a very cooperative manner.

"Hehe..." The white-haired underground man sneered with satisfaction and sarcasm, and then added: "Since the construction of the cave abyss, no one has been able to come to the underground world alive. Tell me, boy, how did you do it? Help us solve this puzzle, and we will let you go!"

Let him go? Any normal person would not believe his nonsense, let alone Meng Fei?

So, Meng Fei laughed loudly, very happily and boldly, "Sorry, this question can't be answered with words, you have to use actual actions!"

After that, Meng Fei immediately took an offensive posture.

"How dare you!" The white-haired underground man was completely enraged. He didn't expect that he gave Meng Fei a chance, but the other party didn't appreciate it at all, even though it was a fake deal.

In this case, only strength can speak.

Meng Fei flashed in front of him, and the speed scared the white-haired underground man.

"When?!" The underground guard on the side was even more stunned. Almost in the blink of an eye, Meng Fei came to his leader.

"Leader!" he shouted anxiously.

The white-haired underground man was also numb by this, but he also forced himself to adjust. He immediately took two steps back and swung the battle axe behind him.

Meng Fei punched out and instantly confronted the battle axe.

The huge power kept pouring around... Then, something strange happened.

Meng Fei only felt that there was an inexplicable suction force absorbing his power, and the source was the fist that confronted the crystal battle axe.

"This thing?!"

Meng Fei was startled, and then quickly retracted his hand.

I saw that the green light on the crystal battle axe was a little brighter, and it was still flashing.

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